Photographer captures couple marrying in Philippines with volcano erupting in the background

shots of the couple marrying in Philippines with volcano in background
Chino Vaflor and Kat Bautista Palomar on their wedding day (Picture: Randolf Evan/ Magnus News)

One couple were determined not to let an erupting volcano spoil their special day.

Chino Vaflor and Kat Bautista Palomar tied the knot in the Philippines on Sunday night.

Their wedding took place a short distance (around 10km) from Taal – one of the country’s most active volcanoes.

But during the course of the ceremony, the volcano started spluttering ash and steam into the air.

Wedding photographer Randolf Evan was on hand to get some snaps of the couple’s special day and the bubbling volcano created an incredible backdrop.

Kat Valfour and husband Chino stand with Taal Volcano erupting in the background
Taal is one of the Philippines most active volcanoes (Picture: Randolf Evan/ Magnus News)

Randolf said: ‘Funny enough, the smoke from the volcano just kind of like served as an entertaining backdrop changing from white, yellow, pink and finally to grey.

‘We (photographers) just did our work as usual but the challenge was for us to talk to them and help maintain their composure as the situation showed no sign of stopping.’

Randolf said wedding guests had ‘no prior notice at all’ that something was about to happen.

At the start of the ceremony, there was a level two (out of five) warning for the volcano, but changes came about incredibly rapidly.

As the service progressed, the alert level changed to four.

Kat Valfour and husband Chino with Taal Volcano erupting in the background
The happy couple (Picture: Randolf Evan/ Magnus News)

Randolf added: ‘Then halfway through the ceremony it goes up to level four.

‘That’s the time the wedding planner and coordinator were starting to talk to the Chino and Kat about the matter.

‘Surprisingly the mood throughout the day was calm. It was an intimate wedding so most of the couple’s guests were family and close friends.

‘They were even able to do their vows, first dance and speeches and watch their onsite slideshow. It was all very memorable despite the reception’s program getting cut short.’

The pictures certainly are spectacular.

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