Mum of baby with port-wine birthmark hid her for six weeks and put filters on social media pics

When Lacey-Dee Barret was born, she had a port-wine stain birthmark covering 90% of her body.

Her mum Sara Farrow, 27, from Lincoln, admitted that she hid Lacey-Dee from strangers for six weeks after she was born and also used filters in photos she posted online.

The marks on the baby were caused by the abnormal development of her blood vessels during pregnancy.

Sara was scared people would single out her daughter and wanted to protect her from harsh comments.

So for the first six weeks of her life, Sara covered the bright-coloured skin and hid her away from strangers.

And when she posted photos of Lacey-Dee on Instagram, Sara said she used filters to mask the colour of the skin.

She only changed her ways when she became worried Lacey-Dee would look back on her baby photos when she is older and asked her mum if she was embarrassed.

But even when she finally plucked up the courage, Sara claims strangers told her daughter looks ‘diseased’ and ‘contagious’.

Sara explained: ‘As her mum obviously I am not bothered about her appearance but I was scared about what other people would think.

‘When she was first born she was very red and looked bruised. I’ve had people say lots of things when we are out.

‘I was scared of what people would think of me as a mum. People have said she looks diseased and have asked what’s wrong with her face.

‘One person asked if she is she allergic to the washing powder I use and people think there is something really wrong with her.’

Lacey-Dee Barrett at one week old.
Sara kept: Lacey-Dee Barrett hidden for six weeks (Picture: SWNS)

Lacey-Dee was born at Lincoln County Hospital in April and Sara said she realised something was different straight away.

She had darker patches on her chest and doctors thought she may have been bruised.

Within hours, the birthmark appeared in full on the surface of Lacey-Dee’s skin. She was then referred to specialists and diagnosed with port-wine stains in October.

Only three in every 1,000 babies are born with the condition which occurs during pregnancy, and usually only appears on one limb or area of the body.

Lacey-Dee Barrett, 10 months.
Lacey-Dee now (Picture: SWNS)

Sara said she covered up as much of her daughter’s skin with baby blankets, long-sleeved clothing or hiding her away in her buggy.

She added: ‘I was most worried about her face and I’m scared for her future.

‘But it got to the point where I didn’t want her to look back on baby photos and see I wasn’t confident enough or I was embarrassed.

‘I had to get brave for her sake as much as mine. I had to come to terms with it.

‘I’m worried for when she goes to school. I don’t want her to be called names or to be bullied.’

Lacey-Dee Barrett, 10 months, and mum Sara Farrow.
Sara is done hiding her beautiful baby (Picture: SWNS)

It comes with no other side effects and Sara said Lacey-Dee is otherwise a ‘very happy’ baby.

Sara said: ‘Regardless of the birthmark, it doesn’t change who she is.

‘We have seen so many dermatologists and they all said this is the most extensive case of Port Wine Stains they have seen.’

Lacey-Dee will meet with specialists next month to see if she is eligible for colour-corrective treatment.

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