Are you still allowed to get Easter Eggs during coronavirus lockdown?

Easter eggs
Please, not the eggs (Picture: Getty Images)

It might feel like there isn’t plenty to look forward to right now, with lockdown measures scuppering our Spring plans.

But we’ve always got chocolate. Or so we hope.

Reports this morning surfaced from shop owners who claimed council officers had told them chocolate eggs and hot cross buns – which were considered ‘non-essential’ – were not allowed to be sold.

According to the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), four owners had been told by officials to take the eggs off their shelves, ordering them to only sell items deemed essential.

Don’t panic, though, you’ll still be able to get your fix.

It was all a misunderstanding, with the ACS saying that the council officials’ advice was ‘overzealous enforcement and a misreading of the rules.’

You’re still advised to only leave the house for necessary items, which means it’s not wise to head out for a big bag of chocolate eggs and nothing else.

Asda Mini Eggs
Thank the Easter bunny, we’ve been saved (Picture: Georgie Gillard/ANL/REX)

If you purchase the eggs as part of your regular shop, however, you’re absolutely fine.

There’s no guidance on what convenience stores and supermarkets are allowed to sell, so the ACS is stating they should continue to stock what they normally would.

If you’re in self-isolation – and therefore can’t leave the house at all for a shop – you should still be able to get Easter Eggs sent to you.

Amazon has deprioritised shipping for non-essential goods so shipping times may be longer, but potentially here in time for the big day.

Cadbury’s Direct are also taking orders, although it’s worth checking early each day, as they’ve imposed limits on the number of customers they can serve.

You shall go to the Easter Egg hunt, even if it’s in your own house and with only members of your household.

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