Cat’s obsession with pizza, pasta, and mozzarella was actually a sign of a strange condition

Stan the cat with some of the italian foods he would eat
Stan suddenly developed a love of spaghetti, pizza, and mozzarella (Picture: MICHAEL SCOTT/MERCURY PRESS)

When tabby cat Stan started stealing bits of Italian food from his owner’s plate, Michelle Townley thought he was just being naughty.

But when the continued to show intense cravings for Italian meals such as pizza, pasta, meatballs and mozzarella, Michelle, a veterinary nurse, suspected something was seriously wrong, knowing cats wouldn’t usually eat anything slathered in tomato puree.

It turned out Michelle, 40, was correct. After taking Stan to the vet it was discovered that his sudden taste for Italian flavours was due to hyperthyroidism, a glandular disorder.

The cat’s strange eating habits may have saved his life by revealing the condition.

Stan, 15, now needs regular medication to control his unusual cravings but since beginning treatment has made a full recovery.

Michelle said: ‘Cats will often try and steal a bit of chicken here or there if it’s left for the taking, but Stan was ruining entire meals – pizzas and plates of spaghetti and meatballs.

Stan the cat with some of the italian foods he would eat) Mamma meow-a! A worried pet owner discovered her moggy had a strange condition after the cat turned up his nose at his own food - and would only eat PIZZA and PASTA. Michelle Townley, from Swindon, Wiltshire, initially thought tabby Stan was just being mischievous when he started stealing exclusively Italian fare such as pizza, meatballs and spaghetti Bolognese. But when six-dinner Stan also refused to eat his own fishy food after developing a taste for the Mediterranean meals, veterinary nurse Michelle suspected there could be a more serious health complaint at play. SEE MERCURY COPY.
Michelle knew something was wrong when Stan kept eating things covered in tomato puree (Picture: MICHAEL SCOTT/MERCURY PRESS)

‘But it wasn’t until I caught him on the kitchen counter with chunks of spaghetti in tomato sauce that I knew something was definitely wrong.

‘Normally cats wouldn’t touch anything covered in tomato, but instead Stan seemed like he was taking quite a fancy to it.’

As well as his change in eating habits, Stan was also drinking more water, becoming quite irritable and less affectionate, but most worryingly he was losing weight – despite his insatiable appetite.

When a funny quirk started to be a cause for concern, Michelle took her pet for a hypothyroidism blood test, which immediately confirmed her suspicions – Stan had an overactive thyroid.

Signs of hyperthyroidism in cats:

Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disease affecting middle-aged to older cats, where the thyroid gland produces too many hormones, often associated with increased appetite, unexplained weight loss, hyperactivity, increased heart rate and deterioration in coat quality.

The thyroid gland is a small gland located in the cat’s neck. Although relatively small, it plays a huge role in their body, making several different hormones.

These thyroid hormones influence the function of the body’s most important organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin.

Signs of hyperthyroidism in cats: 

  • weight loss
  • increased appetite
  • increased activity and restlessness
  • a matted, greasy or poor hair coat
  • a fast heart rate
  • increased water drinking
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • occasionally difficulty breathing
  • weakness

She said: ‘As a vet, I knew what signs to look out for, but even then the symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be very subtle and difficult to spot.

‘Stan’s condition meant that his thyroid was producing too many hormones, creating increased appetite, irritability, unexplained weight loss, high blood pressure and increased thirst.’

Luckily, since his diagnosis Stan is back to his usual self, cuddling and playing with Michelle’s other cat, Bob, and leaving the pizza and pasta for his owner to enjoy alone.

The moggy needs a daily treatment to keep his condition in check.

Michelle added: ‘Before, anything Stan could find he would scoff the lot, but now he lives a normal life.

‘Within two weeks of starting treatment he was back to his old self, playing, cuddling, going outside – and no longer scoffing everything he got his paws on.

‘We can leave what we want on the side now and feel safe knowing he won’t touch it – he’s back to only caring about his own cat meat meals so if we get a pizza and I fancy some more in the morning I know it will be there unscathed.’

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