Woman shares happiness jar hack which she says will bring you more joy in 2020

photograph of stacey and her happiness jar
A simple yet effective hack (Picture: @staceygetsbackup/Instagram)

Sometimes, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to forget about the small moments which bring us joy.

But one woman is on a mission to change that.

At the start of the month, Stacey Fell revealed on her Instagram a great way to practice gratitude in 2020.

She posted an image of a Kilner jar – which she describes as her ‘happiness jar.’

In the caption Stacey explains that the jar is filled with scraps of paper with things that have made her happy throughout the year.


In her Instagram post she gives some examples of what some of these ‘happy moments’ might be.

She says: ‘It could be a compliment, an amazing meal, an achievement, a beautiful sunset, a time you laughed so much you thought you might pee yourself, a holiday, something that happened to a friend that was amazing.’

Then, at the end of every year, she tips the paper out and reads through the memories she’s documented.

Now, she’s urging her followers to try it out.

close up of stacey fell
Stacey looks forward to opening her jar every year  (Picture: Stacey Fell)

Stacey tells Metro.co.uk: ‘Doing the Happiness Jar for the last five years has really focused my attention on the little moments in life that bring genuine happiness, and the small act of scribbling them down and throwing them in the jar became a habit.

‘I keep the jar in my kitchen so that I see it every day and it acts as a visible reminder.

‘I don’t add to it everyday, I had 83 entries last year but every single one of the brought me so much joy.

‘Every New Year’s Day when I tip the contents of the jar out and re-read each entry I remember so many moments I had forgotten and it’s such a positive way to start the new year.’

Stacey says the jar hack is also a great way to reconnect with friends – particularly those she hasn’t spoken to in a while.

She adds: ‘I took photos of a few of the entries in the jar that involved my friends and messaged them on New Year’s Day saying “hey remember when this happened??” so it’s a great way to re-connect with people as well.’

Those looking to give the happiness hack a go, can find inspiration for designs (as well as other people’s stories) on Pinterest and Instagram.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/06/woman-shares-happiness-jar-hack-which-she-says-will-bring-you-more-joy-in-2020-12009360/
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