Remote Irish island is recruiting for two friends to run a coffee shop

Remote Irish island is recruiting for two friends to run a coffee shop
Great Blasket Island looks beautiful (Picture: Getty)

Are you a bit fed up of the daily grind? How does taking yourself off to a remote island to run a coffee shop with your best friend sound?

Well, if you’re interested, there’s a job opening on Great Blasket Island, off the south-west coast of Ireland.

You’ll get somewhere to live and all your food and some time to enjoy somewhere a little quieter.

The job runs from 1 April to October and you’ll be in charge of three guest cottages and the coffee shop on the island.

However, when we say remote, we really mean it. There’s no wi-fi, electricity or hot water and drinking water is limited.

Remote Irish island is recruiting for two friends to run a coffee shop
You’d be running the coffee shop and three guest houses on the tiny island (Picture: Getty)

The whole island is 6km long and technically no one lives there permanently but they do get some visitors who need somewhere to stay and eat.

The job is for a couple or two friends who are happy to move together.

If you are interested, you better be quick because an update on the island’s Instagram page, which was posted today, said that they have already received over 23,000 applications.

The post said: ‘We are beyond overwhelmed at the response for the job post for the Great Blasket Island coffee shop and accommodation.

Remote Irish island is recruiting for two friends to run a coffee shop
The island is just off the coast of Ireland (Picture: Getty)

‘Posting the advert last year, we were concerned we would not find ANYONE willing to leave their job, pack their bags and move to a wind swept island with no electricity OR hot water in the middle of the Atlantic, off the Dingle peninsula for 6 months of the year!

‘To date we have received over 23,000 applications. (If only we could get everyone who applied to stay for one night , we’d be fully booked for the next 30 years).

‘We had planned to email everyone back when our inbox was at 200( and were genuinely amazed it even reached 200). Again, a huge HUGE thank you to everyone who took time to apply & share or like the post, we can’t explain how much your interest means to us – So sorry if we haven’t got back to you yet, our inbox is chocca block.

‘Hopefully we will meet you all sometime over the next 30 years.’

To apply for the job, you need to email

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