Trusting girlfriend lets boyfriend cut her hair with his electric razor and isn’t happy with the results

Trusting girlfriend lets boyfriend cut her hair with his electric razor and isn’t happy with the results

Couple selfie, picture of Amyleigh before the haircut
Before the haircut (Picture: Caters/Amyleigh Weaver)

They say never cut your own fringe but they should probably make an amendment to the adage: never let your boyfriend cut your hair, for he will mess it up.

Such is the tale of one woman, who trusted her partner’s haircutting skills and let him come at her with his electric razor.

For reasons unknown, Amyleigh Weaver felt ‘very confident’ in his ability despite him not having any prior experience.

The 21-year-old from Halifax, Yorkshire, told construction worker boyfriend Francis Plaka, 20, exactly what to do.

After whipping out an electric razor, Francis got to work on her fringe.

Amyleigh, a self-taught makeup artist, did not realise how badly the trim had gone until she looked in the mirror.

What she was left with was a style that resembles Jim Carrey’s iconic character Llloyd from Dumb and Dumber.

Woman with bad haircut
Oh dear (Picture: Caters/Amyleigh Weaver)

She’s just hoping it grows out soon.

‘I’ve just moved to the area so I didn’t know where I should get my hair done,’ explained Amyleigh.

‘But my hair was getting long so I knew something had to be done. I only wanted my fringe done, so I decided that my boyfriend should cut my fringe until I could go to a proper hairdresser.

‘This was the first time he ever cut my hair. He seemed very confident in doing so and I trusted him.

‘He got the electric razor and then started to cut away. I told him what to do and I let him get on with it.’

When he finished, Francis’ face said it all.

Amyleigh added: ‘After he was done, he just looked at me and said sorry.

‘I ran to the bathroom mirror where I realised everything had gone wrong. I went mental when I saw my fringe.’

Amyleigh said she has decided just to laugh about it and treat it as a lesson to never let Francis touch her hair again.

Scene from Dumb and Dumber
Remind you of anyone? (Picture: Rex Features)

And despite what happened, the couple, who have been together for a year and also live together, are still going strong.

She said: ‘I went mental at first but then I just started laughing. I gave myself a good laugh though, it is hard not to see the funny side of it.

‘He felt really guilty about it. I regret letting him do it, but at the end of the day it is just hair and it will grow out.

‘I would not recommend any other girls let their boyfriend cut their hair, as it will probably all go wrong unless he is a hairdresser.’


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