Man transforms spare room into makeup station as a surprise for his girlfriend

man turns spare room into makeup station for girlfriend
Hannah’s boyfriend James worked on transforming the room into a dedicated makeup station whenever he had days off work (Picture: Hannah Moore)

When Hannah Moore, 21, and her boyfriend, James Grindy, moved into their home in the Northern Ireland in May 2019, they had plenty of space for their three dogs, three reptiles, and horse.

But there was one room that didn’t have a purpose – a spare room that sat empty with plain white walls for months.

James came up with a secret plan: to transform that boring room into a dedicated makeup station for Hannah to enjoy.

Over the course of a few weeks, James set to work, tackling the DIY job whenever he had time off from work.

He created a table, made out of the train tracks which lay in the town he grew up in, added a 5ft mirror with white beauty lights, installed shelving, and painted the walls with a custom-made shade.

Then he bought all the goodies Hannah could want to fill the space with – a professional standard hairdryer and straighteners, acrylic and gel nail sets, three makeup palettes, makeup brushes, an Amazon Echo linked to a camera downstairs so Hannah can watch the room the dogs sleep in at night, a shoe storage box, makeup storage, setting spray, beauty blenders, MAC makeup, and a Nuraphone headset.

makeup in the transformed spare room
He also treated Hannah to plenty of new makeup (Picture: Hannah Moore)

James also added some personal touches, such as an orchid on the shelf, as this was the type of flower he bought Hannah on their first date.

On Christmas Day, James finally showed Hannah the results of his hard work.

‘I had no idea that he would convert our spare room,’ Hannah told ‘I knew I wasn’t allowed in the room for a few weeks before Christmas but I just thought he was hiding a new reptile in there!

‘I used to do my makeup on the floor of our room and he was scared that I would hurt my back being hunched over.’

towels and decoration in the transformed makeup spare room
Hannah had no clue what James was up to until Christmas Day (Picture: Hannah Moore)

Hannah was blown away by the transformation, and even cried ‘about ten times’.

‘We spent Christmas morning at my dad’s house and James told me he had to take me somewhere,’ Hannah explained. ‘He said he forgot the key for the garage where my present was kept and said we had to swing by our house.

‘We arrived and he asked me to grab his shoes from the room, I opened the door and stood in complete shock and immediately started crying, he ran in behind me and I just cried and hugged him for five minutes.

The effort and the thought that has went into this has just blown my mind, he did all the decorating and wallpapering himself.

makeup station spare room transformation
He had the paint custom-made (Picture: Hannah Moore)

A few weeks ago I saw he had a burst blood vessel in his eye and was worried about him, yesterday he finally told me that he had done this trying to get the table up the stairs.’

James hasn’t revealed how much the makeover cost, but Hannah says they had a budget this year of £1,500, so it must have been under that amount.

She shared a video and photos of the transformed room online, where it was flooded with praise for James – who apparently doesn’t get the fuss.

orchid on the wall
An orchid sits on the shelf as that’s the flower James gave Hannah on their first date (Picture: Hannah Moore)

‘He honestly doesn’t know what the big deal is about, he has no idea how or why the post has gotten so much love,’ says Hannah. ‘This is just the type of person he is, he is so selfless and loving and spoils the life out of me.

‘He is so pleased that I love it and he says that’s the only important thing.

‘I thought I had won Christmas this year with a custom-built gaming PC setup but he has completely blown me away! He took me to Krakow last year for my birthday so he’s always been way too generous.

‘I can’t wait to marry this man, he is my soulmate and I love him with all my heart.

‘He treats me like a complete queen and I could never imagine a life without him.’

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