Leaving babies to cry it out ‘won’t do them any harm’

baby about to cry pouting
Leaving your baby to ‘cry it out’ won’t do them any harm, suggests new research (Picture: Getty)

Parents don’t need to be wracked with guilt for leaving their kids to cry and cry.

Leaving a baby to cry themselves out ‘won’t do them any harm’, new research suggests.

And your parents might be right – babies left to cry it out cry less and for shorter periods of time, according to the findings.

Researchers followed 178 infants and their mums over 18 months and assessed whether parents intervened immediately when their baby cried or let the infant cry it out.

They found mums who let their babies cry it out a few times or often were not less sensitive in their parenting and there was no harmful effect on their babies’ development by the age of 18 months.

But leaving babies to cry it out a few times from birth and often at three months was linked with shorter crying duration at 18 months – meaning the ‘leave them to cry it out’ method might actually pose a benefit.

Results from the study found that whether parents respond immediately or leave their baby to cry it out makes no difference on the short or longer-term relationship with the mother or the child’s behaviour.

This parenting method was assessed via maternal reports at birth and at three, six and 18 months while the cry duration was considered at birth, at three months and at 18 months.

baby crying
It’s okay, little bebe (Picture: Getty)

Attachment was assessed at 18 months using a gold standard experimental procedure known as the strange situation test which looks at how securely an infant is attached to their main caregiver during separation and reunion.

Researchers analysed behavioural development by direct observation in play between mum and baby, via psychologist assessments and a parent-report questionnaire at 18 months.

Duration and frequency of fussing and crying was also assessed, as well as how sensitive the mother was interacting with her baby, which was video-recorded and rated at three and 18 months of age.

Study lead author Professor Dieter Wolke said: ‘An infant’s development and attachment to their parents is not affected by being left to “cry it out” and can actually decrease the amount of crying and duration.

‘We have to give more credit to parents and babies. Most parents intuitively adapt over time and are attuned to their baby’s needs, wait a bit before intervening when crying and allow their babies the opportunity to learn to self-regulate.

‘Most babies develop well despite their parents intervening immediately or not to crying.’

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/11/leaving-babies-cry-wont-harm-12379443/?ITO=squid
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