Dog rescued from a house fire changes colour after a much-needed bath

Biscuit the dog before being given a bath
When Biscuit was pulled from a burning building, everyone assumed she was a grey dog (Picture: RSPCA / SWNS.COM)

Meet Biscuit the dog, who’s ready to find a home after a dramatic makeover.

Biscuit, a cross-breed, was rushed to an RSPCA Animal Rescue Centre after being pulled from a burning house.

She was given a pet oxygen mask and helped to recover, but staff at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre were stunned to realise the dog isn’t actually grey – her fur is in fact a nice shade of light brown.

A thorough bath made Biscuit reveal her true colours as the water washed away the thick layer of soot and ash that had turned her coat completely grey.

RSPCA Animal Collection Officer Ellie Jones had been on call overnight when Avon Fire & Rescue Service called in with a request for help.

Ellie said: ‘When I arrived the amazing firefighters had already managed to help Biscuit and were giving her oxygen to help her breathe.

‘Thankfully the fire crew were able to get her out quickly and – thanks to the pet oxygen masks – give vital oxygen to enable full recovery.

‘I was concerned for her welfare so once she’d had some oxygen I gave her a check over and took her to Bristol Animal Rescue Centre to be seen by a vet.

Biscuit the dog after being given a bath. See SWNS story SWBRdog. This is the amazing moment a dog rescued from a house blaze completely changed COLOUR after being given a bath. Biscuit the dog was rushed to an RSPCA Animal Rescue Centre after being pulled from the burning house, and was given a pet oxygen mask after suffering smoke inhalation. Biscuit, a cross-breed, has since made a full recovery - but staff at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre were shocked when they gave her a bath and watched her fur coat change colour. Biscuit is usually a blonde dog - but after getting covered in a thick layer of soot and ash during the fire, her fluffy coat had turned completely dark grey.
But a bath revealed she’s a blondie (Picture: RSPCA / SWNS.COM )

Jenny Crowell, from Bristol Animal Rescue Centre, added: ‘When poor Biscuit first arrived everyone thought she was a grey dog but as you’ll see in this video a soothing bath quickly proved otherwise.

‘Biscuit has now fully recovered and is doing well.’

Now she’s back to good health, Biscuit is ready to find a new home.

She’s a sweet, loving, and very well-behaved dog who loves a cuddle and a fuss – but isn’t a fan of having her nails clipped.

She’s lived with dogs in the past, so could potentially live with another pooch (depending on whether introductions go well), and can live with children over 10 years of age.

If you think you could give Biscuit a home, get in touch with Bristol Animal Rescue Centre.

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