Seven things you shouldn’t say when asking for a pay rise

Seven things you shouldn’t say when asking for a pay rise

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Ready to fight for that salary bump? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Has the New Year got you thinking about your job, your career plans, and what on earth you’re doing with your life?

Don’t worry – you’re not the only one having a mild work-themed crisis. There’s a reason so many people quit their jobs in January.

If a major component of your job dissatisfaction is to with what you’re paid, it’s probably time that you express your concerns and ask for a pay rise in 2020.

Most of us know the basic things we should mention when asking for more money: evidence of all our hard work and success, recent examples of a brilliant project, and details of how your role has developed and what it deserves as a result.

But are you aware of the things you probably shouldn’t say? Here are seven phrases to avoid.

‘I’ve been here over a year’

We spoke to HR manager Ash Donovan of Gear Hungry, who said that leading a salary negotiation with how long you’ve worked at a company ‘is perhaps the most common mistake to make when requesting a pay rise’.

How much you deserve to be paid should be more about the value of the work you’ve done rather than how long you’ve stuck around.

Ash explains: ‘To be a little harsh, for the most part how long you have been employed with the company is irrelevant.

‘How valuable your contribution towards the workplace is one of the biggest deciding factors in determining if a pay rise will be awarded. A colleague can be working within the company for half the number of years that you have however, added more value.

‘Instead of discussing how many days of work you have accumulated, present specific events and reasons with regards to why you believe you are entitled to a pay rise. Give an actionable agenda of further ways in which you plan to contribute towards the workings of the team and ultimately, create even more value’.

‘My rent has gone up’

Not to be rude, but why should your boss care? They’ve got living expenses too. So does everyone else working there. Listing more expensive rent will make someone question your choices rather than consider paying you more.

‘Never relate a pay rise to a personal situation,’ Ash tells us.  ‘This can create a really awkward atmosphere when many people find talking about money awkward enough.

‘Whether your rent has increased, you need a new car, or you are saving or attending several costly weddings in 2020, personal commitments have nothing to do with your workplace performance.

‘Keep it professional and focus on your work only.’

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Be realistic (Picture: Ella Byworth for

‘I want a rise of £10,000’

Be strategic and realistic. A massive pay rise in one big chunk is pretty unlikely.

Ash says: ‘Some people are surprised when I say that for the most part, businesses don’t mind its workforce requesting a pay rise. It shows a level of commitment as they did not choose to interview for other roles and initiate an honest discussion about their future within the workplace instead.

‘However, what employers do mind is employees not only demanding a raise but also being unrealistic in their requests.

‘Requesting a pay rise that is tens of thousands of pounds higher than your current salary is not only unrealistic but arrogant. You may genuinely be receiving a salary that does not reflect your experience or expertise however, if it is not likely to be so significantly under par.

‘It is a sure-fire way to irritate the decision-maker as they will feel that there is no reason to partake in a conversation if one party has unrealistic expectations.’

Ash recommends not being super specific in the salary increase you want – not just so you avoid overdoing it, but also so you don’t end up asking for a lower amount than your boss would be happy to give you.

Keep things open and let your manager lead the numbers chat.

‘Give me a raise, or I’ll give you my notice’

Ultimatums are a risky move.

Unless you’re entirely sure that you’re so indispensable to the workplace that your boss would do anything to keep you, don’t talk in all or nothing terms or extremes – especially if you don’t actually have another job offer hanging around.

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(Picture: Ella Byworth for

‘I have spoken to my colleague and they are on more than me’

Bringing up your pay in comparison to someone else’s can create an incredibly awkward situation.

Ash says: ‘I cannot emphasize enough how important it is not to mention co-workers when discussing a personal salary.

‘You may be confident that you know everything your colleague does but it is unlikely. Some people shout about their workplace wins louder than others, some choose to communicate the effectiveness of their contributions directly to management and others step into a new office with a lot more experience than their counterparts.

‘Your salary is prescriptive to you, so ensure that you keep discussions focussed on you.’

‘Sorry, but I need a raise’

You don’t need to apologise for asking for a pay rise – you’re allowed to do that and should feel comfortable doing so.

‘Frequently apologising portrays an air of self-doubt, which can see a workplace over-contemplate awarding you with a pay rise. Ensure that you are assertive, confident and above all unapologetic’.

‘I can’t believe we lost such a huge client/messed up that pitch/have seen stats go down… anyway, I need a pay rise’

Timing is everything, and if you know that things aren’t going particularly well for your workplace you may want to wait a while to bring up finances.

Do your research and stay aware of what’s going on.

‘If the atmosphere is a little prickly due to external sources, then it may be wise to postpone initiating any important discussions until it lifts,’ says Ash.

‘Before you instigate any kind of salary discussion, ensure that you believe the company has the resources to fulfil your requests in the first place. If they have just experienced substantial financial loss, then it is wise to keep this in mind’.

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