Justin Bieber’s diagnosis is terrible for him but great for people with Lyme disease like me

Julie Seal and Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber’s announcement took me back to my diagnosis and what a traumatising time it can be (Picture: Shareif Ziyadat/Getty Images)

When Justin Bieber revealed he suffers with Lyme disease earlier this week, the puzzle pieces fell into place.

The singer had previously talked about having a ‘rough couple of years’, with many speculating he had been experiencing drug problems or issues with his wife, Hailey Baldwin.

In actuality, he has been fighting the same debilitating condition that I battle with every day.

His announcement took me back to my diagnosis and what a traumatising time it can be.

I was walking through a garden centre in Kent when my legs started to feel wobbly and my knees felt weak. I would dip down with each step and this, coupled with the fact I had been feeling drunk or stoned for the previous 10 days, made me think something was definitely wrong.

I was worried, but the thing about having an infection in your brain is that you don’t really think clearly enough to worry properly.

By the end of that evening, I couldn’t walk. But being a stoic Brit not wanting to cause a fuss, I decided to just sleep – on the sofa as I couldn’t get upstairs – and hope it would go away. 

The next morning, things still weren’t right, so I headed to A&E. While I was there, I deteriorated quickly – so quickly in fact, that the doctors were baffled by it. 

In the space of 24 hours, I had gone from walking about easily to being paralysed.

They told me ‘nothing exists that would do this’, which isn’t reassuring when your neck no longer holds up your head, you’re slurring your words, you fail the neurological tests (I thought the Queen was called Helen) and you can’t move your limbs or wiggle a toe.

Looking back, I wish I’d asked a friend to join me at the hospital because the doctors clearly thought I was strange, if not making it all up.

I was putting on a brave face but I was secretly terrified.

At one point, I had to use the only arm that still worked to grab the hair on top of my head and point my face towards the doctor who was speaking as I couldn’t use my neck at all.

But it was the doctors not knowing what was wrong and implying I was making it up that worried me most.

It wasn’t until my sister – who is both an entomologist (study of insects) and ecologist (study of interactions among organisms) – suggested it could be Lyme disease, that I mentioned it to the doctors. They then sarcastically responded: ‘Sounds like a case of Dr Google’.

It felt helpless and frustrating. All I could do was cry.

My lowest point was when the hospital’s infectious diseases ‘specialist’ told me that it was ‘probably stress’. I was (and still am) furious at their ignorance. 

So I discharged myself and soon got properly diagnosed by specialists who I’d flown to see in Washington DC. Facebook groups were also instrumental in helping me find information, as was my scientist sister, who also has Lyme (we were probably first infected at the same time).

Frankly, it was a huge relief but a huge adjustment, too.

Living life with both your body and brain not working properly can be scary and frustrating. I’ve always been a workaholic and so being rendered unable to leave the house was especially tough.

Various tests suggested I have spent more than 35 years with chronic Lyme. They can tell from where the infection is in my body and the extent of the damage that it’s done.

We think I got my first bite from a tick in a deer park in Leicestershire as a child, my second whilst hiking in Scotland in 2008 and the third in Greece in 2016 from a mosquito, which comes up as a different strain in the blood tests.

Lyme disease: Symptoms, causes and treatment

  • Lyme disease can be spread to humans by infected ticks
  • Symptoms include a rash that looks like a bulls-eye, high temperature, tiredness and headaches
  • Only a small number of ticks are infected, but if you have been bitten by a tick it is important to remove it as quickly as possible
  • If you have been bitten by a tick and are experiencing symptoms, go to your GP
  • The GP may prescribe you a course of antibiotics, or they may refer you to a specialist
  • A few people are diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease and a doctor will be able to support you, should you be affected

You can find out more on the NHS website. 

It was that last bite – from a different neurological strain – that took me to A&E. 

The diagnosis finally made sense of all the unexplained illnesses, the severe fatigue or the permanently swollen glands and gland pain I’d suffered from previously. It was reassuring to know that there is treatment in the form of long-term antibiotics, yet there is no cure for chronic Lyme.

I’ve made great progress but it’s been a slow process as the infection is so far-reaching.

Having not been diagnosed for so long has meant the infection depleted my immune system and gave me heart damage, brain damage, damage to my organs, glands and tissues and I now use a wheelchair and walking stick a lot of the time.

Looking back I was bit of a sickly child and didn’t recover from illnesses like glandular fever, which I had in my teens, for over two years. This was likely due to the damage the first bite did but it’s only with hindsight that I could make the connection.

After my second bite I felt sicker and sicker with severe fatigue and general malaise but spent years trying to fight to get a diagnosis. I had flu symptoms and the classic bulls-eye rash, which occurs in some Lyme cases, but the GP and specialists told me it was all in my head.

Lyme causes symptoms like fibromyalgia, memory loss or brain fog, neurological problems, heart problems, stiff and painful joints and lots more, which means it’s often misdiagnosed. 

Many Lymies (an affectionate term we call each other) I’ve met through Facebook support groups have been told they have ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, dementia or fibromyalgia before actually getting a correct diagnosis.

But that’s the very issue with Lyme Disease in the UK. From my experience, very few people seem to understand it, including infectious diseases doctors and neurologists.

Julie Seal
The more people learn about Lyme, the less misinformation will be spread (Picture: Julie Seal)

Justin Bieber’s diagnosis is very sad for him and the criticism he’s received is both familiar and upsetting.

My family and friends have, on the whole, been amazing but others have decided that I don’t actually have Lyme, because they’ve read damaging and outdated information. That’s the most hurtful part of my experience and something he’s experiencing on a larger scale too.

But the fact that he has chosen to share it will raise much-needed awareness about Lyme.

The more people learn about the disease, the less misinformation will be spread. Lyme is a contentious issue and a complicated one, but it’s important the true experiences of sufferers are shared.

My workplace has been so understanding (I work for Facebook and they’ve been great) and my US doctors really do know their stuff, so have provided me with an effective treatment plan of various long-term antibiotics. It’s been three and a half years and I’ve still got a long way to go.

I’m an optimist and generally cheerful person, but severe chronic pain wears you down day after day and really depletes your resilience.

Like many with chronic illnesses, I have to limit my physical activity and can rarely exercise. It’s things like dancing and hiking that I miss the most.

The neurological symptoms have also been tough. Things like light and sound sensitivity as well as the fatigue mean I can’t really enjoy nightlife or busy places much. 

Despite the struggles that Lymies have, I am hopeful that things will change, especially with high-profile sufferers like Justin speaking out about it.

Julie is currently in partial remission. You can follow her journey on Instagram.

MORE: Lyme disease ‘increasing rapidly’ in UK with 8,000 cases expected this year

MORE: A bull’s eye rash means you should be immediately treated for Lyme disease

MORE: Avril Lavigne returns to spotlight after two years following Lyme disease battle

source https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/10/justin-biebers-diagnosis-is-terrible-for-him-but-great-for-people-with-lyme-disease-like-me-12036653/
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