Does the coronavirus pandemic spell the end of the influencer?

During the lockdown, influencers have become a relied upon source for entertainment, community and advice.

As a potentially lethal pandemic sweeps across the globe, from the public and the influencers’ perspective it can seem insensitive to keep plugging on, business as usual.

But they have to keep going somehow.

Hester Bates, marketing director of writes, ‘[the studies] are telling us that social media usage is up’.

Bates describes this ethical dilemma of ‘not wanting to appear to be too opportunistic but not wanting to miss out on what is, let’s face it, an excellent opportunity’.

An uptick in traffic ‘hasn’t necessarily translated into more earnings for influencers’ according to Business Insider. With cancelled sponsorship deals for some, no travel opportunities for others, and as the scope for ways of posing from home proving to be, limited, we ask: how are they responding?

Covid-19 has left travel influencers little choice, moral or otherwise, but to cancel trips and freeze brand partnerships.

Alex Stead is a travel photographer/influencer with 1.2m followers on Instagram. He tells us that ‘everyone is very nervous’.

‘Our jobs were among the first to cancel and sadly will most likely be the last to come back,’ Alex tells ‘It’s very obvious to most of us that travelling and working how we used to is going to take a long time to get back to normal.

‘My Instagram posts have stayed the same, but my message has changed completely. I’ve made it really clear to my audience that all of my recent image posts were taken in the past.

‘I’ve also had more time to focus on, for example creating editing tutorials and posting my own video content on YouTube.

‘My audience is responding really well. A lot of creatives are sat at home looking for ways to improve their skills, so it feels like doing these kinds of videos are really appreciated by the community at the moment.’

But where travel influencers are ground to a shuddering halt, others have seen their content take flight.

Dr. Stephanie Alice Baker from City, University of London tells us: ‘The influencers who have stood out during the pandemic are those who use their brand to provide strategies for their followers to cope during the enforced lockdown.

‘These range from wellness gurus sharing recipes, to fitness gurus, like Joe Wicks, providing free home workouts, which leads to increased views, advertising revenue and future endorsements.

‘Cleanfluencers (cleaning influencers) have capitalised on the heightened sense of hygiene across the globe during the pandemic by providing advice on how to prevent the virus from spreading and contaminating surfaces in the home’.

cleanfluencer lynsey crombie
Lynsey Crombie, known as the Queen of Clean is continuing her work throughout the lockdown (Picture: Lynsey Crombie)

‘I’m fortunate that my sector, homecare, is booming,’ says Lynsey Crombie, also known as the Queen of Clean. (@lynsey_queenofclean). She is a ‘cleanfluencer’ with a segment on This Morning (ITV) and a new book out The Easy Life. One could be forgiven for thinking she’s embodied her book title, having fallen into the influencing honey pot.

Lynsey Crombie tells us: ‘I’m trying to keep [my content] positive, but also keep it real.

‘I’m focusing on activity-based content that the whole family can jump onboard with. Last week the lemon drizzle cake I made with my son Jake went viral.

‘On a practical note, people are running out of cleaning products and hand sanitiser so I’m sharing lots of IGTV tutorials on how to make your own using things you’d find around the house like white wine vinegar, rubbing alcohol and lemons. [This] has received over 250k views on Facebook and Instagram.’

Despite benefiting, she is clearly providing a useful service to people in a time of need.

‘I feel like I’m connecting even more with my wonderful audience over this time,’ says Lynsey. ‘People are finding cleaning a real lifeline at this time, not just because it makes the home which we’re now stuck in a pleasant and reassuringly safe/germ free environment, but because a good clean moves your body and gets those endorphins flowing – It’s a guaranteed mood booster.’

lynsey crombie
Lynsey has seen massive success amid the pandemic (Picture: Lynsey Crombie

Then, there are those who adapt.

Jenny Walton is a New York based fashion influencer, who, in stark contrast to the thirsty influencers who strap slithers of masks to their genitals to make quarantine bikinis, has been crafting chic, designer face masks, recorded mask-making tutorials, and has sent around 40 masks to @masks4medicine to distribute.

‘I was so happy that I was able to help even in some small way,’ Jenny says.

jenny walton wearing a mask made of a prada dustbag
Jenny crafted a mask out of a Prada dustbag (Picture: jennymwalton)

As for her page in general, she says:’I think it’s important to keep sharing inspiration and to give people something positive to look at if they are in that mindset and need a laugh or a pick me up, but I also think it’s important to see how you can help and lend your specific skillset (for me that was making masks and instructing others on how to do that as well as inspiring them to do that.

‘I have received so many wonderful photos of followers wearing their own masks. It gives me an even closer relationship with my audience because we’ve gone through something and learned how to navigate it together.”

Jenny’s Prada face mask got 18.2k likes (at the time of writing), compared to the mid-low thousands of likes she usually receives for a photo.

So, with some influencers adjusting to a sharp freeze in work, other influencers finding themselves in the spotlight and everyone else just trying to find ways to adapt to the unprecedented circumstances, what does this mean for the future of the influencer?

Laura Ward-Ongley, managing director of influencer marketing agency, TLA, thinks ‘as with any seismic shift in the global landscape, there are winners and losers – and this crisis with its shrinking marketing budgets is separating the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the influencers brands are willing to put their commercial faith in working with.

‘Generic accounts that lack authenticity are falling to the way-side.’

As for the fate of the travel influencer, Alex doesn’t believe ‘it’s going to go back to normal all of a sudden’.

‘Due to the hit the global economies have taken, I don’t think travel brands will be keen on quickly spending the money for advertisement and campaigns,’ he explains. ‘Even when travel is available to us again, it’s possible that a lot of people won’t have those savings anymore to spend on holidays.”

‘I feel a lot of travel influencers will need to look for other opportunities at least for the next six to eight months to maintain an income.’

Laura Ward-Ongley advises: ‘There will be life after CV19 and that influencer marketing, being a relatively low-cost option for brands, is set to be very appealing in the coming months.

‘Influencers can use this time to build value across their channels so they’re ready to hit the ground running’.

It’s adapt or die.

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