Photographer captures the reality of Londoners’ commutes on the Tube with candid portraits

These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube
Photographs capture the moody reality of Londoners’ morning commutes (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)

We like to think of London as an exciting bustling metropolis packed with joy and adventure.

You have cultural hotspots on your doorstep! There’s great food and shopping! Our wildly high rents for tiny studio flats are worth it!

But then we get on the Tube at rush hour and head to work, and remember that actually, we hate London. It is hell.

Photojournalist Adam Gray has spent the last eight months hopping on the London Underground during the morning rush hour to capture citydwellers’ true misery.

He snapped photographs of unknowing subjects on his iPhone, documenting the fed-up expressions and sleep-robbed eyes that you’ll spot on every morning commute.

If there’s one thing that unites us, it’s the shared indignity of being pressed up against someone’s armpit after shoving yourself on to a carriage.

These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube
Photographer Adam Gray spent eight months hopping aboard the Tube during rush hour (Picture: Gray / SWNS)

Adam, 33, said: ‘These forlorn visages show the grim daily grind, the Orwellian dystopia predicted in 1984.

‘Nobody has their own space – commuters are all one – and they are all miserable.

‘I didn’t see any tears during my morning sojourns across the capital, but I didn’t see any mirth either.

‘It’s fascinating to me that, regardless of age, race, size or gender, everybody on the London Underground looks miserable. And their expression doesn’t change with the seasons.’

One of the portraits, taken last Autumn, shows a woman struggling to stand upright as she was surrounded by arms clutching on to the rails.

‘I took the picture of her because she was wearing a jumper that said “Never ending” on it,’ said Adam.

These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube
The resulting photos capture citydwellers united in the misery of being packed on to public transport (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)

‘I’m not sure if it was deliberate on her part, but that statement on her sweater is an allegory for the never-ending misery of commuting on the massively-congested Tube network.

‘There’s no chance of getting a seat, so people jostle and fight to get a hand on the rails or bars.

‘It’s not uncommon to see people just surrounded by strangers’ arms, buzzing around like moths to a flame.

‘Another thing that struck me as unusual about the ‘crush hour’ is that nobody speaks.

‘Everybody travels alone, and keeps to themselves, so you can be stuck on a carriage with a hundred other people, and the only sound is the clickety-clack of the train on the tracks, or the tinny rattle of music being played excessively loud through headphones.’

These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
He says the strangest thing about the journey is how nobody talks (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
We’ve all known the indignity of being smushed up against someone’s armpit on the Tube (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
The tired eyes and sullen expressions look familiar (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
There’s usually tension around hand placement on the pole (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Sunglasses on the Tube are an interesting choice (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
And carrying a hot coffee is brave (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Wait a minute, that’s a smile (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Okay, back to normal (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Greatly enjoying this top (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
As the kids say: big mood (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Does anyone else find it impossible to hang on to those above-your-head bits? (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Music or an audiobook is a must (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
As are headphones that work. If you blast music out loud, you are a terrible human (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
When you don’t have a book, your commute can be spent staring into the distance (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
But never, ever making eye contact with other commuters (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
A quick rest is a good shout (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Just don’t miss your stop (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Phones have saved us so much awkwardness on public transport (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
And wifi at stations. Amazing. (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Another smile! (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
A good hat (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
A good fluffy hood, too (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
The Tube is a good spot for people-watching (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
And silent judgment (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Just keep your eyes down (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Never risk a conversation early in the morning (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
This looks suspiciously like pole-hogging (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Yes, we are curious to know what he’s looking at (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
That advert is a bit glum (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
(Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
What’s this guy looking at? (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Stay focused (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Again, don’t miss your stop (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
And do mind the gap (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Is anyone else holding their breath in case they scroll down to see a photo of themselves? (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
All these people look lovely, but I don’t want to see what I look like on my commute (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Adam made the pictures black and white to deal with the weird lighting on the Tube (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)
These are the blank stares of weary travellers braving Britain's busiest commute, the packed Tube. See National News story NNtube. Photojournalist Adam Gray spent eight months travelling the London Underground network during the morning rush hour to capture the candid portraits, using nothing but his iPhone. The stunning series of black and white portraits shows people from all walks of life travelling squeezed together on congested carriages. Despite taking dozens of photographs, all the subjects in the stunning portraits had the same expression on their face - as they were crushed between fellow travellers. Some of the commuters were pictured listening to headphones, reading their phones or staring blankly into the distance, but they all bore the same, grim expression on their faces.
Ah, a moment of peace (Picture: Adam Gray / SWNS)



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