Can you move house during lockdown?

Illustration of a woman looking glum with moving boxes in the background
It’s not the easiest time to move house (Picture Ella Byworth for

You might have noticed people talking on social media about rogue landlords who are circling like sharks around their properties, eager to get tenants out during lockdown.

Some tenants are even being threatened with eviction (side note: the government has announced a three-month eviction ban in England and Wales, so the law is on the renter’s side).

If your rental contract is coming to an end or you desperately need to get out of your current property, the question remains: can you move during lockdown?

We ask property experts to explain what’s happening on the rental market right now, such as if you should move or stay put, how to view flats in the current climate and how coronavirus has affected the market (cheaper rents included).

Can you move house during lockdown?

Well, you can – but it’s recommended to avoid it if possible, at least until lockdown is over as to limit the risk of catching or spreading coronavirus.

‘The most important thing to do, if possible, is to put all transactions on hold and agree an extension to your current contract with your existing landlord,’ Evan Maindonald, a UK-based property expert and CEO of Melt Property, tells us.

‘If for any reason this cannot be done and you have no choice but to move, then the government advice regarding social distancing should be adhered to.’

The world must still keep spinning (mostly), so many estate agents and landlords are offering a new method of viewing flats: via video.

‘Renting during the coronavirus lockdown has become very difficult,’ says Deepak Shukla, a property expert and landlord.

‘The market has dropped precipitously, the situation is that more renters are moving out of properties due to financial difficulties. This has left a glut of supply in the market.

‘However renting is still possible, of course tenants can look at photographs of properties online. In addition to this, new technologies such as Matterport have provided innovative ways to view properties.

‘Matterport create a 3D image of the entire property so that you can virtually navigate your way round and see the property in full.’

Existing tenants are also doing their part to help out.

‘Where properties are occupied, some tenants have been fantastically helpful and offered to do the videos themselves,’ Lucy Pendleton, property expert at James Pendleton, tells us.

‘The video tours are working really effectively, meaning prospective tenants don’t need to suspend their search until the lockdown is over. Our own consultants are only visiting properties that have been empty for some time.  

‘We’re making the videos as detailed as possible to help people get comfortable with shopping for a home they can’t actually visit yet. 

‘If you get sent a video of a property that poses more questions than it answers, don’t feel pressured into signing on the dotted line.

‘Make sure you ask more questions and request additional video evidence if necessary. If the agent has nothing to hide, they will be more than happy to oblige.’

Coronavirus is causing landlords to reduce rents

An illustration of a man holding a large bag with a pound sign on it, on an orange background
Save a few pounds during the pandemic (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Moving – remember, it’s not recommended unless you really have to – could also see you save more than a few pounds on rent.

Deepak says: ‘Many landlords and companies are offering properties at discounted prices to renters to try to attract business.

‘An example are Sonder, a unicorn company, who are providing 40% discounts on their properties.’

Evan agrees, pointing out that the market has seen a ‘jolting effect’, with both landlords and buy-to-let investors being forced to reduce rents due to the fact it’s harder to fill rooms or homes.

As an example, you can currently get a room on Zoopla in the popular millennial spot of Clapham for around £550 – normally, similar rents in the area reach towards £700 -£800 or more.

Meanwhile over in west London’s Notting Hill, there are rooms for just £400 and in Royal Oak, Paddington, you can get a central London room for just over £500.

Some agencies are taking additional precautions when meeting up with tenants (or avoiding this completely), including using gloves to hand over keys outside the flat or house – at a two-metre distance, of course– and allowing them to view the properties on their own, before making their decision.

Signatures for rental agreements and the usual paperwork is all handled online to avoid cross-contamination.

‘On the upside, there are some positive impacts,’ adds Evan.

‘We have still had new tenants moving in during this period with most of the work being done remotely – it is only the key collection that has been a swift handover and any issues on how to set up/use appliances etc. have been dealt with over the phone.

‘Our property management team will implement this process moving forward as it is more efficient and reduces the number of time-wasters they usually get when doing property viewings in person.’

Considering giving up renting and getting your own place?

Check back next week, when we find out if now is a good time to buy a house.

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