My Quarantine Routine: Kelly, a 48-year-old foster carer and business owner with six teenage children

My Quarantine Routine: Kelly, a 48-year-old foster carer and business owner with six teenage children
Kelly faces running her business with six kids at home (Picture: Kelly Newton)

Life has certainly changed in the last few weeks. A month ago, we’d barely heard the phrases social distancing or self-isolation and now they are on everyone’s lips.

Coronavirus has changed the way we work, shop, live and socialise.

We’re all adjusting to new routines so to give you an idea of how you can manage your time, we’re launching a new mini-series – My Quarantine Routine.

Each day we’ll look at a different person or family and chat about now they organise their time through one day of isolation.

If you’re looking for something focused on working from home, we’ve also launched the Where I Work mini-series so you can take a look around everyone’s desk spaces.

To kick us off, we’re with Kelly Newton – a 48-year-old foster carer with six teenage children.

She was working in a medical centre until Tuesday when the clinic closed indefinitely but also runs her own business from home called BP3 Underwear.

She is social distancing as much as possible to try to keep everyone safe.

This is how she and her family spent the day on 19 March.

7.30 am

Woke up naturally and had a cup of tea and some toast while flicking through messages and social media.  

8.00 am

Called up to my girls who are in years 8 and 9 to get dressed and come and eat breakfast.

They were asked to leave school yesterday because one of them had a cough so I need to try and make their day as structured as possible for all our sakes.

They are not allowed back to school until after Easter.

9.00 am

My Quarantine Routine: Kelly
All six kids will be learning at home (Picture: Kelly Newton)

Girls are all dressed and sitting at the kitchen table working from information that has been posted on the school website. I go into the living room to do my online workout on catch up.

Jemma’s Health Hub has been a lifesaver for me the past few months and I am determined to keep up with the classes for my mental health more than anything.

9.30 am

Feel awake and focused so sit at the kitchen table to send some emails and post light-hearted social media posts for the business. 

GIrls are working quietly and with minimal supervision and all is well.

10.30 am

Girls are getting boisterous so I send them out to the garden to jump on the trampoline for a bit. Lots of screaming and laughter and everyone seems relaxed and happy.

School is keeping us all updated with news on the virus as things happen.

12.00 pm

Girls have been reading and working still from school Firefly.  Two of the girls make cookies.

They start to bicker and annoy each other (and me) so I take my laptop into the living room for some peace and quiet and I eat a cheese toasty, a packet of crisps, half a packet of biscuits and a banana.

1.00 pm

Girls sit down again to read but they keep arguing and winding each other up.  I ask two of them to take their books into the snug.

I then proceed to eat half of the cookies they have made.

2.00 pm

My Quarantine Routine: Kelly
Trying to get out for supplies (Picture: Kelly Newton)

Let the girls watch a bit of TV and make a shopping list for my husband. 

My eldest son eats like a horse and we have five rolls of toilet paper left.

I haven’t been stockpiling and don’t intend to but there is eight of us to feed so we do need to shop.

3.00 pm

Husband comes home from work and takes our 2 boys up to the high street to get the shopping.

They are out for two hours and visited five different shops but still came back with no toilet paper, chicken or mince.

I make a sausage jambalaya with old peppers, onions and chorizo that I found hiding in the back of the fridge! 

5.00 pm

We all sit down for dinner and discuss the importance of washing our hands, not eating too much or wasting food and not using all the toilet paper up.

6.00 pm

My son shows me a news piece that says all the schools in Scotland and Wales will be closing until the end of summer. 

He was doing A levels this summer and it looks like he won’t be sitting any exams which he isn’t overly worried about as he got really good mock results, but if he doesn’t go back to school he misses the build-up to leaving, leavers ball, summer trips etc. 

I have to go and lay down as the thought of everyone being home for the next few months is overwhelming.

8.00 pm

Girls have all bathed and have pyjamas on and are sitting watching a film.  My husband and I sit in the living room and watch a film.

We talk about the fact that his contract at his job finishes at the end of the month and more than likely won’t be renewed.

He also has a shutter company that has already been affected by the virus and with more and more people self-isolating there will be fewer quotes and sales, which is worrying.

11.00 pm

Go to bed but read for a bit as I am not tired.

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MORE: Where I Work: Sally, a jewellery designer working in the flat in Manchester she shares with her boyfriend

MORE: Where I Work: Yossy, the intern working from her bedroom sanctuary as the coronavirus pandemic continues

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