The nine sexual wellness trends that will define 2020

metro illustrations
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

If a requirement of your sex life is ticking off trends, you’ll want to read on.

The same goes for anyone who fancies jazzing things up in the bedroom (or beyond. Naughty).

Dominnique Karetsos is a sex trends expert from Healthy Pleasure Collective, and handily enough she’s revealed 12 ‘sexcast’ trends she reckons will be big in 2020.

These include attitudes to sex as well as specific tech, so you should be able to find at least one predicted trend you fancy giving a go.

Or you can just ignore them all and keep having sex like it’s the heady days of 2019. If it works for you, that’s all good.

So, on with the trends.

Sacred sex

Rather than all the meaningless sex you were having in the 2010’s, 2020 will be all about ‘genuine connection’ and treating sex as a more intimate act.

Dominnique says: ‘2020 will see a shift emerge around human sexual experience.

‘It’s not going to just be about sex, but establishing personal pleasure and genuine connection.

‘It is obvious that as individuals we crave elevated, innovative products and outlets to ensure ultimate satisfaction. One of the key shifts for 2020 will be about sacred sex and healthy conscious connections.

‘We want to feel connected not just to our bodies, but to our body, mind and souls. It is time to recognise that sexual wellness is something very different to the act of sex.’

So think meditation during masturbation, tantric sex with plenty of eye contact, and talking about your souls aligning and all that jazz.

Strong vaginas

Okay, don’t picture lifting massive weights with your vag. Instead think kegels and building your pelvic floor.

Vaginal strength can help to reduce incontinence as well as improving your orgasms, so it really is a worthwhile thing to do your clenches.

Happy vaginas

‘If 2019 was the year of self-care, 2020 will see this ramping up more than ever,’ says Dominnique. ‘We indulge in bathing rituals to relax and reconnect with our intimate, naked selves. We will see more products than ever that don’t interrupt the PH balance of our intimate areas.

‘Products such as Fur’s sustainable pubic-hair soothing bath drops will be amongst many of the products appearing this year [to ensure] a happy healthy balanced vagina.

‘There are sheet masks emerging for intimate areas, such as Healthy Pleasure healing masks for thrush, menstrual and menopausal care and more and Two Lips calming vulva masks. 2020 will see sex care as a large part of self-care taken to a whole new level, and rightly so.’

It’s worth noting that the vagina is self-cleaning and the vulva (that’s the external bit) is happy with just a wash with water, so you don’t need to buy any fancy genital-specific products.

But go into 2020 treating your vagina with care, whatever that means to you – peeing after sex, using lube, or letting your pubic hair grow wild and free.

Hot oils

A bit more niche, but Dominnique predicts that hot oils will be ‘big business’ in 2020.

She says: ‘Oils such as Agent Nateur’s Hot (Sex) Intimate Oil up the pleasure ante. Soothing oils like Ohne’s Anti-Teardrops vaginal oil provide menstrual and sexual recovery, with 1% CBD oil for anti-inflammatory relief. Yes, you heard right. CBD oil for your vagina.’

Don’t go heating up oils yourself and please make sure to test any oils on another part of your body before you go too wild. No orgasm is worth burns on your vulva.

Sensual intelligence

Apparently we’re going to see the ‘phwoaring’ twenties, when people will be more up for exploring all areas of pleasure.

‘Clitoral and cervix stimulation is explored alongside more taboo sexual subjects like anal intercourse,’ says Dominnique.

Holistic pleasure tech

You’ll see more products linking up with apps to help you approach the mental and emotional parts of sex as well as the physical arousal bits.

Dominnique says: ‘Technology and science-backed solutions or linked products such as MYHixel will help solve premature ejaculation naturally by controlling climax through a training app and device.

‘Elara Care will monitor your hormones and linked with health data from your phone/smartwatch assist you with balancing and enhancing your over physical and mental health, fitness, menstrual cycles, female sexual issues and more. A full 360 support online and off.’

Sex positivity

The focus for 2020 will be on sexual healing and partner therapy, as well as talking more about the relationship between sex and mental health.

Maybe this will be the year when going to a therapist for sex-related issues will become the norm.

Female-centred audio erotica

If you like audiobooks and podcasts, why not give audio erotica a go?

Dominnique predicts that this year will see audio erotica focusing on the female gaze, pointing to apps such as Femtasy which streams real-life stories of sexual mishaps.

Sexy smells

Goop just sold out of a candle called ‘this smells like my vagina’, so yes, scent is going to be important in 2020.

‘The scent of sandalwood defines the mood, as its powerful aphrodisiac aromatherapy qualities boost libido and stimulate the senses,’ says Dominnique. ‘Roses, the eternal symbol of romance and desire are also known to arouse passions. Fragrance reignites passion.’

Spritz on a sexy perfume or get a special reed diffuser for the bedroom. Sex now involves your nose.

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