Age-defying granddad of seven, 56, regularly gets mistaken for being in his 30s

Andy at the beach
Yep, that’s a granddad of seven (Picture: News Dog Media)

If you looked at a picture of Andy Wilkinson, how old would you think he is?

Like many people, you might say he looks to be a bulked-up man in his 30s.

But Andy, from Coventry, is actually a 56-year-old granddad of seven. Yep, granddad.

Age-defying Andy works as a personal trainer, which keeps him looking young and healthy.

He’s even been mistaken for his daughter’s boyfriend.

Andy has words of advice for those who want to live longer and look great, which includes resting in a blacked-out room for high-quality sleep, working out no more than three times per week, and cutting back on carbs and portions as you get older.

The last thing, he says, is to remind yourself that ‘everything will be ok’.

The grandfather of seven has three adult children in their 30s but no one would believe it.

Grandfather-of-seven Andy Wilkinson, 56, from Coventry, West Mids with three of his seven grandchildren
With a few of his grandkids (Picture: News Dog Media)

He said: ‘If I’m on holiday with my six-pack out, I get approached by ladies in their thirties and I’ve been mistaken for my daughter’s partner rather than her father on occasion, which is embarrassing.

‘My friends also think it’s hilarious when we go out to shock people with the fact that I’m a grandfather of seven!’

Andy shares his fitness journey on Instagram and regularly receives DMs from people asking for tips.

He says: ‘Genetics help but there is really no secret besides hard work and diet.

‘Stress is a massive age shower as well so I try to not get myself worked up about anything.

‘I have a personal mantra which is “everything will be ok” and that keeps me calm and carries me through.’

Andy's diet

Breakfast: Medium slice of seeded bread with a slice of salmon, two poached eggs and half an avocado. Followed by a bowl of chia seeds, flax seed mixed with blueberries, hemp seeds and a tablespoon of peanut butter with almond milk.

Lunch: Cajun chicken, two to three tablespoons of rice and broccoli sometimes with a tablespoon of coleslaw.

Dinner: Slow-cooked stew of diced chicken, sweetcorn and frozen vegetables or Thai or Indian slow-cooked chicken curry with two tablespoons of rice.

Snacks: Usually no snacks but otherwise a handful of almonds/brazil nuts or an apple

Drinks: Three litres of water each day and an occasional coffee or glass of good quality red wine.

Treats: A small bar of 70% dark chocolate or profiteroles.

Andy pursued his passion for nutrition and exercise and become an online personal trainer five years ago.

He had been interested in weight training since the age of eighteen but he seriously began to commit in his early thirties.

Andy – who is now in a relationship with a 51-year-old woman – says: ‘I was always interested in looking good but it was in my thirties that I radically assessed what I was eating.

‘I realised there was no need to have protein shakes, bars or supplements to get that beach body look, it was about eating healthy foods, portion control and cutting down on carbs as you age.

Grandfather-of-seven Andy Wilkinson, 56, from Coventry, West Mids with his eldest daughter who he is sometimes mistaken for being her boyfriend. He?s often mistaken for a man far younger than 56-years-old and has shared his secrets for youthful looks. March 2020. AN AGE-DEFYING grandad-of-seven has revealed the simple secrets behind his youthful looks and Instagrammable six-pack. Andy Wilkinson, 56, from Coventry, West Midlands is regularly mistaken for a man in his thirties and is approached by women decades younger than him. Personal Trainer, Andy ? who has even been mistaken for his daughter?s BOYFRIEND ? has explained how anyone can achieve lasting youth through a simple healthy lifestyle and curbing stress. He says that sleeping in a blacked-out room for quality sleep, working out no more than three times per week, cutting back on carbs and portions as you get older and reminding yourself that ?everything will be ok? is the secret to his ageless appearance. Andy ? who has seven grandchildren between the ages of 6 to 10 (Louis, 10; Sophia, 8, Isla 9; Chloe, 7; Lola-Ray, 3; Evan, 8; Noah, 6) from his three children Claire, 37, Lee, 35 and Sarah, 33 with a previous partner ? says: ?I know I look much younger than my age and often get mistaken for being in my thirties rather than my fifties. ? SEE COPY AND VID ... PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA ... 0121 517 0019 ...
Andy with his eldest daughter, who he is sometimes mistaken for being her boyfriend (Picture: @andyw_fitness/News Dog Media)

‘I also drink plenty of water too – you can put all the creams in the world on your face but water is what matters most when it comes to good skin. And I might occasionally have the odd glass of red wine, but I don’t drink much alcohol otherwise.’

Andy also enjoys group exercises such as racquetball or tennis.

His biggest advice is to limit stress.

‘I think trying to limit stress is also one of the most important factors in aging well,’ he says. ‘You look at centurions and nothing bothers them – they’re so stress-free.

‘I know it’s hard to do but I try to focus on living in the now, enjoying the present moment and not dwelling on the past and future.’

‘I’m living proof that you can still be fit and toned in your fifties and I hope I can motivate inspire people. I feel very lucky to do what I do as a personal trainer and It’s my passion to help others.’

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