Family brings missing cat home on New Year’s Eve two years after he disappeared

Jenna, her son Jacob and Jasper the cat
Jenna, her son Jacob and Jasper (Picture: Jenna Hegarty)

After graduating from university in Liverpool in 2002, Jenna Hegarty adopted her kitten, Jasper.

They’d been through a lot together including a move to the Cambridgeshire countryside for work in 2008 and when he went missing over two years ago, she was devastated.

She thought that as a 15-year-old, he had sadly disappeared and died somewhere.

But last week, Jenna, from Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire, got a call from a vet to say they had found a cat and when they scanned his microchip, it was registered to her.

She immediately went to reunite him but as the family were having some building work done, they couldn’t bring him home straight away.

But last night, on New Year’s Eve, the family returned to their home and Jasper came back too. He even got to meet Jenna and partner Graham Powell ‘s second son for the first time.

Jenna explains: ‘When we moved to the countryside, he took to the great outdoors with gusto. He also started roaming more and it wasn’t unusual for him to stay away for two-three days at a time.

‘About seven years ago, Jasper didn’t return from one of his adventures and I did the usual thing of putting up of posters locally, logging him as missing with the microchip company and contacting all the local vets. There was no sign of him though and I thought he had either been run over or (hopefully) had found another home somewhere after getting lost.

‘Fast forward seven months, just when the weather was turning cold that year, and I hear a miaow at the front door. I assumed it was one of my other cats but when I opened the door there was Jasper – in fine fettle and glad to be home!

‘So when he went missing again two and half years ago, I thought he would just turn up again, at first after a few nights and then perhaps when the weather turned cold again, just like he’d done before.

‘For the first few weeks I would always call his name whenever I walked our dogs around the block, but I never saw him.

‘After a while, especially when winter came around, I realised that this time Jasper wasn’t coming home and that perhaps, as a 15-year-old cat, he’d taken himself off to die.’

The call from the vet came completely by chance, especially as Jasper had been staying with another family. just around the corner, who thought he was their long lost cat.

How to microchip your pet

A microchip is a tiny device inserted under the skin of your pet.

It holds your details and can be scanned by vets anywhere so they can let you know if your pet is found.

You can get your pet microchipped for a small fee by a vet.

The vet will insert the chip under the skin of your pet and this gives them a unique code.

The code can be matched to the owner’s contact details, which are kept on a national database.

It is very important to keep your details up to date. If your address or phone number changes, edit the information on the microchip so you can still be contacted if your pet is found.

Jenna continues: ‘When I got a call last week from a local vet to say they’d just scanned jasper’s microchip I was amazed. I was convinced jasper was dead but no, he’d been living with a family literally round the corner from our house almost all the time I thought he’d been missing, and they’d taken him to the vets for some dental treatment.

‘He’d turned up in their garden in a bit of a sorry state, suggesting he had become disoriented or had been trapped somewhere for a while, and they were convinced he was their old ginger cat who’d gone missing eight years before.

‘They were delighted, and even more sure Jasper was their ‘Weeby’ when their other cat accepted him into the house with no fuss at all.

‘It was a bit of a fluke he was scanned at all at the vets as the family were certain he was Weeby, so they were really shocked to find out he belonged to another family.’

Jenna had been walking past the house were Jasper had been staying almost every day for over two years but she had never seen him.

‘After the initial shock and delight, I was amazed that I never saw jasper given how close he’d been,’ she says.

‘I spoke to jasper’s other family on the phone shortly after the vet called and told them his story. As soon as they discovered his real name they called him and apparently his eyes lit up.

‘I went to see jasper that evening and he was super purry but if I’m honest I’m not sure he really remembered me. Or perhaps he was just being a tired old man who’d not long had his dinner!’

Now, with the building work complete, the family have welcomed him back and although Jenna’s oldest son Jacob, three, was born before he disappeared, he has no memories of him, and her youngest son Sam, one, came along after he went missing.

She says: ‘We only moved back home on New Year’s Eve, but Jasper moved back with us and he’s settling in really well. He’s purring all the time, finding all the comfortable spots in the house and is taking the children in his stride.

‘My three-year-old thinks Jasper’s great, even if he doesn’t really remember him from before. The baby seems to love him too.’

Welcome home, Jasper!

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MORE: Missing cat returns to family 15 months after disappearance

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