Couple launch dinner party cards with controversial statements to discuss

Couple who came up with controversial cards
That’s one way to start a convo (Picture: Kenzo Onumonu/ Georgia Gibbs)

Dinner parties are the ultimate markers of adulthood but they can be awkward affairs if you don’t know all the guests.

One couple, from Tooting, south London, has come up with conversation starters that spark very interesting and insightful discussions.

Kenzo Onumonu, 29, and his partner Georgia Gibbs, 25, came up with Forty which comes with a series of statements much like Cards Against Humanity.

Only, instead of creating absurd sentences as per the game, Forty is a deck of cards that sparks important conversation. One of the cards, for example, says ‘confessing adultery is inherently selfish. Discuss’.

So you can see how controversial and divisive the chats may be.

At least you might go home having learnt something new (or with a grudge with a pal who clearly has very different views to you).

Dinner party cards with controversial questions
What do you think of these? (Picture: Kenzo Onumonu/ Georgia Gibbs)

‘We are big believers in having constructive, sometimes uncomfortable, debate if it leads to more understanding of different perspective,’ Kenzo, who is a venture capitalist lawyer, explained to Femail. ‘The cards try to follow that pattern.’ 

Some of the other statements include: ‘it is impossible for society to be too politically correct’, ‘there should be a cap on how much an individual can earn in a year, and ‘pay should always be equal among genders in sports’.

Kenzo and masters student Georgia were inspired to make the cards after realising they thrive on these kinds of conversations.

Couple launch dinner party cards with controversial questions Picture: forty METROGRAB LINK:
Discuss (Picture: Kenzo Onumonu/ Georgia Gibbs)

So they put their heads together and created the deck – which costs £12.99 – by themselves.

Kenzo continued: ‘It was actually quite a challenge to limit the topics we wanted to cover. The cards in our first deck tend to reflect issues that have been in the media (in some shape or form) over the last 18 months or so, balanced against issues we think people would enjoy debating.’  

They have big hopes for Forty which is available to buy on Amazon.

Happy discussing.

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