Studying abroad changed my life – it shouldn’t just be an opportunity for the privileged

Eleanor Rosenbach Erasmus firends
Thanks to Erasmus, I travelled to areas I would never have discovered alone and made friends with people whose views have enriched my perspective (Picture: Eleanor Rosenbach)

When I decided to spend a year studying in Spain more than a decade ago, I thought it would simply give me the opportunity to live abroad and develop my Spanish skills. Not for one second did I imagine just how life changing such a decision would turn out to be.

As it transpired, that year in Spain – which I only got to experience through the grant-funded education programmed Erasmus – helped me foster a love of travel that has since taken me all over the world and make lifelong friendships that endure to this day. It not only widened my work horizons but gave me the foundations for my career in international human rights.

It also opened a window to Spanish culture and I fell in love, figuratively and literally: I now live in Madrid with my Spanish partner and our son. That’s why the recent news that the UK government could scrap Erasmus is heart-breaking.

In 2017, the programme – which also offers training and volunteer opportunities in the European Union and partner nations – celebrated its 30th birthday and nine million participants since it began. A further four million people are estimated to have taken part in Erasmus+, a 2014 update that made it even more inclusive with grants for Further Education and apprenticeship students, youth volunteer programmes, and adult learning initiatives.

Last week, however, Parliament failed to back an amendment requiring the government to commit to Erasmus after we leave the EU. The government says this doesn’t mean the end of the UK’s involvement in the scheme, but as things stand, they’ve chosen not to be obligated to take part in the programme.

While there is consideration to develop a national study abroad initiative, the House of Lords has already flagged that replacing the Erasmus benefits in a national programme would be very difficult.

The impact of all this is huge. Without Erasmus, so many students will lose the opportunity for exposure to different social, political and economic realities, brought about through immersion in culture and language.

I began to understand Spanish politics at dinner tables in the family homes of friends, listening to passionate and sometimes shout-y conversations about Spain’s government and the EU.

I learnt all about the country’s history from the descendants of those who suffered the civil war and the dictatorship.

I heard about Spanish schools and families in the homes of the children I taught English to, where I was welcomed with warmth and regular meals.

When I announced to a Spanish lecture hall that people in the UK eat sandwiches walking down the street on their lunch break, the amused horror from my fellow students taught me to appreciate cultural differences.

Eleanor Rosenbach friend Erasmus
I consider myself incredibly lucky for the opportunities Erasmus gave me and I am undoubtedly a different person for it (Picture: Eleanor Rosenbach)

Thanks to Erasmus, I travelled to areas I would never have discovered alone and made friends with people whose views have enriched my perspective.

I consider myself incredibly lucky for the opportunities it gave me and I am undoubtedly a different person for it. I am far from the only person to benefit.

Grant support makes this programme possible for those on low incomes and those who may not otherwise have had the chance to work or study abroad.

About 17,000 British students and trainees went abroad in 2017 with Erasmus and according to the House of Lords, leaving the programme will ‘disproportionately affect people from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with medical needs or disabilities’.

UK projects for education, youth, sport and social inclusion also received financial support.

Whether for work or study, Erasmus boosts language skills – something Britain desperately needs. The UK overall has an incredibly poor track record with language learning compared to our European neighbours. Fewer than half of pupils take a GCSE foreign language, and just a third can speak a language other than their mother tongue.

Without language, you cannot fully understand another culture, its nuances and its people. And disregard for language learning – partly rooted in the arrogant assumption that English is global so we don’t need to try – damages our employ-ability and standing amongst the rest of the world.

My ability to speak Spanish took me to Latin America after university, and to a career in international human rights, but I can converse wherever I am in the world: Erasmus allowed me to engage with Hispanic communities in London and my native Brighton.

While a question mark hangs over our future with Europe and the rest of the world, it’s likely that immigration rules will change and our borders will get tougher for EU citizens to cross. The political lack of interest in continued participation feels like a sign from the government that the door on social and cultural involvement in the EU is also closing.

Erasmus teaches cultural awareness and understanding, and offers exposure to different academic, political and social realities. Young people in the UK will lose out on a world of possibilities and experiences if the government doesn’t commit to continuing in the scheme. And we, as a society, will be more the poorer for it.

MORE: What is the Erasmus+ scheme and what will happen to it after Brexit?

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