Mum wraps son’s entire bedroom in wrapping paper and blames it on naughty elf

Mum wraps son's entire bedroom in wrapping paper and blames it on naughty elf
The prank took over five hours (Picture: CHARLOTTE PRESTON/ CATERS NEWS AGENCY)

The elves are up to their old tricks again, and seem to really love wrapping things up.

Last week, they wrapped up this man’s kitchen, which nearly ended in a divorce for the couple in question.

This week, they’ve taken on Conrad Preston’s room, using the help of his mum Charlotte.

The 27-year-old wanted to prove to eight-year-old Conrad that his two elves, Noelle and Buddy, are keeping an eye on him ahead of Santa’s visit.

Searching for creative prank ideas online, Charlotte came across one where someone had wrapped their tree up under elf orders.

The mum, from Barrowford, Lancashire, decided to step it up a level and wrap up her sons entire bedroom, in a feat that took a number of hours.

It did appear to work, though, as Conrad has promised he’ll be an absolute angel in the run-up to the big day.

Mum wraps son's entire bedroom in wrapping paper and blames it on naughty elf
Even the walls were wrapped (Picture: CHARLOTTE PRESTON/ CATERS NEWS AGENCY)

The prank, which took five hours and five rolls of wrapping paper, left Conrad shocked at the elves’ mischievous ways.

Charlotte, a receptionist, said: ‘I saw a tree covered in wrapping paper that someone had done and blamed on their elf on the shelf, so I knew I had to give it a go myself.

Mum wraps son's entire bedroom in wrapping paper and blames it on naughty elf
Conrad knows to behave now! (Picture: CHARLOTTE PRESTON/ CATERS NEWS AGENCY)

‘Because Conrad is currently having his bedroom decorated, a lot of the furniture was already out of the way, so myself and my brother decided to wrap it up.

‘It took us a total of five hours, one broken tape dispenser and cost £7 due to us using five rolls of wrapping paper.

‘I have definitely outdone myself in comparison to the other years I have done this – it was definitely the most extreme!’

Much like the couple in the previous story, we hope the paper won’t go to waste, or at the very least will get recycled. We’re sure the elves don’t look too kindly on throwing out perfectly good wrapping paper.

Are you pranking your loved ones this Christmas? Share your story at

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