Going out for dinner and having kinky sex top list of things Brits want to do after lockdown

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This is going to be us (Picture: Getty Images)

What are you most looking forward to after the lockdown is over?

The coronavirus pandemic has taken away some of life’s biggest and simplest pleasures, so at the moment all we can do is dream of freedom.

If going out for dinner or just having sex again is on your to-do list then you’re certainly not alone.

Sport supplement brand Lyvit found these two activities to be top of the list of things Brits want to do after lockdown is lifted.

The brand asked 3,000 members of the British public what general and more extreme activities they’re planning when the government relaxes current social-distancing measures.

The results revealed that going on holiday also makes the top three.

When asked what adventurous activities they planned to complete, skydiving was revealed as the most popular choice, followed by running a marathon and climbing a mountain. 

The research also found that the pandemic has impacted British people’s attitude to life, with more than two thirds (68%) planning to ‘live life more fully’.

We can certainly relate.

What are Brits most looking forward to doing once lockdown is lifted?

The top five general activities Brits want to do post-pandemic are:

  1. Go out for dinner
  2. Have sex
  3. Go on holiday
  4. Go to the gym
  5. Host a dinner party

The top five ‘extreme’ challenges Brits want to take on post-pandemic are:

  1. Skydive
  2. Run a marathon
  3. Climb a mountain
  4. Learn to ski
  5. Cycle an iconic route

Sex is on the cards for many who aren’t currently isolating with a partner or potential sex buddy.

But it’s not just average sex, Brits want more adventure in the bedroom once lockdown is over and try more kinks and explore fetishes.

The survey also asked respondents what the biggest change to their day-to-day life has been since social-distancing.

Two fifths (42%) said they’re making more of an effort to be active, a third said they are more careful with their money and a fifth said they speak to their family more.

For a small few, less than a tenth, there were no changes.

Lyvit’s founders explained: ‘The coronavirus pandemic has significantly altered the way we live our lives, and the impact will be felt far into the future.

‘That’s why we decided to commission this research, to see what the British public plan to do once social-distancing stops – and it’s thrilling to see that many want to get outdoors and experience new things.’

We can’t wait.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/08/going-dinner-kinky-sex-top-list-things-brits-want-lockdown-12525208/?ITO=squid
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