My baby was born five weeks early during lockdown

Terence Klotzford and his daughter Emelia
Having a baby is nothing like the movies – especially during lockdown (Picture: Terence Klotzford)

My baby girl, Emilia, has had a rough entry into the world.

She was born prematurely just over a week ago. My wife had pre-eclampsia, a condition that causes the baby to stop growing, so we had to get Emilia out as soon as possible. It turns out that having a baby is nothing like the movies, especially during a coronavirus lockdown.

My wife was rushed in for a cesarean section but thankfully, I was allowed to be with her during the birth. I also got to cut the cord and hold our little girl, and they put her on my wife’s chest. Just a few hours later however, the NHS workers noticed that our baby’s temperature was unusually low. Emilia was put in an incubator and then had to sleep on a heated mattress, so that they could regulate her temperature. She also had to be fed through a tube.

The experience was horrible. To make matters worse, I was told to leave the hospital on Monday as new Covid-19 safety procedures prevents partners from visiting in order to prevent the virus spreading. It was only five days after the birth, but in hindsight I’m grateful for that, as now new birth partners will only get one hour. Even so, when they broke the news to my wife, she started crying and begged for me to stay.

I’m now at home and it’s heartbreaking being away from both of them and having to hear my wife choke up over the phone, because she’s alone and struggling. Our daughter won’t breastfeed, so her mum has to feed her every three hours with a bottle, then spends half an hour pumping the rest of the milk out and sterilising equipment before getting an hour of sleep and then does it all over again.

And there’s nothing I can do to help her.

The NHS workers try to do as much as they can. The night staff will take over one of the feeds so my wife can sleep, but they are still incredibly short-staffed and listening to voice notes and messages from my wife about how she is hanging on to her sanity by a thread is horrible.

Terence Klutzford's wife with her baby girl Emelia
The thought of my wife or daughter getting coronavirus is terrifying (Picture: Terence Klotzford)

It’s been a really hard time for us, but pre-eclampsia is genetic and my wife’s sister also had it, so we were expecting some potential complications – but we weren’t expecting to have to deal with Covid-19 on top of that.

Ironically, the first seven months of the pregnancy were an absolute breeze, but overnight my wife’s legs swelled up to three times their normal size. Neither of us drive, so it meant that we had to take a 45-minute bus ride to the hospital every other day so that they could take scans and monitor her blood pressure.

As soon as there was talk about a lockdown, my boss told me to go home and work from there so I could look after her. I’m really grateful as I know other people haven’t been as lucky.

The thought of my wife or daughter getting coronavirus is terrifying. All of a sudden, you’ve got this little baby that you’d do anything for and even though the risk seems to be lower for babies to contract it, her mum has just had major surgery and I’m worried about how it will affect her immune system. The hospital is potentially not the best place for them to be right now.

On a positive note, the coronavirus crisis has brought our community together. Acquaintances and neighbours who I don’t even talk to that often have messaged me to ask if there’s anything we need.

People are craving social interaction right now, and we’ve all been chatting across our gardens, with neighbours checking in on each other. The other day there was a package with balloons, nappies, clothes and other presents, as well as a card made by the kids who live in the flats above us, left for me at the front door.

My wife and baby are due to come home today – and I’m so relieved.

Being a dad is surreal. I was shocked by how completely and quickly, within seconds, I fell in love with my daughter. I even texted some friends who have babies and told them I was sorry, because I always thought that they went over the top by constantly talking about their kids. I never thought I’d be that kind of person. It’s like I’ve entered a special club.

I’ve taken paternity leave and added on two weeks of annual leave so I have an entire month to spend with them and bond with my daughter. Sadly, our parents won’t get to meet her just yet; my wife is German and her mum was meant to fly over to the UK next week, which is now obviously not happening, but we’ll be doing video chats with family and friends.

The thing I’m most looking forward to once lockdown is over is to introduce Emilia to everyone. For now, we’ve been joking with the neighbours about holding her up outside the flat like Simba in the Lion King.

But the very first thing I’m going to do when my family is safe and sound in our home is to let my wife sleep for as long as she needs – and hold my baby girl.

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