How to cope with ‘isolation envy’ – if you’re jealous of everyone’s lockdown setups

Now that we’re in lockdown for the long haul, we’ve all had to switch up our social media game.

Gone are the smug brunches, gym changing room selfies, look-how-much-fun-we’re-having after work cocktails – the focus now is all about flaunting the perfect lockdown setup.

Whether we’re showing off our culinary conquests, updating our Pinterest-worthy interiors, or humble bragging about our latest living room workout – everyone seems to be trying to one-up everyone else with just how perfectly we are filling every hour of every day.

And it isn’t only social media. Suddenly we are Zooming into the homes of our bosses, colleagues, distant family members and friends of friends. And while we may only see a glimpse in the background, the perfectly curated bookshelves, light-bathed expanses of wooden flooring, hints of a lawn or balcony through windows, are enough to leave us feeling inadequate.

For those of us who live in tiny, city flats, lacking in natural light and completely devoid of outdoor space, being constantly confronted with everybody else’s seemingly perfect lockdown setups can cause jealousy to rear its ugly head.

My flat is lovely. My boyfriend and I have worked hard to make the most of our small space, and normally I am very proud of it. But lockdown has left me feeling anxious about how it stacks up against my friends’ and colleagues’ homes. Whenever I am summoned for a video chat, I find myself frantically positioning my laptop so my backdrop is something ‘acceptable’.

In these wildly uncertain and stressful times, the last thing we need is to pile more pressure on ourselves to make sure our homes look perfect to everyone else, but it can feel inescapable now that our homes have become our entire world.

And the jealously that comes with this pressure is unwelcome and exhausting.

Clinical psychologist Dr Roberta Babb says 2020 is an ‘age of envy’. And our problem comes in the fact that we deny ourselves the freedom to admit and accept when we’re jealous – which can make these feelings even worse.

‘We have been taught that envy is an unbecoming feeling and one to be ashamed of experiencing,’ Roberta tells ‘Consequently, feelings of envy are frequently denied at the public and private level.

illustration of person staring at themselves on a Zoom call
Why does everyone on Zoom have amazing houses? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

‘The underground nature of envy can trigger an unhelpful and corrosive cycle, as the stronger the feelings of envy, the more they can negatively impact you.’

She says that it is not the feelings of envy themselves that are necessarily problematic, but it is what those feelings can do to us, and how they can make us behave.

Jayne, a trainee solicitor living in London, says she is experiencing isolation envy, and it’s making her not want to speak her friends.

‘I live with housemates, but I don’t really know them – so I essentially just have my bedroom, and it’s not very big,’ she tells

‘I have friends who are in lockdown with their partners in beautiful flats, or have big houses with gardens – some were even telling me they had a BBQ over the bank holiday weekend. I don’t like to admit it, but it honestly makes me so jealous to hear about them having all that space and freedom while I’m literally eating dinner perched on my bed.

‘I don’t blame them, it’s not their fault they have more space and gardens, but it does make it hard for me to talk to them. I end up getting annoyed, or just feeling like they don’t understand what lockdown is like for people who don’t have their own place.

‘I need my friends more than ever, and I don’t want jealousy to me a reason that I don’t want to speak to people. But I am definitely finding it tricky.’

Dr Roberta says isolation envy is similar to social media envy – the feeling of jealousy triggered by seeing someone’s life through the specific prism of what they choose to present online.

‘By having unprecedented access to people’s most intimate and inner worlds – through the increasing use of video calling – we cannot help but make comparisons between what we are seeing online on the screen, and what we have offline in the real world,’ Roberta explains.

‘Social comparison theory suggests that we naturally compare ourselves to other people, and that envy is what we feel when we believe we do not match up to the comparison.’

Roberta adds that our experience of ‘online reality’ is important because before the pandemic, the online world we saw was of famous people, influencers and people we knew, but that has all changed incredibly quickly.

‘Now, in the time of physical distancing, video conferencing (for work and social experiences for example) has also become the norm as we see everyone,’ says Roberta.

‘This means that we cannot control the insights we have into other people’s worlds and what we are exposed to, which can feel deflating, overwhelming, relentless.’

How being unable to decorate the places we live is affecting us
‘My isolation envy isn’t just about material things – what really affects me is that I am alone’ (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Elsa*, a freelance writer living in a studio flat in London, says the envy she feels is less about material things, and more about feeling alone.

‘I am so fed up with seeing people share their amazing lives in lockdown,’ she tells us.

‘I have, without a doubt, got isolation envy – I live alone, in a very beautiful but very small flat, and the only access to a “garden” is the pavement out front where my bins are. So unless I want to tan next to a questionable smell that undoubtedly gets worse in hot weather, my option is to sit inside or go for a walk (which I do, a lot).

‘But my isolation envy isn’t just about material things, that stuff doesn’t really bother me.

‘What really affects me is that I am alone – I keep seeing photos and videos of people cooking with their family, housemates or partner. Or maybe they’re out for a run together. Or playing board games at home.

‘Meanwhile, I am trying to keep from going crazy and feel I will inevitably start chatting to my plant.

‘Oddly, I love being alone in my own company. But when the option of seeing others is taken away from you, it doesn’t feel like I’m choosing to be on my own.’

Dr Roberta says feeling like this is completely natural, particularly during a time of heightened emotion and stress.

She says Elsa’s envy may be caused by ‘comparisonitis’ – which can create painful feelings of being ‘less than’ and questions such as ‘how come?’, which can spiral uncontrollably.

‘Once something is seen, and felt, it cannot be unseen or felt,’ Dr Roberta adds.

‘Seeing behind the curtain and into someone’s life can create intense feelings of envy which are intensified due to the lack of control, anxiety and sadness people feel during this pandemic and the psychological impact the restrictions that are being placed on us are having.’

The good news is that there are strategies for improving your mental resilience and learning how to cope with feelings of envy and lessen their impact on your self esteem.

How to cope with isolation envy

‘There are a number of ways you can manage your isolation envy which will enable you to feel more comfortable with yourself and others during this period of physical distancing,’ says Roberta.

Here are her top tips on developing the tools to limit how much envy impacts your mental state during lockdown:

Develop a resilient mindset

Focusing on yourself and developing a resilient mindset. Resilience is not just about the ability to cope with adversity, but it also includes the ability to adapt to adversity.

The concept of adaptation is central when thinking about combating isolation envy, as it encourages a person to focus on what they can change which is themselves, not other people.

Focus on you

It is important that you do not compare yourself to others.

Part of isolation envy stems from the fact that you see yourself in relation to others.

You believe they occupy the powerful position of having, while you occupy the powerless position of not having.

By focusing on you, you can readdress the balance of power which can combat feelings of inferiority, pain, depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, loneliness, helplessness and hopelessness.

Learn to let go

Learning to let go of that which does not serve you can be challenging, but incredibly liberating.

This includes being aware of the destructive force of envy and how it impacts you.

Think about what being envious does for you? Does it help you to reach your goals,
or feel better about yourself?

The chances are that it probably does not serve you, as an envious attitude or approach to life can leave you feeling miserable, anxious, feeling trapped and with little self-confidence or self-worth.

Practice radical acceptance

The cognitive strategy of radical acceptance has its roots in Buddhism. It posits
that reality (as it is) must be accepted, rather than fought against.

While this can be painful as others may have things that you do not, radical acceptance teaches us that feeling envious or jealous of others and their situations, is a cause of greater suffering that the situation itself.

Learn to reality test

It is important to remember that no one has it all, even if it appears that way.

Through someone’s camera you are only getting a snapshot of an insight into their world. The digital domain is a perfect tool for positive impression management. It can be shaped to present the particular viewpoint which influences the observer’s perception.

Practice gratitude and celebrate achievements

Learn to recognise, appreciate and be grateful for what you have, and what you have achieved, no matter how big or small.

This can help you develop an abundance mentality which can help you to value things differently and learn to live and be content with less.

Friends and relationships

Spend time with people who hold the same values as you do, as they are more likely to support you, than compete with you.

Celebrate other people’s successes. Transform feelings of envy into feelings of

When you enjoy the success of others, you start a positive feedback loop of positive thinking in your own mind. You are more likely to feel happier, less envious, and more confident.

Re-frame your experience

Think about how you present your offline world online. Some people may be looking at your life through your camera lens and be envious of you, or jealous of your relationships.

You can use your strengths to inspire others, rather than feeling deficient when
compared to others.

Transform negative emotions into positive emotions

Emotions are contagious and self-replicating. Negativity breeds more negativity and positivity breeds positivity.

Remember, although you do not have any control about what is presented to you of someone’s world online, you have control about how you respond to it.

Rather than have envy as an enemy, make envy your friend and channel the
energy into something positive.

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