I ended up self-isolating with my ex

How to be a better listener
Are wedding bells going to ring after this? Resoundingly, no (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

Who would you most like to be stuck with on a desert island?

It’s the crucial castaway question and it has never been more relevant than right now, as up and down the country, couples, family members and flatmates hunker down for the long-run.

My coronavirus quarantine buddy is my ex-boyfriend.

We have a baby together who is part of the vulnerable category and we were meeting up just as lockdown hit. Now we’re eating, breathing and cleaning together 24/7. Oh, and arguing, drinking and snogging.

My ex and I aren’t arch enemies, but with distance and age our ships sailed in different directions in 2018. Now, they are suddenly docked in the same harbour once more.

Living together in such close quarters again has reminded me of why we got together… but also why we separated.

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It took a few days for me to remember that he likes to be waited on hand and foot. At the beginning of our isolation together, I gave in and momentarily became a domestic goddess, making my famous spaghetti bolognese and opening a few bottles of red wine for us.

But by day three, his frequent food requests became irksome, and I chucked a packet of crisps and a beer at him for dinner. 

As supermarket stocks dwindled on shelves, so did my interest in cooking for my ex and it was quickly replaced with squabbling about who ate the last of the chocolate and me hiding snacks in unusual places, which he eventually found and then denied having eaten.

I’d also forgotten how much he likes his alone time – as do I. This is a tricky navigation in the current climate, so the washing machine cupboard and upstairs bathroom are now heavenly hideaways, albeit minuscule ones. 

He’s even come into my room at night to give me a little cuddle. Even if I did boot him out shortly after

One night, we had a small tiff about who should have a bath first and I diffused the situation by dancing around the living room in my underwear to Rick Astley. He responded by snogging me. Oops. 

It was quite nice to have a kiss and a cuddle, and it felt familiar. But this brief romantic moment didn’t last and he’s since got annoyed at me for waking him up with my alarms (which were only set so I could be the first in the queue to get us a food order) and called me an ‘internet addict’ after I’ve hidden from him with my computer five times.

I suppose the feeling is mutual though as small things are beginning to grate on me too. Things like the talcum powder that he puts in his pants and leaves remnants of all over the bathroom floor, the fact he’s constantly checking his bank account and the petty squabbles on who should answer the door when the Amazon Prime delivery man arrives.

But at least I have managed to get the holy grail of food deliveries and paid for it with his card. He grumbled and asked me if I was ‘finished with his wallet’. I paused for a moment then replied: ‘Darling, I am never finished with your wallet’.

There have been arguments; we’ve even rowed about this article (he’s not sure I should be writing about him – although he approved it in the end).

But despite our bickering, we can still find things to laugh and joke about during this apocalyptic situation, and in times of difficulty, this can only be seen as a positive. 

He’s even come into my room at night to give me a little cuddle – although I did boot him out shortly after.

We are intricately linked by our son, and playtimes and laughter are our common ground and salvation. Being stuck indoors makes you evaluate, process and live in the present. 

Although, like everyone else, I am dreaming of my freedom and some much-needed ‘me’ time, it’s a case of making it work for the moment, as so many others are.

In an odd way, I think we have found each other comforting in these uncertain times, becoming good friends in unusual circumstances, which I believe will have a positive impact on our future friendship.

Are wedding bells going to ring after this? Resoundingly, no. But are we friends again? I’d say so. 

Do you have a story you’d like to share?

Get in touch by emailing jess.austin@metro.co.uk. Share your views in the comments below.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/14/spending-self-isolation-ex-12532769/?ITO=squid
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