Rescued ducklings saved from slaughter become best friends with Yorkshire Terrier

Boris Bozhinov with his duck on one side, the ducklings chasing the dog on the other
The little cuties (Picture: SWNS/Cambridge)

Prepare yourselves for cuteness in the form of adorable animals (the best kind, really).

One day, as he was walking down the street, Boris Bozhinov spotted two beautiful little ducklings wandering about on their own outside a duck meat farm in Pavlikeni, Bulgaria.

The baby chicks had been abandoned, which, according to Boris, often happens to female ducklings – as their meat isn’t seen as ‘valuable’ on the meat farm.

But this turned out to be a blessing in disguise for the sweet animals, who escaped death when the 36-year-old TV producer, who was working in the area at the time, found them.

‘I was working in this town called Pavlikeni when I saw these sweet little ducklings all alone on the street,’ said Boris.

‘There is a duck meat farm just near there and at the farm they keep only the male ducklings, because they grow bigger than females so only the males’ meat is valuable for them.

‘Sadly, the females are thrown out on the garbage, they’re small and vulnerable so they usually get eaten alive by predators or they die of hunger or cold on the street.’

Boris Bozhinov with Sushi the duck he rescued in Pavlikeni, Bulgaria
Boris with his pet duck Shushi (Picture: Boris Bozhinov/SWNS/Cambridge)

When he found the ducklings, Boris was on his way to work and so had to keep them in a box during his shift.

He said: ‘They were crying and were not very happy inside the box, so once I was done with work, I took them in my hands and they calmed down.’

‘I know how to handle baby ducks because of my pet Shushi. Once they felt secure, they fell asleep.’

On his route back home to Sofia, Boris cradled the ducks in his arms – so that they would feel safe and cared for during the lengthy trip, which covers 155 miles.

‘My colleague was driving the car and the ducklings slept peacefully in my arms for most of the journey,’ he added.

Boris, who lives in Sofia, the country’s capital, already has an 18-month old pet duck named Shushi living in his house.

He has been caring for the duck since she was just a few days old, and felt unable to take in two new pets.

So, he made sure they went to a loving family, which also happened to include a seven-year-old Yorkshire Terrier named Daria.

The two ducklings following Boris Bozhinov's Yorkshire Terrier
The ducklings have fallen in love with their pooch sister, seven-year-old Daria (Picture: Boris Bozhinov/SWNS Cambridge)

He said: ‘I thought about keeping them myself, but I already have a pet duck.’

Daria was a bit nervous and confused about her new, peculiar adopted siblings, but the ducklings took very well to the friendly pup.

They now follow her around as if she is their mother hen.

Boris said: ‘It was really funny to see the ducklings meet the Yorkie, we didn’t know what was going to happen, the ducklings ended up stalking Daria.

‘The dog seemed very confused. They soon got used to each other though. Daria is a very friendly dog, she is a good girl, I can confirm.’

She definitely seems like it.

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