What 2020 has in store, based on your star sign

Illustration of a hand with planets, stars and moons on an astrological background in purple
Are your energies aligning? (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

Whether you’re a die-hard horoscope or think that astrology is a load of mumbo jumbo, you can’t deny the pleasure in hoping there’s something fun up ahead for you.

As we always mention in astrology pieces, your sun sign isn’t the only thing that matters when it comes to predictions.

However, as this is your most dominant sign, it can give a pretty good idea about themes and outlooks for what’s to come.

2020 is set to be a big year for many of the signs, with the start of a new decade also bringing the start of new friendships, loves, and opportunities.

We spoke to Jessica Adams, who’s a bestselling astrology author, for what she thinks is in store for each sign in 2020.


For the ram, and the youngest sign in the zodiac, it appears that the coming year will see a lot of grown-up opportunity.

‘Aries can expect a new job, promotion, scholarship or powerful new role.’ says Jessica.

Aries aren’t normally a stranger to power, but it’ll be important for them to keep that famous temper in check if they want to keep things professional and progress in their careers.


Jessica says that, this year, ‘Taurus will travel, move or become heavily involved with another country.’

Taurus are known for their hedonistic attitudes, and you’ll often find that they know their stuff when it comes to food, wine, and anything that promises indulgence.

As the bull, they can be stubborn, so they’ll need to make sure to take a step back balance their budget alongside their desire to get what they want on their travels without consequences later.

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Big changes could be on the horizon (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)


According to Jessica, ‘Gemini has the biggest budget transformation in years, starting April.’

It’s right at the end of the tax year, so perhaps the Geminis will get a short, sharp shock in terms of a letter from HMRC.

This is a year that’s somewhat uncharacteristic for flighty and curious-natured Gemini, as they’ll need to build and work on the future rather than simply diving right into every opportunity that presents itself.

That’s not to say they should hold back from making changes, but try to see further forward too and the rewards will be better.


‘Cancer will make lasting decisions about a former, current or potential partner by January 31,’ Jessica tells Metro.co.uk.

Cancer have a habit of getting in their heads somewhat and becoming defensive in difficult situations.

Particularly because the zodiac’s crab is so empathetic, it’s important that they question partner’s motives rather than going into protective mode only (of themselves and others).

Work out what you want this year, Cancer, and be prepared to follow through with your plans.


For Leos doing Dry January, it might be a more ascetic year that previously thought.

Jessica says, ‘ Leo goes vegetarian, quits drugs, cigarettes, alcohol or other habits.’

Far from being a slog, though, these changes should be positive. Motivated Leos should find that they love their new-found self improvement.

Just make sure not to stroke your ego too hard at your growth and milestones, and check in on others around you.

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Jupiter is in Capricorn from now until December 2020 (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)


Oft-critical ‘Virgo welcomes a baby, younger relative or powerful new youth role,’ says Jessica.

It’s a playful and fertile time for Virgo, where they can let their hair down and stop and smell the roses (a quality they can sometimes struggle with).

Planning is always necessary, but the energy of children can help you let go and see the sunny side.


This year is all about domesticity for Libra, who ‘will redecorate, renovate, move or start serious airbnb.’

These domestic changes are all about your desire to ‘nest’ and create a happy environment for yourself and loved ones.

Expect other positive changes in your home life, too. Perhaps a family feud will be put to bed, or to connect with your roots or ancestry.


Like the other water signs, Scorpio is incredibly creative and thoughtful.

Jessica predicts that they’ll put these qualities to good use this year, saying, ‘Scorpio launches a blog, website, app, channel, book or spoken word gig.’

Although you may want to do it all and do it now, just keep an eye on how full your schedule is and try not to burn yourself out.


We have another big April for this sign.

‘Sagittarius uses April to completely rethink money or property forever,’ says Jessica.

Your year will be focused on long-term goals and wealth, so keep an eye on frivolous spending and harness that new ambition to protect your financial future.

Illustration of a hand with planets, stars and moons on an astrological background in pinkish red
Could it be a year for love? (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)


Workaholic Capricorn are doing a whole load of work on themselves this year, but in the more front-facing way of changing their appearance.

Jessica says, ‘Capricorn turns to a hairdresser, surgeon, publicist or stylist with huge results.’

Jupiter is in your sign this year (something that only happens once every twelve years), and the work you’ve done on your confidence in previous years should show dividends.

This year is about how you project yourself, and the freedom that you can gain from what people see being what you desire.


Aquarians are known for their eccentric and often spiritual nature, but this year this will really come into its own.

‘Aquarius finds a true path with religion, spirituality, astrology, crystals or tarot,’ Jessica tells.

Until Jupiter enters your chart at the end of the year, you’ll be ready to self-reflect and build on your inner self. This can be a little frustrating, as it will likely mean you crave solitude, but those around you will be supportive of your journey.


Dreamy fishes of the world will see a boost to their social life in 2020.

‘Pisces rebuilds broken friendships but also joins a life changing new network,’ says Jessica.

Pisceans will be particularly popular this year, and may notice others gravitate towards them more than usual. This engagement with people new or known could also benefit your career or studies, too.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/01/2020-store-based-star-sign-11980268/
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