You can now ask Alexa for good news every day from

You can now ask Alexa for good news every day from
Just say ‘Alexa, give me some good news’ (Picture:

Good news might feel hard to come by right now, with our TVs and radios blaring lockdown and symptoms.

While this news is absolutely necessary, it can mean we’re not getting much respite from the general doom and gloom of what’s going on.

That’s why has teamed up with Amazon Alexa to give you your daily dose of happy news from around the world.

We already had our very own command on the device, where people could get handpicked stories read out to them by the Amazon queen herself.

It seems like now, however, it’s time for a lighter pick-me-up, so instead of saying to Alexa ‘what do I need to know today?’ it’s now switched to ‘Alexa, give me some good news’.

That command will get Alexa to start reeling off a wholesome story we’ve published on, and hopefully get you smiling too.

For example, today she would reply: ‘According to the Metro: A woman who lost a mixtape she had made on a family holiday in Spain in the early 90s randomly found it while visiting an art exhibition in Sweden more than two decades later.

‘In 2017, it washed up on a beach more than 1,200 miles away in the Canary Islands and miraculously still worked.’

If you don’t have an Alexa but still want your fix of happy news, you can also check out our thread on things bringing us together despite the pandemic.

It’s hard to be in the house and be bombarded with death tolls and stories of food shortages, but hopefully, this can be a bit of brightness on otherwise dark days.

Do you gave a story to share with us? Get in touch at

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