Try this Military Fitness home workout to improve your strength from your living room

A portrait of man with dreadlocks doing exercise at home.
An intense hiit workout without leaving your living room (Picture: Getty)

It’s cold, it’s dark, it’s nearly Christmas – the last thing you want to do is go out to the gym.

If you are leaving your house for anything other than work – it’s strictly for mulled wine purposes. That’s just how life works in December.

So if you don’t have the motivation to leave your house, but you still want to get your fitness fix, what’s the answer? A living room workout of course.

We asked the Grant King, founder of Military Fitness and Army veteran to come up with a high intensity workout that you can do without leaving the house. Just clear a bit of floor space – you can even leave Netflix on in the background.

The workout is an EMOM circuit – which stands for ;every minute on the minute. Complete 10 reps of 1a, once 10 reps has been completed, hold 1b for the remainder of the minute. Complete this five times.

Have a one-minute rest, then do the same for 2a and 2b, one-minute rest, then 3a, 3b – continue util eight rounds are complete.

1a) Burpees

Start standing with feet shoulder width apart.

Bend down into a squat and put both hands on the ground between your feet.

Jump your feet back into a plank.

Lower yourself to the ground making your chest touch.

Push back up into the high plank position

Jump feet onto the outside of the hands landing on your heels..

Stand upright, jump with your hands above your head.

Land with knees slightly bent before going into your next rep.

1b) Plank

Begin on the ground with your legs extended, forearms on the ground, balancing the body.

Press through your heels to keep your body in a straight line from your heels to hips to head.

Hold this position for the remainder of the minute.

Woman exercising planks at home in Los Angeles
Planks are great for core strength (Picture: Getty)

2a) Step-up (each leg)

Stand on top of a knee-height sturdy object. (This could be a chair, wall, box etc.)

Step down with your left foot, leave your right foot on the box.

Step your left foot back on top of the box and stand up straight.

Step down with your right foot, leave your left foot on the box.

Step your right foot back on top of the box and stand up straight.

This is one rep, complete nine more.

2b) Glute bridge hold

Begin lying on the ground with your feet flat, knees up in the air.

With your arms at your sides, stabilizing the body, raise your hips up toward the ceiling.

Pause for a moment at the top, squeezing the glutes.

Push up that extra little bit and hold this position for the remainder of the minute.

3a) Push-up

Lie face-down on the floor with your legs straight and feet together.

Place both hands just outside of the shoulders, palms on the floor.

Push your body off the floor till you have fully extended your arms, making sure you move your body as on unit keeping your back straight, hips up, and legs locked out.

Bend your elbows to lower your chest roughly one inch off the ground.

Push back up again.

3b) Squat hold

Stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

Hinge at your hips and bend at the knees keeping your back straight.

Pause at the bottom of the squat with your thighs breaking parallel to the ground.

Hold this position for the remainder of the minute.

Woman squatting
Drop as low as possible and hold (Picture: Getty)

4a) Lunge (each leg)

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step forward with your left foot until your right knee touches the ground. Both knees should be at 90-degree angles, and the front knee should remain over the ankle of the front leg (not over the toes).

Push off the front leg back to standing.

Repeat on the other leg. This is one rep, complete this nine more times.

4b) Leg rise hold

Begin lying on the ground, placing your hands under your glutes for support.

Raise your legs six inches off the ground keeping your legs straight, feet together.

Hold this position for the remainder of the minute.

5a) Squat jump

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, feet pointed slightly out.

Hinge at your hips and bend at the knees keeping your back straight, until your thighs break parallel.

Explode up into a jump both feet leaving the floor.

Land with knees slightly bent before going into your next rep.

5b) Press up hold

Lie face-down on the floor with your legs straight and feet together.

Place both hands just outside of the shoulders, palms on the floor.

Push your body off the floor till you have fully extended your arms, making sure you move your body as on unit keeping your back straight, hips up, and legs locked out.

Bend your elbows until they are at a 90 degree angle.

Hold this position for the remainder of the minute.

Man doing push ups in living room
This one’s a stinger (Picture: Getty)

6a) Mountain climbers

Start on the ground with your legs extended, palms on the floor under your shoulder, arms fully extended in the high plank position. Shoulders should be in line with your fingertips.

Bring your left knee in between your elbows, alternating the leg as quick as possible keeping your body in a straight line.

Count only the right knee going in between your elbows.

6b) Dorsi raise hold

Begin on the ground with your legs extended and shoulder width apart, arms fully extended on the floor above your head.

Raise your arms off the floor lifting the chest off, and raise your legs lifting off your quads.

Hold this position for the remainder of the minute.

7a) Sit ups

Lie down on your back.

Bend your legs and place feet firmly on the ground.

Cross your hands to opposite collar bones, keep your elbows tucked in.

Curl your upper body all the way up toward your knees.

Man doing sit-ups in living room
Feel the burn but use your core – don’t pull on your neck (Picture: Getty)

7b) Body V hold

Lie down on your back, arms fully extended above your head on the floor, legs extended feet together.

Raise your arms and legs, creating a V shape with your body.

Hold this position for 15 seconds.

Hold this position for the remainder of the minute.

8a) High knees

Even though all of these HIIT exercises will get your heart rate soaring, there’s nothing like mixing in a good old-fashioned cardio drill to really elevate your workout.

Stand up tall and draw one knee at a time up toward your chest, quickly alternating legs back and forth so that you’re constantly in motion.

It feels a bit like you’re running in place with your knees out in front of you.

8b) Wall sits

Stand in front of a wall roughly two feet away.

Lean against the wall, slide down until your thighs break parallel.

Walk you feet towards the wall until your knees are in line with your toes.

Your shoulders, upper back, and back of your head should all be flat against the wall.

Hold this position for the remainder of the minute.

MORE: 15 of the best Christmas gifts for fitness lovers

MORE: This ‘astronaut workout’ could help you become a better runner

MORE: How your boozy Christmas parties are affecting your workouts

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