Mum and dad split parental leave to take their baby around the world

Baby George Farr in Australiai, the world's best-travelled BABY - after his mum and dad split their parental leave and used it to travel the globe. See SWNS story SWSYmaternity; Samantha Farr, 31, and husband Jonathan, 37, decided they were going to embark on their adventure when pregnant with George, now one. The teachers started planning just two weeks after he arrived in January 2019 and saved up, before splitting Samantha's maternity leave. Alongside older kids Archie, seven, and Teddy, three, they embarked on a three-month backpacking trip across eight countries and through twelve cities. They walked parts of the Great Wall of China and paddled over the Great Barrier Reef, surfed the Gold Coast and roamed the deserts of Dubai. They abandoned hopes of any sort of newborn routine, dealing with the sleepless nights in 19 different places, from hotels and tents to camper vans and hotels, rather than their home in Louth, Lincolnshire. Now back in the UK, the adventurous family are already missing the freedom and would urge others to follow in their footsteps next year.
George Farr might be the most well-travelled baby around (Picture: Samantha Farr / SWNS)

At just one year old, George Farr has probably travelled more places than you.

He’s been to 19 places around the world thanks to his parents’ decision to split their parental leave and take him and his older brothers, Archie, seven, and Teddy, three, on a backpacking trip across eight countries.

Samantha Farr, 31, and husband Jonathan, 37, have taken their three children to walk the Great Wall of China, paddle over the Great Barrier Reef, surf the Gold Coast, and roam the deserts of Dubai.

The couple, both teachers, decided they were going to embark on a grand adventure when Samantha was pregnant with George.

They began to plan just two weeks after George arrived in January 2019, then split Samantha’s maternity leave so they could both head off.

Farr family at Blue Mountains in Australia. See SWNS story SWSYmaternity; Samantha Farr, 31, and husband Jonathan, 37, decided they were going to embark on their adventure when pregnant with George, now one. The teachers started planning just two weeks after he arrived in January 2019 and saved up, before splitting Samantha's maternity leave. Alongside older kids Archie, seven, and Teddy, three, they embarked on a three-month backpacking trip across eight countries and through twelve cities. They walked parts of the Great Wall of China and paddled over the Great Barrier Reef, surfed the Gold Coast and roamed the deserts of Dubai. They abandoned hopes of any sort of newborn routine, dealing with the sleepless nights in 19 different places, from hotels and tents to camper vans and hotels, rather than their home in Louth, Lincolnshire. Now back in the UK, the adventurous family are already missing the freedom and would urge others to follow in their footsteps next year.
The Farr family at Blue Mountains in Australia (Picture: Samantha Farr / SWNS)
Farr family with elephant in Bali. See SWNS story SWSYmaternity; Samantha Farr, 31, and husband Jonathan, 37, decided they were going to embark on their adventure when pregnant with George, now one. The teachers started planning just two weeks after he arrived in January 2019 and saved up, before splitting Samantha's maternity leave. Alongside older kids Archie, seven, and Teddy, three, they embarked on a three-month backpacking trip across eight countries and through twelve cities. They walked parts of the Great Wall of China and paddled over the Great Barrier Reef, surfed the Gold Coast and roamed the deserts of Dubai. They abandoned hopes of any sort of newborn routine, dealing with the sleepless nights in 19 different places, from hotels and tents to camper vans and hotels, rather than their home in Louth, Lincolnshire. Now back in the UK, the adventurous family are already missing the freedom and would urge others to follow in their footsteps next year.
With an elephant in Bali (Picture: Samantha Farr / SWNS)

Now back in the UK, the family are urging others to try the same thing.

Samantha said: ‘It was the most amazing experience and the kids absolutely loved it, I don’t regret it for one minute and we’re already talking about planning another adventure.

‘Even though the kids are so small, they honestly threw themselves into every adventure and loved every minute.

‘They were climbing mountains, riding elephants, running around local markets, racing in tuk tuks – it was amazing and just the most rewarding experience.

‘Our eldest son Archie started filming bits from our trips – he said he now wants to be like David Attenborough when he grows up.

Farr family visit Great Wall of China
Samantha and Jonathan split parental leave so they could take their three children on a three-month adventure around the world (Picture: Samantha Farr / SWNS)

‘We did a lot of backpacking and stayed in all different kinds of accommodation, from a hotel one day, to a camper van the next and then sleeping in tents as well.

‘We wanted to tick off a few bucket list places in our travels too, so we visited the Great Wall of China and showed the kids the Great Barrier Reef which was incredible.’

Samantha and Jonathan shared a love of travel and went on holidays to Mexico, France and Majorca before the arrival of their children.

They married in 2009 before welcoming son Archie in October 2012, son Teddy in June 2016 and son George in January 2019.

Farr family riding camels in Dubai. See SWNS story SWSYmaternity; Samantha Farr, 31, and husband Jonathan, 37, decided they were going to embark on their adventure when pregnant with George, now one. The teachers started planning just two weeks after he arrived in January 2019 and saved up, before splitting Samantha's maternity leave. Alongside older kids Archie, seven, and Teddy, three, they embarked on a three-month backpacking trip across eight countries and through twelve cities. They walked parts of the Great Wall of China and paddled over the Great Barrier Reef, surfed the Gold Coast and roamed the deserts of Dubai. They abandoned hopes of any sort of newborn routine, dealing with the sleepless nights in 19 different places, from hotels and tents to camper vans and hotels, rather than their home in Louth, Lincolnshire. Now back in the UK, the adventurous family are already missing the freedom and would urge others to follow in their footsteps next year.
Farr family riding camels in Dubai (Picture: Samantha Farr / SWNS)
Teddy snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. See SWNS story SWSYmaternity; Samantha Farr, 31, and husband Jonathan, 37, decided they were going to embark on their adventure when pregnant with George, now one. The teachers started planning just two weeks after he arrived in January 2019 and saved up, before splitting Samantha's maternity leave. Alongside older kids Archie, seven, and Teddy, three, they embarked on a three-month backpacking trip across eight countries and through twelve cities. They walked parts of the Great Wall of China and paddled over the Great Barrier Reef, surfed the Gold Coast and roamed the deserts of Dubai. They abandoned hopes of any sort of newborn routine, dealing with the sleepless nights in 19 different places, from hotels and tents to camper vans and hotels, rather than their home in Louth, Lincolnshire. Now back in the UK, the adventurous family are already missing the freedom and would urge others to follow in their footsteps next year.
Teddy, three, snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef (Picture: Samantha Farr / SWNS)

After saving up money together, they split Samantha’s maternity leave and embarked on a three-month adventure travelling the world with their children.

‘We’d been talking about travelling as a family for ages, and using our maternity leave to do so seemed the most logical decision,’ said Samantha.

‘We saved up money to go travelling and actually thought about doing it with our second child Teddy but he was quite poorly when he was born so we decided not to.

‘When I fell pregnant with George, we discussed it again and thought if we don’t do it now, then we’ll never do it.’

The quick planning meant George was just five and a half months old when the family left from Stansted Airport in July 2019.

Baby George Farrat Nusa Penida in Bali, the world's best-travelled BABY - after his mum and dad split their parental leave and used it to travel the globe. See SWNS story SWSYmaternity; Samantha Farr, 31, and husband Jonathan, 37, decided they were going to embark on their adventure when pregnant with George, now one. The teachers started planning just two weeks after he arrived in January 2019 and saved up, before splitting Samantha's maternity leave. Alongside older kids Archie, seven, and Teddy, three, they embarked on a three-month backpacking trip across eight countries and through twelve cities. They walked parts of the Great Wall of China and paddled over the Great Barrier Reef, surfed the Gold Coast and roamed the deserts of Dubai. They abandoned hopes of any sort of newborn routine, dealing with the sleepless nights in 19 different places, from hotels and tents to camper vans and hotels, rather than their home in Louth, Lincolnshire. Now back in the UK, the adventurous family are already missing the freedom and would urge others to follow in their footsteps next year.
Baby George at Nusa Penida in Bali (Picture: Samantha Farr / SWNS)

They began their travels in Sri Lanka then went on to visit Beijing, Tokyo, Bali, New Zealand, Australia, and Singapore, ending their trip in Dubai. They documented it all on their Instagram.

The trip has made Samantha and Jonathan realise just how much they love to travel. They’re now working out how they can make adventures part of their everyday life.

Samantha said: ‘It has been weird being back, I think we all miss travelling and we are thinking about giving up suburbia for life on the road permanently.

‘We did make the decision for Archie to miss the first term of the school year to go travelling, which is controversial as we are teachers ourselves, but we did educate him as we travelled.

Archie Farr holding George in Sri Lanka. See SWNS story SWSYmaternity; Samantha Farr, 31, and husband Jonathan, 37, decided they were going to embark on their adventure when pregnant with George, now one. The teachers started planning just two weeks after he arrived in January 2019 and saved up, before splitting Samantha's maternity leave. Alongside older kids Archie, seven, and Teddy, three, they embarked on a three-month backpacking trip across eight countries and through twelve cities. They walked parts of the Great Wall of China and paddled over the Great Barrier Reef, surfed the Gold Coast and roamed the deserts of Dubai. They abandoned hopes of any sort of newborn routine, dealing with the sleepless nights in 19 different places, from hotels and tents to camper vans and hotels, rather than their home in Louth, Lincolnshire. Now back in the UK, the adventurous family are already missing the freedom and would urge others to follow in their footsteps next year.
Archie Farr holding George in Sri Lanka (Picture: Samantha Farr / SWNS)

‘We’re looking at doing it for longer next time, possibly travelling around North and South America.

‘Our boys absolutely loved it and Archie especially is totally up for more.

‘We just wanted to show the kids that you don’t have to follow the social norm of growing up, getting a job, moving into a house, settling down – there’s so much more to do and see than that.

‘We wanted our children to see that life is for the living and you can venture out of your comfort zone, and I think we’ve definitely done that.’

Has your family committed to an unconventional life, whether that’s travelling the world or living in a houseboat? Get in touch to share your story by emailing

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