The reviews for Lynx Africa prove why it’s still the best Christmas present you can get

lynx africa
The true spirit of Christmas (Picture: Ebay/

As you emerge from your post-lunch nap and venture outside, your nose will be greeted with the scent of Christmas: Also known as the spicy and alluring smell of Lynx Africa.

Since its launch in 1995, Lynx Africa has gone from every teenage boy’s weapon against hormonal angst and sweat to the sophisticated British man’s quintessential Christmas gift.

If you’re a man in the UK and you haven’t unwrapped a Lynx Africa gift set, complete with the spray and shower gel for maximum layers of warm, spicy aromas, we’re sorry, but your nan/aunt/mystery relative doesn’t love you. It’s just a fact.

This morning ‘Lynx Africa’ was a trending topic on Twitter. The internet is filled with photos of people showing off their Lynx Africa hauls for the day.

Shockingly, some men have claimed to be ‘disappointed’ to receive Lynx Africa, also known as the greatest gift on earth and a festive tradition more important than a clementine in a stocking.

There are even tweets mentioning Lynx Africa alongside #RuinedChristmas and memes with people suggesting it’ll be difficult to feign excitement after unwrapping their fourth Lynx Africa gift set of the day.

What are you on about, lads? You won’t need to fake joy for this ‘sophisticated everyday fragrance for men’!

We’re sure we don’t need to list the many wonderful things about Lynx Africa, but we’ll do a brief recap:

Reasons to appreciate Lynx Africa:

  • It’s a woman magnet. Remember those adverts showing women flocking to any man who liberally spritzed themselves with the stuff? They were 100% scientifically accurate. Incels? Not with this fragrance, pal
  • It’s a time machine. What other scent so quickly transports you back to year 10 maths, or those heady days spent updating your MSN status with carefully selected lyrics in the hopes your friend’s sister will notice you?
  • It’s far cheaper than most colognes, and probably just as good. As well as only costing £7 for a box of spray and shower gel, it’s a truth universally acknowledged that Lynx is extremely pungent – so you really get your money’s worth
  • It’s the spirit of Christmas. Christmas won’t be Christmas without any Lynx Africa – so said Jo in Little Women, we think. The song, All I Want For Christmas Is You? Released one year before the launch of Lynx Africa but clearly predicting an enduring must-have.

But if all that doesn’t convince you to be grateful for your Lynx Africa set, or persuade you to run out and buy yourself a pack in the Boxing Day sales, we’re sure our roundup of glowing reviews from Amazon, Boots, and Superdrug will do the trick. Enjoy.

‘Like millions of men across Britain who get this gift set on an annual basis, I still struggle to contain the shear level of excitement brimming within me as I tear open the wrapping paper and see that iconic green colouring and the word LYNX staring up at me, reminding myself and all of British mankind the joys of being an adult male during the festive season. Thoughtful, creative, all the things an ideal gift should be. Forget PS4 games, Vinyl Records, or even a bottle of their favourite cologne. Show the man/men in your life just how much you value them and grab them a Lynx Africa Gift Set. Also makes an absolutely fantastic birthday present.’


‘My son swears this is a ‘ladies’ magnet. I don’t know if young women’s noses are desensitised, but I find that it nearly suffocates me even when he sprays just a small amount on – and I mean serious… Tingling lips, the lot for days..Use with care. As far as I am concerned it should be banned.’

‘It is ok.’

‘Bought as present so haven’t smelled.’

‘I think this is amazing reminds me of Pakistan back in 1964.’

‘What can I say, this trusty product has the ladies queuing just like 10 years ago.’

‘I would probably only use Lynx Africa if I was to got to a 90’s or 00’s theme party.’

‘It’s helped to stir some of my youthful memories from the past. All that from one can of fragrance. Incredible.’

‘It’s got a sort of musky fruit smell very very tasty.I spray everyday before work still smell fresh as when I leave and I’m always complimented on how good I smell.Top stuff Lynx!’

‘Wow. It actually worked. Grill said I smelt good. Wow I was surprised.’

‘I think Lynx Africa is genuinely the best smelling bodyspray I have ever used. It has a spicy and woody aroma to it that is very deep and has great staying power. It is a very warm scent and induces an almost “bear-hug” like feeling once applied and you smell yourself. I tend to use it not just to spray my body, but also to spray my clothes so it works almost as an EDT and Lynx Africa lasts for hours. In one day at work in the office I had compliments from four people asking what I was wearing, so I am in the “Lynx Effect”. The spray lids are very well designed and easy to use so even with wet hands after getting out the shower or having a wash you can still turn the top to unlock the spray action. The can seems to last a very long time too, (I’ve always been an overuser of smellies) but with this being quite a strong scent, you don’t need as much of it as some others i have tried. All in all i would give Lynx Africa a solid 5 out of 5, due to the scent power and length of time it lasts once applied.’

‘I want to smell good all the time but, as a 26-year-old professional that cares what others think, I wouldn’t be caught dead at work, out with friends or on a date wearing Lynx Africa. Its popularity through its grown-up transformational powers is also its undoing.’

‘As it is the winter season I cannot fully say if it will be good in moist conditions, as when I come back from work already the deodorant smell has become less strong. However, you can just spray it again if you like then it will last for another few hours.’

‘I can’t comment on whether women rise off the ground and float toward you when you’re wearing this as I very rarely go out but I did feel that my natural body odor was being masked by this.’

This article was not sponsored by Lynx Africa, to be clear. It’s simply an appropriate response to the festive spirit that the wafting scent of Lynx Africa brings. Merry Christmas, one and all. 

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