My Quarantine Routine: Graham, a 62-year-old stroke survivor missing his support group

Graham and Heather and Graham getting some exercise at home
Graham and Heather and Graham getting some exercise at home (Picture: Graham Hale)

Coronavirus lockdown means being unable to see friends and family, which can have a huge impact on mental health.

Former policeman Graham Hale, 62, has been in isolation with his wife Heather for two weeks in Winsford, Cheshire. Graham had a massive stroke 11 years ago which left him disabled so Heather is his sole carer.

Before the outbreak, Graham loved to spend time at the local Men in Sheds group, where he could meet with friends and enjoy doing some woodwork but it also gave Heather some time to herself.

As they are now isolating and unable to go out, they are both really missing the support and friendship the group gives to Graham.

Today for My Quarantine Routine, Graham explains how he spent 30 March.

9:15 am

Got up an hour later than I usually would when not in isolation and went downstairs for a breakfast of rice krispies, multigrain shapes and coffee which Heather prepared for me.

9.45 am

Switched on my laptop and checked emails and the latest news which was a bit depressing. To cheer myself up I then watched some TV for a bit – I like chat shows like Jeremy Vine. 

11.15 am

Graham and Heather at home
Graham and Heather at home (Picture: Graham Hale)

Went back upstairs to get showered and dressed with help from Heather as my right arm is paralysed and I have difficulty walking.

11.45 am

Back downstairs to play solitaire on my computer and watch more TV. The days go very slowly now not being able to go out. I really miss the male company at the shed as it’s the only opportunity I get to listen to men banter.

12.30 pm

Graham is still trying to get some exercise at home
Graham is still trying to get some exercise at home (Picture: Graham Hale)

To try and stay healthy, I went on my recumbent exercise bike for 30 minutes. It’s not the same as getting out and about but at least it’s exercise.

1.15 pm

Had lunch which Heather prepared again – cheese and tomatoes on toast, a tangerine, a piece of home-made malt loaf and a cup of coffee.

2 pm

Went into my garage where I have my model electric train laid out. I do enjoy it but I miss making models in the shed. My friend Alan is literally my right-hand man! He helped me make a Scania lorry which gave me a real sense of achievement. They’re a really supportive bunch.

Graham and Alan at the Men in Sheds group before the lockdown
Graham and Alan at the Men in Sheds group before the lockdown (Picture: Graham Hale)

4.30 pm

Back into the house for coffee and biscuits and catching up with friends and family on the laptop.

6.15 pm

Teatime! Tonight it’s homemade chicken and pineapple stir fry and rice, followed by fresh melon and orange segments with a cup of coffee. Heather always makes sure I’m well fed.

7 pm

Watching TV again as there’s not really much else to do. We’re both missing the our children and grandchildren  – they live in Surrey and Bedfordshire so we won’t be able to see them for ages.

9.30 pm

Had a cup of drinking chocolate with my medication.

11 pm

Upstairs to bed.

MORE: My Quarantine Routine: Lorna, who is in the high-risk ‘shielded’ group and completely isolating for 12 weeks

MORE: My Quarantine Routine: Pooja, who works in London but travelled to India to be with family

MORE: My Quarantine Routine: Vicky, an artist who had been at home for four weeks before lockdown due to a knee operation

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