Bride poses for joyful first look photos with her brother

Ashley Sedar decided to have her first look photos with her brother, Nick, who has Down's syndrome (Picture: Kelsey Gene Photography)
Ashley Sedar decided to have her first look photos with her brother, Nick, who has Down’s syndrome (Picture: Kelsey Gene Photography)

First look photoshoots – capturing the reaction to seeing a bride in her wedding gown for the first time – are always emotional.

But this one is special.

Rather than going for the traditional first look photos, which typically capture the groom’s reaction to the bride, when Ashley got married to Brian she decided to have a photoshoot with her brother, Nick Rice.

Nick has Down’s Syndrome and has always been close with his sibling – so his response to seeing Ashley ready to tie the knot was pretty beautiful. And thankfully, it was all captured on camera by Kelsey Watroba.

Photos show Nick being surprised by Ashley walking into the room in a white gown, then capture his joyful smile as he takes everything in.

Ashley Sedar decided to have her first look photos with her brother, Nick, who has Down's syndrome
First look photos are traditionally done with the groom seeing the bride for the first time, but Ashley decided she preferred to surprise Brian as she walked down the aisle (Picture: Kelsey Gene Photography)
Ashley Sedar with her brother, Nick Rice, who has Down's syndrome in first look wedding photos
The siblings were able to share a special moment before Ashley tied the knot (Picture: Kelsey Gene Photography)

The pair were able to have a personal moment before the ceremony, allowing Nick to properly congratulate the bride. He said she was ‘the most indescribable person in the world’.

Alongside taking part in this special moment, Nick also served as a groomsman for the wedding and made a beautiful speech at the wedding reception.

PERMISSION GIVEN PLEASE LINK BACK TO HER WEBSITE IN ARTICLE A bride had a 'first look' photo shoot with her brother on her wedding day, and the pictures are going viral Ashley and Brian Sedar recently got married in Geneseo, New York. As part of the wedding celebrations, Ashley Sedar decided to have a first look photo shoot with her brother, Nick Rice, who has Down syndrome and served as a groomsman for the wedding. Rice said his sister was "the most indescribable person in the world" when he saw her in her dress.
Nick was speechless at first, then told Ashley she was ‘indescribable’ (Picture: Kelsey Gene Photography)

Photographer Kelsey shared photos of the first look on Facebook, where they were quickly shared more than 14,000 times.

Kelsey wrote: ‘Ohhh my…This wedding day was extraordinary for many reasons. But possibly one of my favorite moments was the special first looked Ashley planned for her little brother, Nick.

‘Before the ceremony, these two carved out a moment to spend together.

ashley and nick rice on her wedding day
Nick also served as a groomsman and gave a speech at the wedding (Picture: Kelsey Gene Photography)
Ashley and husband brian kissing on their wedding day
Ashley with her husband, Brian (Picture: Kelsey Gene Photography)

‘And it was so special and pure. Nick had some very heartfelt thoughts to share with his sister.

‘When I tell you, that there was not a dry eye in the room… oh yes I was right along with them in tears.

‘I love that Ashley and her husband Brian chose to include moments in their day that felt right to them, even if it’s a little outside the ‘normal’ or ‘traditional’

‘It’s so important to remember that this day is about your relationship, your families, and your values. And guess what? That’s different for everyone!’

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