Is pasta vegan? What you need to do as Veganuary kicks off

Bowl of pasta
The look of love (Picture: Getty)

Oh, pasta. Whether you’re more of a linguini lover or mad for macaroni, there’s really nothing like a hearty helping of the feel-good dish.

You might be prepared to give up a lot for veganuary 2020 – where people try to go vegan for a month – and you might think you can just get away with not sprinkling cheese on top of your beloved pasta, but what is pasta actually made from?

Brace yourself and read on to find out whether or not vegans can eat pasta…

Is pasta vegan?

Like so many things in life, there isn’t a clear yes or no – it depends on the type of pasta you’re eating.

When it comes to pasta, there’s usually two types: fresh pasta and pasta secca (aka dried pasta).

a close up of a pasta dish
Hnnng (Picture: Getty)

Fresh pasta is usually made and cooked in the same setting and is usually not vegan because it can contain eggs, whereas dry pasta is nearly always vegan.

If you’re making dry pasta for yourself at home, double-check the packaging but you’re most likely not going to fail veganuary as a result.

If you’re eating pasta out at a restaurant, ask if the fresh pasta was made with eggs or oil.

Giving up fresh pasta might be worth it though – especially if you want to boost your erections.

Netflix documentary The Game Changers tested athletes to try out a vegan diet, and by switching to a plant-based diet, their eggplants noticed the difference, standing tall for up to 500% longer in one case.

How is fresh pasta made?

The typical ingredients for fresh pasta include flour, water, salt, and eggs – note that some fresh pasta can be made with oil instead of eggs, but it’s more likely than not to be made with eggs.

First, the flour and salt are mixed together in a mixing bowl before a well is made in the middle of the flour.

This is when the eggs are normally added; they’re cracked right inside the centre of the flour well.

The flour is mixed into the eggs until a dough forms.

Once that’s done, the dough is cut into the pasta shape of choice.

You can buy vegan fresh pasta alternatives from most major supermarkets, including Waitrose’s vegan ravioli and Sainsburys’ non-egg spaghetti and shroomballs.

How is dried pasta made?

The majority of dried pasta, on the other hand, is vegan and made from just two ingredients.

Most mass-produced dried pastas – which you can buy from supermarkets – contain just flour and semolina.

Semolina, derived from a wheat product, is first mixed with water. This mixture then gets processed in bulk quantities by machines creating a sort of dough.

This dough is then pressed through pasta molds to get the intended shape.

MORE: No, doing Veganuary won’t turn you into a woman

MORE: Is peanut butter vegan?

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