Model overcomes a paralysed leg and spine defect to climb Everest and be part of the world’s highest fashion show

Ornella Gunesekere of Sri Lanka competes in the swimsuit competition during the 2018 Miss Universe pageant in Bangkok on December 13, 2018. (Photo by Lillian SUWANRUMPHA / AFP) (Photo credit should read LILLIAN SUWANRUMPHA/AFP via Getty Images)
Ornella Gunesekere of Sri Lanka competes in the swimsuit competition during the 2018 Miss Universe pageant in Bangkok (Picture: Lillian SUWANRUMPHA / AFP via Getty)

Ornella Gunesekere has always loved a challenge.

At ten years she’d won first place in her school’s high jump for three consecutive years.

At 13, she took a tumble during a routine basketball game. Little did she know that it would confine her to a lumbar brace for the next seven years triggering symptoms of an undetected birth defect, which would affect the rest of her life.

Following the ill-fated game Ornella was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis; a spinal condition causing the lower vertebrae to slip forward to the bone directly beneath it.

Doctors identified her condition as grade 2; a slippage of 25% to 50%. By Ornella’s 20th birthday it had deteriorated to the serious grade 3+, where the slippage was between 51% and 75%.

‘I couldn’t sit for more than 30 minutes,’ Ornella tells ‘The pain got worse every year.

ornella surgery
Ornella following surgery

‘By the time I was 20 years old my left leg was almost fully paralysed and I was dragging it to get around.

‘I spent months in bed only getting up, with help, to use the bathroom.’

To stop the condition worsening doctors proposed surgery; inserting two six-inch titanium rods and four screws to realign the spine. Ornella, now ravaged by pain, agreed.

This was followed by six months of rehabilitation when she was bed-bound and nurses would brush her teeth for her. A further six months passed before the nerves fully healed.

She was then finally pain-free, for the first time in seven years.

Ornella works as a model and actress, and takes part in beauty pageants (Picture: Ornella Gunesekere)
Ornella works as a model and actress, and takes part in beauty pageants (Picture: LILLIAN SUWANRUMPHA/AFP via Getty Images)

Thrilled to have a second chance Ornella threw herself at life. However, her happiness was short-lived.

At 22, the titanium rods broke from over-exertion while Ornella was studying in the US. This meant more surgery. The second time around Ornella recovered faster – but she was now terrified of her own body and no longer trusted herself with it.

Returning home, Ornella began modelling, acting, and taking part in beauty pageants to build herself a career.

ornella gunesekere
She began to undergo intense physical training (Picture: Ornella Gunesekere)

At 26, chance encounter with personal training duo, Tanuja and Hasitha Raymond, changed Ornella’s life again but this time it would be for the better.

‘When I first met her I remember thinking she was frail like a bird,’ says Tanuja. ‘She spoke of her injuries and cautious with movement. But she always turned up.’

In January 2020 a friend invited Ornella to join the Highest Altitude Fashion Show. It sounded great, but there was a catch. It would take place in Kala Patthar, Nepal; 5643 metres above sea level.

Models were required to carry their own backpacks and trek past Everest Base Camp.

ornella guneskere climbing everest
Ornella hiked for 16 days to reach the show (Picture: Ornella Gunesekere)

It was the catalyst for Tanuja and Hasitha to amp up Ornella’s training. They began work on strengthening her back and making it better suited to climbing.

‘When she prepared for Everest she trained two hours a day carrying a 10kg backpack during her workouts,’ Tanuja explains.

After completing the tough training, Ornella trekked for 16 days to reach Black Rock, a steep World Heritage site on Mount Everest.

Ornella tells us: ‘The show was highlighting climate change to encourage tourists not to litter the Himalayas.

Ornella walking in the world's highest altitude fashion show
Ornella walking in the world’s highest altitude fashion show

‘Everyone had their own biodegradable garbage bag to pick up our own litter along the route. There was so much of it by the time we reached Kala Patthar.’

Another focus of the show was sustainability in fashion. The clothes, by Nepali brand KASA, were all biodegradable and organic and made of pashmina, felt and yak wool.

Taking place on Mount Everest, the show was recognised as the highest altitude fashion show on land by a Guinness World Record officiator.

With temperatures dipping below minus 10 degrees Celsius, rough sleeping and only solar-powered heating conditions became unbearable at times. Yet Ornella persevered, even when several others dropped out of the journey.

highest altitude fashion show
Ornella was crowned the toughest model of the event (Picture: Ornella Gunesekere)

‘Everywhere I looked it was the most beautiful scenery I’d ever seen,’ she says. ‘Then the next day I’d witness something even more magnificent.

‘Each morning I woke up wondering what I might encounter that day. It kept me going.’

Her courage didn’t go unnoticed. Ornella, was crowned Toughest Model of the event for her determination. The organisers were astounded by her strength of mind and resolve. The surprise overwhelmed Ornella even though she had fought hard to get there.

‘The only thing standing in your way is you,’ Ornella said. ‘I know how it felt when I was lying on a hospital bed, unable to move by myself. I don’t want to feel that powerless again.

‘I won’t let setbacks discourage me from having the life I want.’

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