Hamsterkäufe could be why people are stockpiling toilet paper amid the coronavirus panic

Female syrian hamster Chmurka posing with stuffed cheeks on pink background.
Are you guilty of hamsterkaufe? (Picture: Getty)

Amid the coronavirus panic, people are feeling a sudden urge to buy absurd stashes of toilet paper, hand sanitiser, and baked beans.

To the non-stockpilers among us, this behaviour makes little sense.

Okay, so the spread of coronavirus might prompt the need to work from home or self-isolate… but surely that doesn’t necessitate more toilet paper than you could possibly use in two months?

There’s a catchy German word for this impulse: hamsterkäufe.

Hamsterkäufe is a combination of the words hamstern, which means to hoard or store, and has its roots in comparisons to a hamster’s stuffed cheeks, and kaufen, which means to buy.

So together, the term describes the act of panic buying in bulk, like a hamster packs its cheeks full of food out of fear of hanging about to eat food, or fear that they won’t come across more food later on.

It’s the scarcity effect. We’re worried that we won’t have enough of something – whether that’s loo roll, soap, or booze – and that if we don’t stock up with as much of it as we can carry, we’ll miss our shot and lose out later on.

hamster filling its cheeks
Are you shopping like a hamster, filling its cheeks out of fear the food will disappear? (Picture: Getty)

The term hamsterkäufe is typically used to describe the supermarket rush that happens before long bank holiday weekends, in preparation for store closures.

But now that anxiety around coronavirus is prompting mass-buying of certain items, the word might complete its transfer over to the English language and be as commonplace as ‘hygge’.

Over the weekend #hamsterkaufe trended on Twitter in Germany, with many sharing photos of empty shelves and shoppers with trolleys piled high.

The appeal of using the word is obvious: it’s far cuter to think of full-cheeked hamsters than to admit we’re all terrified messes by using the term ‘panic buying’ or throwing around scary-sounding words like ‘apocalypse buying’ or ‘stocking up for the bunker’.

The problem is that no matter what name it goes by, stockpiling can create a damaging cycle of fear and people who actually need items being unable to buy them.

Zana Busby, who specialises in cognitive-behavioural science, told Metro.co.uk: ‘Instead of staying calm and critically evaluating the information given in the media, and certainly from the NHS, people have grown into this phenomena of so-called mass hysteria.

‘It has a lot to do with social media because the ultra-fast dissemination of news makes people instantly feed off of each other’s reactions.

‘These are frankly negative in the case of coronavirus, causing the panic to escalate.

‘Then people share and share stories of stockpiling and empty shelves, again causing a vicious cycle of panic, instead of creating resilience and togetherness in the community against this threat.’

It’s simple. Someone bulk buys a load of toilet paper, someone else sees this and thinks that if they don’t do the same, they’ll be the ones going without, so they stockpile, which someone else sees, and so on and so on.

When you arrive at the supermarket to find empty shelves or see news reports of spaghetti shortages, it creates the sense that we’re facing a genuine supply issue, and that if we don’t grab certain essential items while we can, we’ll have missed our shot.

But it’s a self-fulfilling cycle. The more we panic-buy, the harder it becomes to access needed items. And it’s those in urgent need, or who aren’t able to buy in bulk, who suffer.

Do you have a story to share? Get in touch by emailing MetroLifestyleTeam@Metro.co.uk.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/10/hamsterkaufe-reason-people-stockpiling-toilet-paper-amid-coronavirus-panic-12375578/?ITO=squid
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