More of us are working from home as coronavirus pushes more of us into self-isolation and lockdown.
To give us WFH newbies some inspiration for their new style of working, we’re taking a look at people’s home offices – from the laptop trays stacked on sofas to the fancy marble rooms with standing desks – in our new mini series, Where I Work.
So far we’ve peeked at the desk of a comedian, seen how one writer is working on a houseboat, and met a barefoot athlete who has no chairs in his home
Today we’re chatting to Yossy, a 21-year-old digital PR intern, blogger, and photographer who’s currently working in her bedroom at her parents’ house, where she lives with her mum, dad, and older sister.
Hi, Yossy! Where are you working right now?
I usually work in an office but with coronavirus getting worse we’ve all had to start working from home now.
My desk in my bedroom is where I like to work from and I use my laptop to get everything done. I’ve sent all my files I need to my laptop so I’m good to go.
Google Drive and a notepad go a long way, as well as Rocket and Zoom for contacting my colleagues.
Talk us through a day at work.
My day starts with me checking in on my colleagues to see if I’ve missed any important messages, followed by checking for any mentions our clients may have got.
Then it’s back to writing up press releases as well as looking out for #journorequests that may be relevant to our client.
Between that there are video meeting calls to catch up and see where everyone is, lunch and checking the news every five minutes for updates.
What are your personal rules for working from home?
I have to work from my desk as it makes me feel like I’m still in the office.
I try to only look at my phone when changing the song playing on Spotify – sometimes I’ll even put my phone on flight mode to help
My speakers also help as we always have Alexa playing radio one in the office but we’ve taken to having a synced Spotify playlist now so we all feel connected somewhat.
My plants, bright bedsheets and candles help me feel more relaxed.
Do you like working from home?
A benefit of working from home is you have a bit more of a lie-in as well as wearing pyjamas at my desk!
I feel like I work better when surrounded by others doing work so that is going to prove a bit of a challenge but our chat has been a great help as everyone is really trying to boost each other’s morale.
What advice do you have for other people working from home?
Having a space that you actually like being in really helps!
Find a feelgood playlist and put it on shuffle, I can’t tell you how much music has helped make this experience better.
Do you have a super-pretty workspace you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing
Share your views in the comments section below.
MORE: Why you shouldn’t work from your bed when working from home during coronavirus self-isolation
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