Coronavirus UK: Corner shop gives parents free care packages of baby food, milk, and wipes

Shopkeepers Asiyah Javed and husband Jawad from Day Today Express, in Stenhousemuir, Falkirk are giving away baby packs containing two nappies, baby wipes, baby formula and two baby foods, to help people during the self isolation phase of Coronavirus. March 20 2020
Shopkeepers Asiyah Javed and husband Jawad from Day Today Express, in Stenhousemuir, Falkirk are giving away baby packs containing two nappies, baby wipes, baby formula and two baby foods, to help people during the self isolation phase of Coronavirus (Picture: SWNS)

The coronavirus pandemic and the stockpiling that has followed means it’s a hard time for parents right now.

Schools are closed, people are being made redundant, and just when you’re up against enough challenges, you try to pick up food for your child and find the supermarket shelves bare.

One cornershop is doing their bit to lend a helping hand.

Day Today Express in Stenhousemuir, Falkirk, is handing out free care packages of baby food, infant milk, and baby wipes to families in need during the coronavirus outbreak.

Asiyah Javed, 34, and her husband Jaward, 35, started giving out free packs of face masks and antibacterial gel to elderly customers earlier this month, having spent £4,000 to give away 2,000 packs.

Shopkeepers Asiyah Javed and husband Jawad from Day Today Express, in Stenhousemuir, Falkirk are giving away baby packs containing two nappies, baby wipes, baby formula and two baby foods, to help people during the self isolation phase of Coronavirus. March 20 2020
The packs contain formula, nappies, food, and baby wipes (Picture: SWNS)

But yesterday they realised parents were in need, too, spotting lots of locals with babies struggling to access baby food and milk.

The couple began by giving away 100 jars of baby food but are now giving out full care packages for any family in the area that needs one.

So far the charitable offer has cost them £2,500 – and their children Salman, 14, Maryam, 11, and Rayyan, five, have chipped in £500 from their piggy banks.

Asiyah said: ‘What we’re doing today is putting a jar of baby food, a bottle of baby milk and wipes in bags.

‘We’re making packs up and giving them away to people who can’t get baby food and wipes.

Ian Barron, 71, collects his free pack. Shopkeepers Asiyah Javed and husband Jawad from Day Today Express, in Stenhousemuir, Falkirk are giving away facemasks, antibacterial hand wash and cleaning wipes to OAPs in a bid to stop the spread of Coronavirus. March 11 2020 . See SWNS story SWSCmask. A cornershop is giving away facemasks, antibacterial hand gel and cleaning wipes to OAPs in a bid to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Customers over the age of 65 can pick up a goody bag at Day Today Express, in Stenhousemuir, Falkirk. Elderly and infirm shoppers can have the bag delivered to them for free. The remarkable act of generosity is costing the business nearly ??2,000, as each bag costs ??2 to put together and so far ??500 have been delivered.
The store is also handing out antibacterial gels and soaps to the elderly (Picture: SWNS)

‘We’re wanting to look after people who have babies, and the elderly

‘We’ve seen people upset who can’t get anything, especially when things shut down.’

She said the packs will vary in contents, with different types of baby food and milk depending on ages and what the families need.

As well as pre-made packs, Asiya is also offering to make up packs for customers on the spot.

‘We gave away 100 jars of baby food yesterday,’ she said.

‘We gave away about three jars to each person but today we might put a nappy in the packs as well. There’s all different sizes.

‘When the customers come in we can make up whatever the baby needs.

‘There is quite a high demand – I’ve had so many calls regarding baby food and baby milk.’

Each pack costs about £2.50 to make up and Asiyah and Jawad are hoping to give away 1,000 packs.

The couple’s kind-hearted kids have together put £500 towards the cause – money they were initially saving to go towards a holiday in Barcelona at the end of this month.

Shopkeepers Asiyah Javed and husband Jawad from Day Today Express, in Stenhousemuir, Falkirk are giving away baby packs containing two nappies, baby wipes, baby formula and two baby foods, to help people during the self isolation phase of Coronavirus. March 20 2020
The family has spent thousands of pounds to carry out the charitable gesture (Picture: SWNS)

The mum-of-three said: ‘For baby food I’ve invested about £1,000 so far.

‘My kids took money from their piggy banks to contribute – they’ve put in £500.

‘They said “mum, can we do something?”.

‘They said they would contribute to the little ones – it’s quite sweet.

‘We were saving to go to Barcelona at the end of the month but we won’t be going now anyway.

‘For the nappies, wipes and milk as well it comes to £2,500.

‘We’ve had people contributing towards it as well, like £10 or £20, because they want us to do more.’

Asiyah is also hoping locals could help out with distributing the baby packs, as panic-buying continues and supermarkets run low on stock.

She said: ‘If people see that maybe their own kids will be interested in helping out or delivering.

‘The whole community needs to come together for this.’

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