How to self-isolate with your partner without hating each other

An illustration of two people, a man and a woman, arguing
Things are starting to get tense in self-isolation (Picture: Ella Byworth for

It’s day 12 in self-isolation.

The shine of spending more time with your partner has worn off, you’ve stopped having lunchtime sex and you’re starting to wonder if it’s worth going outside just so you don’t have to look at their face anymore (it’s not – please stay inside).

Sound familiar?

With a potential lockdown looming, it’s possible that we might be stuck inside our homes for a considerable amount of time, so it’s important to avoid getting on each other’s nerves.

Mostly so that once the coronavirus pandemic is over, you’re still together.

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Here are some helpful tips on how to self-isolate with someone else.

Respect the other person’s space

‘This is your space, this is my space,’ – take some advice from Dirty Dancing’s Johnny, a romantic if ever there was one.

Just because you can give them hugs all the time, it doesn’t mean you should.

If you are a naturally affectionate couple, don’t change your usual routine for the sake of changing it, but if your partner says they need an hour to themselves, give them that.

It doesn’t mean they don’t love you – sometimes people just need some alone time with their thoughts or to do the things they don’t want you to see (do a long poo, shave the hair off their toes, watch trash TV that the other person doesn’t like – that kind of stuff).

Don’t become each other’s colleagues

‘Respect each other’s work day,’ says Lee Chambers, an environmental psychologist who specialises in helping people create positive environments.

‘It’s so easy to just have a conversation about all sorts of issues, but before you go and engage in the middle of work, ask yourself, would I call them at work about this?

‘Maybe send a text, so you can chat about it at dinner or after your working day.’

Lee, who is also the founder of a life coaching service called Essentialise, adds that you need to find other people to chat about work with (you know, like your actual colleagues) so that you can switch off at home.

‘When the boundaries are blurred, it will just feel like you’re constantly moaning and asking each other questions,’ he says.

‘Instead, create a WhatsApp group to simulate office chat. Find someone in your industry to bounce ideas and problems off.’

That being said, if you enjoy working with your partner and have a great set-up that you both enjoy, do!

Just be cautious as the self-isolation days go on.

Schedule your time

No, it’s not very romantic, but it could end up saving your relationship.

By setting boundaries on time, you’re creating a routine of sorts, which might also be beneficial to your mental health.

‘It’s really good to have a schedule and decide on times when you’ll be in the same room together and when you’ll take breaks in separate rooms,’ Dr Becky Spelman, a psychologist and clinical director of The Private Therapy Clinic, tells us.

‘It can be a really challenging time, particularly when there is children as well, so actually setting a schedule of who will look after the child at what time is also a good idea.’

And don’t forget to fit in time for dates.

Dr Spelman says: ‘Have dates at home, where you will cook a proper dinner, sit down with some wine and have undistracted couple time.’

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Have you suddenly noticed how Jerry is using too much precious toilet roll?

Is Lisa’s humming while she works on her laptop driving you insane?

We get it, you’re sharing space with someone 24/7 and it might suck sometimes, but for the sake of your relationship’s future: let it go.

Illustration of a couple hugging
Remember why you love them, even when they’re getting on your last nerve (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Dr Spelman says: ‘People are going to be experiencing really high levels of emotions, so it would be beneficial to let things go that you wouldn’t normally let go with the understanding that your partner is probably being quite irrational due to extreme amounts to stress and anxiety.’

(But if the toilet roll stash starts to look empty, hide a roll or two from Jerry under the bed).

Don’t become the self-isolation slacker

Yes, you could leave the dishes to sit there for a few days, and if you’re living alone, by all means go for it (might be a tad unhygienic though).

But sharing your home means that you have to respect that those dirty dishes might grate on someone else’s nerves.

‘Don’t fall into the trap of not sharing household duties,’ says Lee.

‘Make dinner together if you can, or take it in turns. Be flexible if you need to look after your children.

‘Become a team while still being independent workers.’

Do activities together (that aren’t sex)

Sex is great.

Not just because getting freaky and having orgasms releases oxytocin, known as the ‘cuddle hormone’ and which makes you bond with your other half, but it can also lower stress levels (paramount at this time).

But Dr Spelman explains that it’s important to do activities together that take place outside of the bedroom too, such as working out, baking, cooking, doing mindfulness exercises, knitting – whatever you would normally do and you can still do in your home.

She says: ‘It’s also good to do exercise as a couple, because doing exercise at this time is going to keep you psychologically healthy and will be really good for your mind.

‘In addition to this, mindfulness can also be helpful, doing it as an activity with your partner (or partner and children) can be helpful in keeping stress levels at bay.

‘Mindfulness has actually been proven to be more effective when you do it with other people.’

Remember, it won’t last forever

It’s understandable that you might feel anxious during these times, and that’s OK.

But try to remember that even though we don’t know what the next few weeks will hold, this will not last forever.

But by implementing these tips, your relationship just might.

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