So you want to make another New Year’s resolution.
You’ve got plenty of experience in this arena – look at last year’s goals, did you achieve all, if any, of them?
Why do we always go in all gung-ho but after January is over, we forget that we were supposed to be hitting the gym, and not go for a smoke and all those other pesky habits we’re trying to kick?
Perhaps we’re going about it all wrong.
This is where SMART goals might come in. No, that’s not a way of saying your past goals have been dumb, SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-sensitive.
So instead of journaling something vague like ‘in 2020 I will be healthier’ and then abandoning it, make it as specific as possible.
Perhaps aim to walk to places if the journey is 20 minutes or less, or try a new fitness activity a month. The point is to make smaller goals to help you achieve your big goal.
And accountability helps. If you tell your loved ones your plans or publically declare it on a social media platform, it may help you to hold yourself accountable for it.
It’s also a great reminder that you’re meant to be doing something to bring you closer to achieving the resolution.
But don’t just take our word for it, people who know what they’re talking about also have some tips to ensure that you get closer to a new year new you.
Dr Jonathan Pointer, Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist also advocates using the SMART system.
‘Rather than have general resolutions, such as “I need to get fit,” it is helpful to have resolutions that are SMART,’ he explains to
‘It is better to make just one or two New Year’s resolutions that, when actioned, makes small beneficial changes to our lives, than have too many resolutions.
‘Think about the purpose of our New Year’s resolutions. How will they improve our life? Think about this deeply.’
Dr. Pointer also points out that we must not be too harsh on ourselves if we ‘fail’. So if you give into one drink/cigarette/bit of meat in the new year, try not to get into the mentality of ‘all or nothing’ thinking, which he says allows a downward spiral.
So, for example, you might have one slice of cake, but that doesn’t mean you have to finish the whole thing or start binge-eating.
He adds: ‘Have compassion for yourself if you slip up on your New Year’s resolutions.’
How to achieve your fitness goals for 2020
One of the most common NY resolutions is to get healthier. Wellness app MINDBODY did research into this area and told how you can achieve this.
- Find your motivation
A quarter (25%) of Brits cited a lack of motivation as the main reason why they wouldn’t be able to stick to their New Year’s resolutions in 2019. In order to stay motivated with exercise, why not bring a friend along to work out with you? Research reveals that half of Britons believe working out with a friend helps increase fitness motivation and 49% say it makes time pass quicker.
- Seek out money-saving options
One in five (18%) revealed a lack of money as being a deterrent. Home-based workouts are becoming increasingly popular, with apps such as YouTube offering a huge variety of free workouts, and Calm or Headspace providing free meditation classes.
A lot of gyms and studios tend to offer deals and discounts to new and existing members come January, so keep a lookout for promotions from your preferred facility.
- Manage your time
More than one in ten (14%) Brits believe they didn’t have enough time to achieve their targets.
Why not incorporate exercise into your social routine? MINDBODY research found that one in ten (15%) Britons said the social element of fitness encourages them to work out the most. So why not swap your weekly lunch dates with friends for a yoga class, or go for a weekend walk instead of a morning coffee? This way you’re not losing time or missing out on your social activities, and you’re keeping fit and active at the same time.
- Set realistic goals
Overly ambitious goals (14%) were another reason people felt they wouldn’t achieve their aims in 2019. If you’re looking to start a new gym routine in 2020, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to work out five times a week, especially if you’ve never exercised before. Instead of setting yourself huge goals, take it slow and set yourself achievable targets instead.
If you’re doing something that might involve a physical transformation or something marking progress, there are also apps you can use to document it such as One Second A Day that does what it says on the tin.
Psychologist and clinical director of a private therapy clinic, Dr. Becky Spelman advises setting tangible goals and milestones.
She tells us: ‘It’s infinitely better to set clear, understandable goals that must be met within a particular timeframe and then resolve to do what it takes to meet them by making reasonable changes to your lifestyle.
‘Choose a realistic goal – say, half a pound per week, or to drop a dress size in six months—and then take reasonable steps to meet it.
‘Whatever your resolution is, you need to make realistic changes to your lifestyle rather than trying to achieve your goals overnight, which will call for drastic changes that simply cannot be sustained in the medium to long term.’
It’s also a good idea to line up some support in the form of friends and family members who understand what you are trying to do, and will help you however they can, rather than trying to undermine your efforts.
If you want to set SMART goals and aren’t sure how to go about it, here’s a video giving some more detail:
MORE: 10 New Year’s resolutions to look after your mental health in 2020
MORE: Why you should stop setting New Year’s resolutions to exercise and start working out now