Running a marathon can ‘reverse ageing’ and help you live longer

illustration of two women running together
Running a marathon is really good for you… as you probably guessed (Picture: Ella Byworth for

If you’re umming and ahhing about attempting your first marathon, here’s a nudge in the right direction.

Running a marathon for the first time can ‘reverse the consequences of ageing’ on the blood vessels and help you live almost four years longer, a study has found.

So – not to state the obvious – doing your first marathon is pretty good for your health.

Researchers analysed data from 138 healthy participants who took part in their first London marathons in 2016 and 2017.

They began by measuring the participants’ blood pressure and arterial stiffness six months before the race, then measured both again within one to three weeks of the marathon being completed.

At the initial measurements, all participants were running no more than two hours per week and had no prior marathon experience.

Training for and running their first marathon decreased participants’ blood pressure by 4 and 3 mmHg (for the none medical types, that’s a good thing) and increased their aortic distensibility by 9%.

Researchers say this is the equivalent of an ‘almost four-year reduction in aortic age’.

Essentially, after doing their first marathon participants had lower blood pressure and healthier hearts.

And if you’re panicking that you’re terribly unfit in the leadup to your first marathon, it’s worth noting that greater results were seen in older, slower marathon runners with higher baseline blood pressure. So if you’re not in great aortic shape to begin with, you might see greater benefits.

Illustration of woman wearing fitness gear
Training improves your blood pressure (Picture: Ella Byworth for

The researchers believe adults with hypertension and stiffer arteries might be expected to have an even greater cardiovascular response to exercise training.

They write: ‘This study emphasises the importance of lifestyle to modify the ageing process, particularly as it appears “never too late” to gain the benefit as seen in older, slower runners.’

Dr Charlotte Manisty, from Barts Heart Centre and University College London, said: ‘Our study shows it is possible to reverse the consequences of ageing on our blood vessels with real-world exercise in just six months.

‘These benefits were observed in overall healthy individuals across a broad age range and their marathon times are suggestive of achievable exercise training in novice participants.’

You don’t have to force yourself to do a marathon to improve your health, of course.

Any exercise you feel up to will have benefits.

Professor Metin Avkiran, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation, which funded the research, said: ‘The benefits of exercise are undeniable.

‘Keeping active reduces your risk of having a heart attack or stroke and cuts your chances of an early death. As the old mantra goes, if exercise were a pill it would be hailed as a wonder drug.

‘Setting yourself a goal – such as training for a marathon – is a great way to stay motivated and follow through on your New Year health resolutions.

‘But you don’t need to train for a marathon to reap the benefits. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every week, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. More is usually better, but every bit counts.

‘Even a brisk walk on your lunch break will steer you towards better heart and circulatory health.’

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