Boy caught on camera helping his brother escape but pretends he was asleep when mum finds them

When Amy Werdekker went into her sons’ room, she was surprised to find them both dancing, instead of in their beds.

Flynn, four, could get out of bed himself, but Arthur was only 22 months and still in a cot.

She quizzed her older son about what happened but he insisted he had no idea because he had been asleep.

Amy, who is also mum to 12-week-old Edie, went to check the camera on the monitor she has in the boys’ room and couldn’t help but laugh when she discovered what really happened.

Cheeky Flynn hadn’t been asleep at all but had created an ingenious escape route to get Arthur out.

Flynn climbed over the bar of the cot and placed a box inside for his little brother to stand on.

Boy helps his little brother escape his cot - Amy with Flynn and Arthur
Amy with Flynn and Arthur (Picture: Amy Werdekker)

When Arthur seemed unsure about following his brothers precarious path over the top of the cot and onto his adjacent bed, Flynn had another plan.

Instead Flynn laid out his teddies and blankets, encouraged Arthur to stand onto the box and then helped him jumped over the edge into the soft pile below.

Amy, from Leicestershire, tells that she was confused when she first went into their room but the video made it all clear.

She says: ‘Both boys seemed very pleased with themselves about their little escape routine and were playing, dancing and singing in their room when I went in to get them both ready for the day.

Boy helps his little brother escape his cot - but tells mum he was asleep the whole time Picture: Amy Werdekker METROGRAB
The boys and their little sister Edie (Picture: Amy Werdekker)

‘When I asked what had happened, Flynn denied all knowledge and said he was still asleep and so didn’t see.

‘We tried to ask Flynn a second time later on in the day about what had happened but he again denied all knowledge.

‘When we showed him the video footage from the camera monitor in their room, he just burst out laughing and said “It’s OK mummy, he didn’t get hurt because I put lots of blankets and teddies on the floor! I just wanted to play with him”‘

Flynn looking at Arthur as they sit on the floor
Arthur and Flynn have a close bond (Picture: Amy Werdekker)

Amy adds that now Flynn knows about the camera, he hasn’t tried to assist with any further breakouts but he still does like to spend time with his little brother.

She says: ‘I will quite often find that he has climbed into Arthur’s cot himself to read him stories in the morning.’

The great escape has also encouraged Arthur’s adventurous side.

‘Arthur is a fearless daredevil,’ Amy says. ‘I will always seem to catch him moving chairs to try and reach door handles and climbing to turn on light switches! It’s definitely true what they say about your second child… You need eyes in the back of your head!’

You can follow more adventures on their blog, Facebook page or Instagram.

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