Strong Women: ‘I crash landed and my life changed in an instant, but I’m determined to make something of myself’

Anna Turney became a Paralympian after she suffered a serious spinal injury in a snowboarding accident – but now she’s looking for her next challenge.

‘My life changed in an instant at the age of 26,’ Anna tells

‘I was passionate about snowboarding and aspiring to compete for Team GB. My event was the boardercross category, which is where a number of competitors race down a course at the same time. During an event in Japan, I crash landed after taking a 30 foot jump.

‘The next thing I remember was coming around in hospital and being told there was a 98 per cent chance I would never walk again. I felt terrified and utterly helpless.

‘It was hard to believe it was really happening to me. I was in terrible physical pain, but that was nothing compared to having to come to terms with spending the rest of my life in a wheelchair.’

Anna Speaking
‘I want to show people, including my three-year-old, that with a little effort and focus, you can achieve whatever you want’ (Picture: Anna Turner)

Anna says that the physical challenges of having a spinal cord injury are enormous. She had to daily physiotherapy and work really hard to try and maintain a positive mental outlook.

‘The mind is very powerful but I don’t know how I would have got through everything without a supportive network around me,’ she says. ‘The medical care in Japan and here in the UK were fantastic.’

After four months in hospital, Anna moved home with her mum and younger brother, Ben, who were there for her all the way. Eventually, she got back into yoga, learned to swim again and even took up wheelchair basketball.

‘I also started working in a local primary school. That helped take my mind away from being a patient and enabled me to focus on helping others,’ she says.

‘I wouldn’t have been able to keep going mentally without my mum’s support: she helped maintain my focus on daily physio exercises.’

When Anna was in hospital, she promised herself that she would get back on the snow, and that dream gave her something to work towards.

‘A year later, I tried adaptive skiing for the first time with my older brother, Luke, and after a few initial struggles, loved it!

‘Twelve months after than I was on the British Para Alpine Development Squad. I also met Pete, who is now my husband.

‘Training my body and mind, going back to work and meeting my future husband, all helped me to realise that, no matter what, with aspirations, a good team around us and routine hard work, we can make something of ourselves and enjoy life.

‘I actually feel incredibly fortunate.’

Sport has always been a huge part of Anna’s life. Her brother Ben taught her to skateboard as a teenager and she decided to give snowboarding a go because it looked so cool. She even got a job at the Snowdome in Milton Keynes so she could practice all the time.

‘I was drawn to the speed, and adrenaline rush of snow sports, and have always loved being outdoors. The spectacular setting of the mountains enhances the experience. I also really enjoy the ethos and friendly culture of the board sports community.

Anna Turney skiing
‘When I am skiing I feel truly free’ (Picture: AP/Dmitry Lovetsky)

‘Not much has changed since the accident,’ Anna adds. ‘I love the fact that I can go anywhere on the mountain, with anyone and that I can still ski faster than most people, despite the wheelchair.

‘When I am skiing I feel truly free.’

Anna says that since her accident, training has become even more important to her. She says that being strong and fit makes her life much easier.

‘I can’t stand up, but I am independent and much of that comes with the confidence you get from learning wheelchair skills and building strength, both mental and physical,’ she says.

‘It’s like anything, the more you practice, the better you become.

‘Being fit and strong is now seen as something to which women can aspire. It is great to have been told I am a role model for girls and women.’

The toughest part of Anna’s recovery was the mental training. Overcoming her fear, anxiety and self-doubt has been one of the biggest hurdles.

‘I remember the first time I sat in a start gate after breaking my back,’ says Anna. ‘I suddenly panicked and couldn’t breathe properly. I wasn’t ready.

‘With the right preparation, however, we can all develop confidence. Daily mental training, visual imagery and positive self talk were habits I developed. If we stretch ourselves, the results are remarkable.’

Anna also loves sport because it provides an incredible support network. She also says that since the accident, she knows just how important it is to put her health first.

‘I have always loved sport, I am just better at prioritising it now that I am paralysed,’ says Anna.

‘We are not designed to sit still all the time, so exercising and stretching to develop good posture and reduce discomfort are essential parts of my daily routine. Looking after my body is more important than ever – I need to be in good working order just to get about.

When she’s not on the slopes, Anna delivers corporate coaching, training and inspirational speeches.

Strong Women

Strong Women is a weekly series that champions diversity in the world of sport and fitness.

A Sport England study found that 40% of women were avoiding physical activity due to a fear of judgement.

But, contrary to the limited images we so often see, women of any age, size, race or ability can be active and enjoy sport and fitness.

We hope that by normalising diverse depictions of women who are fit, strong and love their bodies, we will empower all women to shed their self-consciousness when it comes to getting active.

Each week we talk to women who are redefining what it means to be strong and achieving incredible things.

‘People can lose sight of their purpose at work,’ she says. ‘Hearing an inspiring story and then engaging in challenging activities with me helps teams to reflect on their own skills and attitudes as well as raising aspirations.

‘I help them work together more effectively, which in turns leads to improved results.

‘I also turned 40 this summer and made the decision to say yes to opportunities and commit to having fun.’

As part of that Anna has now started training with Team BRIT, a Motorsports company that run adapted cars which can be driven without the use of legs.

‘Some of my teammates at Warwickshire Bears wheelchair basketball did a track day around Donnington Park, it was amazing!

‘I was invited back for a women’s racing afternoon driving around Silverstone Circuit and loved it – nobody knows I’m disabled when I’m behind the wheel of the car.

‘I thoroughly recommend giving it a go, and they are looking for more drivers and sponsorship to back the first disabled women’s team worldwide.’

Anna says that mindset is an incredibly powerful tool.

‘I want to show people, including my three-year-old, that with a little effort and focus, you can achieve whatever you want.

‘Aim high, build a strong team around you and work hard. You choose your own future.’

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