11-year-old boy is followed around M&S by security – why are black people constantly targeted?

State of Racism: Why are POC followed around in stores so much
Have you ever been followed around by security? (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

Kesiena, 11, went into an M&S store last year for some biscuits. When security staff caught sight of a lone black boy minding his own business, they began following him.

Dad Roy claims they followed Kesiena until he paid and even went on to follow him outside the store until he crossed over and went into another building.

Astonished by what had happened, Roy went down to the shop to demand an explanation, bringing the receipt for the biscuits with him. He filmed the apology from M&S staff who told him they would be taking action against the member of staff who had followed his son.

Kesiena was also given a £25 voucher by M&S staff.

Roy isn’t satisfied with the action; he wants to know why his young child – or any person of colour – should be profiled in that way when they are doing nothing wrong.

Kesiena isn’t the only black person to experience being disproportionately scrutinised by shops’ security guards.

It’s so prevalent that the phrase shopping while black has been coined to describe the phenomena. The likes of Starbucks, Sephora, and Barney’s, among others, have been embroiled in race rows in the past for similar reasons.

There are many, many examples of people of colour, particularly black shoppers, being unfairly treated. Even one of the most powerful men in the world – Barak Obama – was followed around in department stores before his presidency.

What M&S says about the incident

A spokesperson said they found no evidence of discrimination and that the guard, a third-party employee, no longer works at the store.

The said that the guard’s response was the wrong course of action and he recognised this after the incident. He made a full apology to the customer when they came back into store.

They said: ‘We want customers to feel comfortable shopping in our stores and work hard to offer the best possible customer experience. The guard made an error after being given the wrong information; both he and M&S have apologised for this and we have taken the appropriate action’.

Roy told us about the devastating impact of watching his young son go through the motions of a racist society.

‘The incident caused severe distress, anxiety and disappointment as I had done my best to shield and protect my son from any such experience of profiling and/or bias, particularly as he was so young when it occurred,’ he said.

‘I have previously experienced similar profiling. It’s very hurtful and bleak to be profiled and followed around the store with no justification.’

Of course in some cases, the results are fatal.

Yet there is a bigger push to increase police presence in UK schools, which would disproportionately affect ethnic minority students.

So why is racial profiling so prevalent in public spaces?

What is shopping while black?

The term is a play on the words ‘driving while intoxicated’. Another similar example is ‘driving while black’ (or brown).

It describes a black or brown person being followed around or closely monitored by a security guard who suspects he or she may steal.

It was coined after the term driving while black, where the same patterns of being profiled occur. In fact, in the States, African Americans were pulled over up to 10 times as often as white neighbours.

Both are examples of racial profiling – where you’re targetting or commenting on a person of a certain race on the basis of assumed characteristics.

Extra scrutiny on people of colour is a byproduct of living in a highly racialised society. It is one of the real-life effects of the unconsciouses bias that enable racism to seep through into everyday scenarios.

In America, the situation is worse, with 80% of black shoppers reporting that they experienced racial stigma and stereotypes when shopping. 59% said they were perceived as a shoplifter and 52% said they received poor to no service.

The profiling has also got so bad that some stores even sold their African American hair products in locked cases as if black people are wired to steal.

Unfortunately, a lot of the data collected on the topic is focused on American shoppers, but the problem is also evident in the UK.

Medical student Amin is another young black man who is used to being profiled.

He tells Metro.co.uk: ‘I get profiled, a billion percent. I’ll go into a Tesco or something to peruse and I’ll always get the odd security guy peering over.

‘There was one incident at Lidl with another black friend where a security guard tracked us in each aisle. We ended up walking out.

‘Another time, I popped into a supermarket and bought something and threw the receipt in the bin. My friend was there and, knowing the stereotype, he jokingly asked if I paid for the item. The security guard immediately came out and questioned me. It became a very long process. A lot of times you get these microaggressions, particularly in corner shops and supermarkets.’

British shoppers have attested to being profiled in this way and yet there are no studies or reports to show just how widespread the problem is.

Illustration of a woman holding her head
Some say being profiled is just part of the experience of being a black woman (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

One of the people who reached out tells Metro.co.uk that it’s just the reality of being a black woman.

She said: ‘I was in a corner shop in Belgium and the shopkeeper (who I know well!) had stepped out for two minutes to move his parked car down the road. In his absence, a random woman assumed the role of a security guard, followed me around the store and physically blocked the door in the event I was to steal the chocolate bar and bottle of wine I was holding while waiting by the till.’

So where does this criminal association of black and brown people come from?

In the same way that America has a problem with the criminalisation of black people, Britain is also complicit in its biases in the criminal justice system.

In fact, the situation in Britain may be worse than that of the US. MP David Lammy pointed out the clear disparities in sentencing in a review which found that black people in the UK are four times more likely to be in prison than would be expected given their proportion of the total population.

Black people make up just 3% of the UK population and yet are overrepresented in the prison group, dominating 12% of it.

This, coupled with the media representation of black people – note that black people, whether they’re victims or perpetrators often get the same threatening mug shots (unlike their white counterparts) – add to the stereotype of black people being more prone to criminality.

When you consider how overplayed these assumptions and biased behaviours are, it’s no surprise that black people are eight times more likely to be stopped and searched by police officers than white people and that the Met Police are four times more likely to use force with black people than white people.

Criminology reader at Sussex University Lizzie Seal tells us the criminal associations can be traced back to colonialism.

She says: ‘There were colonial perceptions of certain Indian tribes as prone to criminality in the nineteenth century, and fears that black men posed a threat of sexual violence to white women in African colonies.

‘These process of racialised stereotyping and othering are originated from racism and also perpetuate racism.

‘I would say this is why such stereotypes endure – racism endures.’

But there are ways to stop the longevity of racism.

‘Social movements against racism can help to change things,’ Lizzie adds.

‘An example is how the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States has been an important part of highlighting racism in the criminal justice system and racialised police brutality.

‘Also, using criminal justice measures less i.e. sending fewer people to prison would also help to change things, as criminal justice measures are disproportionately applied to people of colour.’

Whether you’re a shopkeeper, a security guard, or a passerby, remember that when you make racial assumptions about someone, you are participating in an old, tired game of racism.

The State of Racism

Illustration of multicultural group of people
We need to be able to talk about racism.

This series is an in-depth look at racism in the UK in 2020.

We aim to look at how, where and why racist attitudes and biases impact people of colour from all walks of life.

It's vital to improve the language we have to talk about racism and start the difficult conversations about inequality.

We want to hear from you - if you have a personal story or experience of racism that you would like to share get in touch: metrolifestyleteam@metro.co.uk

MORE: There is still too much racism at universities

MORE: Microaggressions are not a ‘harmless’ form of racism – they have a huge impact

MORE: Racism plagues the NHS and it’s getting worse

source https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/18/11-year-old-boy-gets-followed-around-ms-black-people-constantly-targetted-12376271/?ITO=squid
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