Glamorous mum with terminal cancer dresses up for every chemotherapy appointment

lisa fry dresses up for every chemotherapy appointment despite having terminal cancer
Mum of four Lisa Fry, 40, from Cheltenham, Glos, who was a Sergeant in the Army Cadet Force, was diagnosed with incurable cancer last year, just a week before giving birth to her youngest, son Jagger (Picture: Caters News)

Lisa Fry refuses to let a tough time stop her from dressing up.

The 40-year-old mum of four, from Cheltenham, has been called Britain’s most glamorous cancer patient – as she shows up for every chemotherapy session all dressed up and ready to go out.

Lisa, who was previously a sergeant in the Army Cadet Force, was diagnosed with cancer last year and has since been told it is incurable, but she’s determined to keep celebrating her love of fashion until her final days.

She says: ‘I have always been a fashion follower, I love style but I think this time around I’ve ramped it up a bit more.

‘I dress like that every single day even if it’s for doing a school run or popping to the shops. I don’t want my kids to see me being any differed to how I was before the cancer. I’m still their mum.

PIC BY CATERS NEWS (Lisa Fry, the former Sergeant in the Army Cadet Force who dresses to the nines for her chemo) Meet the woman who has been dubbed Britains most glamorous cancer patient - after showing up for every chemo session dressed as if she were on a night out. Mum of four Lisa Fry, 40, from Cheltenham, Glos, who was a Sergeant in the Army Cadet Force, was diagnosed with incurable cancer last year, just a week before giving birth to her youngest, son Jagger. And although the cancer has spread and she has been told its incurable, she decided she was going to be the same fashionista she has always been- even for chemo appointments. Lisa - who has four children, Charlie,15, Marley, 13, Woody, 11 and Jagger, 20 months, said: "I have always been a fashion follower, I love style but I think this time around Ive ramped it up a bit more. SEE CATERS COPY
Despite her condition Lisa feels amazing, which she puts down to a plant-based diet and a positive attitude (Picture: Caters News Agency)

‘I dress like that because it makes me feel good – I also get so many compliments.

‘People ask me how do you dress like that when you have four kids and cancer -I get a lot of attention and it’s really nice, it boosts me.
“All the chemo nurses are used to me now.

‘I have had a lot of positive feedback- I think I’ve got two choices really, I either sit at home, be depressed and think about the worst or I can think the most of the time that I’ve got and be happy and get on with life.

‘I’d rather grab these opportunities that come in life.’

PIC BY CATERS NEWS (Lisa Fry, the former Sergeant in the Army Cadet Force who dresses to the nines for her chemo) Meet the woman who has been dubbed Britains most glamorous cancer patient - after showing up for every chemo session dressed as if she were on a night out. Mum of four Lisa Fry, 40, from Cheltenham, Glos, who was a Sergeant in the Army Cadet Force, was diagnosed with incurable cancer last year, just a week before giving birth to her youngest, son Jagger. And although the cancer has spread and she has been told its incurable, she decided she was going to be the same fashionista she has always been- even for chemo appointments. Lisa - who has four children, Charlie,15, Marley, 13, Woody, 11 and Jagger, 20 months, said: "I have always been a fashion follower, I love style but I think this time around Ive ramped it up a bit more. SEE CATERS COPY
She dresses to the nines for every appointment (Picture: CATERS NEWS AGENCY)

Lisa was first diagnosed with stage three cancer in 2011, when she found a lump while breastfeeding. Following two years of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery, she was given the all-clear.

She went on to have more children despite being told the cancer would leave her infertile: Charlie,15, Marley, 13, Woody, 11 and Jagger, 20 months.

But then in March 2018, just one week before giving birth to her youngest son, Jagger, she was told the cancer had returned, spread to her sternum bone, and was terminal.

Lisa said: ‘It was a massive shock because previously me and my husband tried for a baby but I was told chemotherapy had destroyed my eggs and it wasn’t going to happen.

Lisa Fry, the former Sergeant in the Army Cadet Force who dresses to the nines for her chemo
She wants to show her sons that she’s still the same person despite cancer (Picture: CATERS NEWS AGENCY)

‘It was heart-breaking, I was thinking “I can’t have cancer, I’m going to have a baby in a week”.

‘I had a hard labour but thankfully he was fine.

‘I was even able to breastfeed even though I was told it wouldn’t be possible because of the surgery.

‘The day I found out was horrendous, my world just broke into a million pieces – that day still haunts me today.

‘I was thinking ‘why me’ but suddenly something clicked inside me – I decided I’m going to crack on with my life.’

Despite the devastation of the condition, Lisa says she feels great – which she puts down to her plant-based diet, exercise, and a positive attitude.

Lisa Fry, the former Sergeant in the Army Cadet Force who dresses to the nines for her chemo
She has no plans to change (Picture: CATERS NEWS AGENCY)

She plans to stay upbeat and keep dressing up to show people the power of putting on a smile. Lisa now shares her journey on Instagram, sharing photos of her hospital outfits with more than 1,000 followers.

She added: ‘Considering what I’ve got I feel healthier than I’ve ever been.

‘I’ve got four kids. I don’t have time to be ill.

‘I’m not this weak fragile thing riddled by cancer, I am really confident, sassy and feel super sexy in my own skin, I’m physically strong and mentally and really positive about the future I believe I will be here a lot longer than given.

‘I’m also looking for a real challenge to get stuck into in 2020 and I’m really excited about what opportunities come my way.’

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