Mixed Up: ‘People are shocked to learn I’m mixed-race – but you can be mixed and have dark skin’

Jeanette Nkwate has a Filipino mother and a Cameroonian father. She says people don’t expect mixed-race people to look like she does.

‘Being mixed-race but not light-skinned, I’ve received interesting reactions from people of all backgrounds,’ Jeanette tells Metro.co.uk.

‘Albeit a sweeping statement, but with white and Asian people, I typically get shock because I don’t fit into what they deem to be mixed-race.

‘While black people are often hyper-curious to figure out my heritage and quite frequently are inadvertently a little prejudiced with their statements – normally it’s something about my eyes.’

Jeanette’s dad had a really bad accident when he was younger, so his family sent him to London for treatment. Her mother was a nurse in the hospital where he was recovering.

She knows that her particular ‘mix’ is considered unusual, as many people still assume that being mixed-race always means that you are part white.

‘I know that I don’t fit into what people generally think of as mixed-race because I don’t have a light skin-tone,’ she explains.

Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk. Mixed Up Natalie Morris
‘With white and Asian people, I typically get shock because I don’t fit into what they deem to be mixed-race’ (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)

‘It annoys me that in questionnaires, being mixed-race is only presented as white and otherness. I always opt for “mixed other”, “other” or “mixed”.

‘I also don’t see being mixed-race and being black as mutually exclusive things. I know that people like to classify others, but I identify myself as both: I’m a black woman but I’m also a mixed-race woman.’

Jeanette says that being mixed-race gives her a unique experience of life. She says she loves being able to dip into and celebrate different cultures; ‘and that’s something that I feel more comfortable doing and vocalising now, as I’m older.

Jeanette's parents
Jeanette’s parents met in a hospital where her dad was being treated and her mum was a nurse (Picture: Jeanette Nkwate)

‘I love and identify with both sides,’ she adds. ‘I would say I possibly lean slightly towards my Dad’s heritage, but only because I know that when people see my skin tone they see me as “just black”.

‘I would say that both communities are inclusive, but the black community is more immediately inclusive because they can easily identify me as one of their own.’

Jeanette says that growing up, she did feel isolated at times. There weren’t many mixed-race children where she was living, and any that she did come across where much more likely to have black and white heritage. There was no one else quite like her.

Baby Jeanette with her dad
‘I know that I don’t fit into what people generally think of as mixed-race because I don’t have a light skin-tone’ (Picture: Jeanette Nkwate)

But that wasn’t her only problem as a youngster.

‘We didn’t have as many hair products for curly hair types as we do now,’ says Jeanette. ‘So I feel like my parents just went through a trial-and-error phase of using endless products.

‘When I was really young, I had a little ‘fro because my dad was accustom to cutting my hair short – it’s common in Cameroon and other African countries for little girls, as it’s easy to manage and it’s so hot. I remember lots of people thinking I was a little boy because of my hair.

‘But generally, I feel like most of my difficulties in terms of race, have been because people were ignorant of people of colour in general, not because of me being mixed-race specifically.’

Jeanette comp
‘I remember lots of people thinking I was a little boy because of my hair’ (Pictures: Jeanette Nkwate)

Jeanette says that in some ways, she has had similar experiences to mixed-race kids who have a white parent, but she says there are specific differences with having parents who are both people of colour.

‘It’s not completely foreign for my mum to be on the receiving end of micro- and macro-aggressions,’ she explains.

‘Colourism also plays a huge role. Within both sides of my families’ communities, skin tone is still a huge conversation point.

‘Regardless of being mixed-race there was, and still is, negativity around being tanned or being darker.’

Jeanette thinks there is both a conscious and unconscious element to this kind of prejudice, but she says it always manifests in the glorification of lighter and brighter complexions. Which made growing up with darker skin hard for Jeanette at times.

Baby Jeanette
‘Regardless of being mixed-race there was, and still is, negativity around being tanned or being darker’ (Picture: Jeanette Nkwate)

‘When I was younger I had a bit of complex about my skin-tone,’ she tells us. ‘I wanted to look clearly “mixed”, like Kimora Simmons or Cassie.

‘But now, I consciously work on loving my skin-tone as it is, and I try to not praise characteristics that are stereotypically “mixed-race” or overly Eurocentric – like a lighter skin-tone or loose curl patterns.

‘I try not to fetishise, and although things are slowly starting to change, mainstream and popular culture continues to under-represent people of colour and their different ranges of skin-tones.’

Jeanette says she has experienced racism throughout her life, but the form of the hostility she faces has shifted over the years. Where she used to have to deal with people being aggressive or verbally abusive, now the racism she experiences is much more covert.

‘It’s funny the things that people say when they think they are “safe”,’ explains Jeanette. ‘I’ve had a lot of people be racist about Asian people around me, without knowing that I’m Asian.

‘No one has ever explicitly called me the n-word, but I’ve been called p*** many times.

‘I used to feel scared about calling people out, but now I feel less scared about making people feel uncomfortable about their ignorance.’

Jeanette has created this confidence by developing resilience over her lifetime, but she thinks it also stems from her access to a larger pool of cultural references.

‘I love that I can draw from different cultures,’ she says. ‘I think that it makes me see more perspectives and that is definitely a unique experience.

‘I wish that people understood that being mixed-race isn’t a binary thing.

‘It covers a whole spectrum and being part of different cultures is definitely something to be celebrated, but it’s not better than being from one culture.’

Mixed Up

Being mixed-race is so much more than just black and white (Pictures: Jerry Syder)

Mixed Up is our weekly series that gets to the heart of what it means to be mixed-race in the UK today.

Going beyond discussions of divided identity, this series takes a look at the unique joys, privileges and complexities that come with being mixed-race - across of variety of different contexts.

The mixed-race population is the UK's fastest-growing ethnic group, and yet there is still so much more to understand about the varied lived experiences of individuals within this hugely heterogenous group.

Each week we speak to the people who know exactly how it feels to navigate this inbetween space.

MORE: Mixed Up: ‘Being mixed-race is the loneliest group – no one can ever truly reflect our experiences’

MORE: Mixed Up: ‘My daughter’s teacher recoiled when I tried to take her because I don’t look like her’

MORE: Mixed Up: ‘Being stopped and searched by police taught me to identify as black’

source https://metro.co.uk/2019/11/20/mixed-up-yes-you-can-be-mixed-race-with-dark-skin-there-isnt-one-way-to-be-mixed-11177346/
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