What I Own: Justin, who pays £1,500 a month towards a mortgage for a one-bedroom flat in Woolwich

Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Justin, 35, owns a one-bedroom flat in Woolwich, London (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)

While for many of us owning a house rather than renting it feels like a mad pipe dream, there are some people who’ve managed it.

And we’re keen to know more about how on earth they did it.

While What I Rent looks at the reality of the renting market in the UK (and sometimes beyond), What I Own is a series exploring the ins and outs of buying a home, from saving up the deposit to how owners choose to decorate.

This week we’re in Woolwich, London, with Justin, 35. Justin is an IT consultant who was born in St Albans then moved to Sydney, Australia in 1987, before returning to the UK in 2016.

He previously lived in Canning Town but in September 2017 moved into a one-bedroom flat in Woolwich, which he owns. Welcome in.

Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
He saved up £20,000 of his deposit and had his parents’ help with the rest (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)

Hi, Justin! Let’s talk money. How much did you have to put towards this place?

For the deposit, I pretty much saved most of the deposit, which was about £20,000. This was saved from my working career. I was fortunate enough to also get help from my parents (who are back in Sydney) who assisted me with the remaining amount.

I’m not comfortable sharing the total amount of my mortgage out to the public.

I now pay about £1,500 a month (including bills). This does not include service charges, which are around £600 for six months.

How did you find the flat? 

I found this place through websites such as zoopla. I was looking for properties that were good for investment but also good as a temporary home as I wanted to upgrade at later stages of my life.

minion models in one-bedroom flat, What I Own: Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
He now pays £1,500 a month towards the mortgage (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)

What was the process of getting a mortgage like?

The process was quite straightforward as I have a great mortgage broker, Nik Patel from Robert Sterling, who assisted me every step of the way.

There are a few checks that need to happen so that banks understand whether you firstly have the deposit funds, an income that is capable of paying back your mortgage and any assets that you may earn. I felt prepared as I have done this process before.

Why did you choose Woolwich?

I chose Woolwich because I believe it is a growing and developing area. The council has invested millions into the growth of the Woolwich community, firstly with the Crossrail and from what I hear plans for a cinema complex and revamping the high street area. It is definitely a great investment area for those in the investment market.

dog doorstop, Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
He plans to buy a two-bedroom flat next, then a house when he starts a family (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)

How have you made the property feel like home?

I have put small touches to it like adding a bit of colour such as yellow and reds. I have also added a painting in my bedroom and bought a nice carpet to sit on whenever I read books or watch movies on my projector.

Have you had to spend a lot more on things for redecorating?

The usual expenses such as blinds/curtains and furniture such as tables and chairs. I think this is quite typical for a new home. So overall I would say maybe an extra £1-2k, depending on your budget. I think it’s important for the necessities to be there and as you live and earn, you can buy other non-essentials

Do you feel like you have enough space?

At the moment, yes. But I am looking to buy a two-bedroom flat shortly as I think I would just prefer to have another bedroom for either a study or for extra storage or guest space.

records on radiator, what i own, Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Wait, isn’t it a bad idea to keep records on the radiator? (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)

Does owning pose any problems you didn’t have when you were renting?

No, I think there are more problems renting a property. Firstly you are paying off someone’s mortgage when you could easily pay off your own (obviously depending on where you live).

Secondly, owning a property allows you to make modifications to your home/flat (e.g. drilling through walls, making extensions for homes etc). This gives your home your own personal touch.

What are your housing plans for the future? Do you want to stay in this flat forever or are you planning to move again?

I am planning to upgrade to a two-bedroom property. I am looking in the same development, Lovell as I find the service and team there very helpful and amazing to work with.

In addition, I enjoy the community of Woolwich. Eventually I want to buy a house so I can start a family.

Let’s have a look around. 

what i own one bedroom flat Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
The flat has a living room and kitchen area, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a balcony (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Justin has made the flat his own with pops of bright colour (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
desk and dining area, what i own, Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
There’s a desk and dining area too (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
desk and balcony, what i own, justin, woolwich
Have a peek out on the balcony (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Londoner in possession of a flat must be in want of a potted palm (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Here’s the kitchen (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
That ‘biscuits’ container is a liar (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
So how can we trust that these are in fact full of coffee, sugar and tea? (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
We don’t know what to believe in anymore (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
So here’s the painting above the bed (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Some nice motivational sheets (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Lovely splashes of red and orange, here (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
And decent storage space in the form of those cupboards (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Very neat and tidy (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
what i own: Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
More inspiration (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
bathroom in justin's one-bedroom flat Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Finally, here’s the bathroom (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
Looks nice, right? (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)
Justin, Woolwich Arsenal
And yes, that is a body brush (Picture: Matthew Chattle/Metro.co.uk)

How to get involved in What I Own

What I Own is a Metro.co.uk series that takes you inside people's properties, to take an honest look at what it's like to buy a home in the UK.

If you own your home and would be up for sharing your story, please email whatirent@metro.co.uk.

You'll need to have pictures taken of your kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom, plus a few photos of you in your room. Make sure you get permission for your housemates! You'll also need to be okay with sharing how much you've paid to live there and how you afforded the deposit, as that's pretty important.

If you're renting, you can take part too! What I Own runs alongside What I Rent, which is the same series but all about renting. Again, if you'd like to get involved just email whatirent@metro.co.uk.


MORE: What I Own: Jo and Paul, who paid a £36,000 deposit on a three-bedroom house in Bedfordshire

MORE: What I Own: Deena and Josh, who put down a £40,000 deposit on a house in Chatham, Kent

MORE: What I Own: Bernadette, 45, who owns a five-bedroom house in Coggeshall, Essex

source https://metro.co.uk/2019/12/14/justin-pays-1500-month-towards-mortgage-one-bedroom-flat-woolwich-11905152/
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