Man reveals how testosterone deficiency caused ‘brain fog’ and put a strain on his marriage

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Testosterone deficiency is really common – but there is still a lot of stigma (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Around one in 20 men over the age of 40 have low levels of testosterone – but it isn’t being talked about.

Because of limited social understandings of gender, testosterone has become so intrinsically wrapped up with the concept of ‘masculinity’ that there is shame attached if you don’t have enough of the stuff in your body.

Which is ridiculous. Testosterone is just a hormone, nothing more. It is the primary sex hormone in men and testosterone deficiency (TD) can cause a whole range of problems – so it’s important that men are able to talk about this common health issue and help remove the stigma.

Peter* began experiencing symptoms in his early 40s. He was constantly lethargic, with physical tiredness and mental fatigue.

Peter has a high powered job in the city and enjoys doing martial arts in his spare time, but he started to feel as if he no longer wanted to take part because of a sudden lack of willpower.

He began to feel like a stranger in his job and was less engaged with the work than before leaving him feeling lonely and isolated and ‘like a fraud.’ He also felt the symptoms of TD had an impact on his marriage, as his low mood and lack of willpower put a strain on his relationship.

‘I found it increasingly difficult to concentrate and even the simplest tasks like household chores, seemed like insurmountable problems,’ says Peter.

‘No amount of rest or sleep seemed to help and changes in my diet had no effect. I would eat constantly to try to gain energy and so began to put on extra weight.’

The consensus from different doctors he consulted was that he was healthy in all other respects, so stress might be the underlying cause. Peter was told to focus on stress management techniques and dietary control.

Doctors also recommended different diets, for example more magnesium, but nothing he tried had any impact on his persistent symptoms.

‘Whilst I certainly did have a stressful job, I was not convinced that was the issues, and I resigned myself to my condition,’ Peter tells us.

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‘No amount of rest or sleep seemed to help and changes in my diet had no effect’ (Picture: Ella Byworth for

‘I looked on in envy at friends and colleagues who would spend their weekends doing fun things, hobbies and sports, while I would be in zombie-mode doing very little and desperately trying to recharge my batteries before the working week began again.’

Some professionals even suggested that his symptoms were simply the sign of Peter being an ‘introvert,’ but that didn’t explain the recent onset of his condition.

Stranger still, Peter’s son James* was experiencing similar symptoms and had previously been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. However, he had started to research around the subject of testosterone.

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency

  • Testosterone deficiency (TD) or hypogonadism is a condition where the testes produce few or no hormones
  • The symptoms may occur quickly or gradually, sometimes taking years to become noticeable
  • Common symptoms include:
    • Fatigue
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Low sexual desire (low libido)
    • Lack of physical strength
    • Loss of muscle mass
    • Weight gain
  • Other signs:
    • Loss of body, facial and pubic hair
    • Increased breast tissue (gynaescomastia)
    • Small testicles
    • Increased BMI/body fat (body mass index)

Symptom checker website for patients:

  • Provides symptom checker so men can tick-off of the symptoms they may be experiencing and print off results to speak with a doctor
  • Offers background information on the condition for patients

Peter and James went to a private practice together where they were diagnosed with TD at the same time and prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

‘I was very skeptical,’ admits Peter, ‘but after consulting a specialist GP, it was diagnosed that my testosterone levels were extremely low and that could be the cause of my symptoms.

‘The doctor suggested a course of testosterone replacement therapy. I was shocked and a little concerned. I thought only bodybuilders took this and did not realise at the time that it was a natural hormone produced by the body that simply diminished with age.’

Peter life was almost instantly transformed by the treatment. He said it has had a positive effect on his character, happiness and confidence levels.

He feels more energetic and more engaged in his work, relishing the challenges of new projects in his chief executive position.

‘It was as if my brain fog had cleared and I could concentrate with ease and face any problem no matter how big or small. I now have energy levels I could only dream of previously. I even attend the gym regularly and this is increasing my health and well being and I am losing weight.

‘When I stop taking the testosterone replacement therapy the symptoms return so I would never be without my medication.’

Peter does however feel that there are still negative assumptions around testosterone and its usage. He says the connotations around the word testosterone – being associated with steroids and excessive gym use – are misleading.

He wants people to understand that that testosterone is just a natural hormone that men produce less of as they get older.

‘The stigma exists and needs to be addressed so that more people in my situation can experience the life-changing benefits of getting treatment.’

Who is most at risk of TD?

  • It is estimated that up to 5% of men over 40 suffer from low testosterone – although many may remain undiagnosed
  • Men can develop low testosterone for a number of reasons, although sometimes the specific cause is unknown
  • It can occur later in life (40s-50s+)  and can also affect men who are obese or have type 2 diabetes
  • Men with cardiovascular problems may also be at risk of developing testosterone deficiency

Research has found that less than a quarter (22%) of men over the age of 55 would talk to their partner if they were experiencing the symptoms of testosterone deficiency.

Men are more likely to head straight to the doctor to sort out ‘bedroom issues’ like erectile dysfunction and low libido, but are much less likely to seek help for other testosterone deficiency symptoms like mood changes/depression and reduced strength.

‘Testosterone deficiency or hypogonadism is a potentially serious condition where the body is unable to produce enough levels of testosterone, which can negatively impact sexual performance, emotional well-being and physical strength. It is currently underdiagnosed,’ says sexual medicine expert Dr Kam Mann, from University Hospital Southampton.

‘It is important that men recognise the symptoms of testosterone deficiency, such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, reduced strength, tiredness, lack of concentration and low mood, and don’t simply mistake them for signs of ageing.

‘Men with testosterone deficiency may unknowingly be suffering in silence and it is important that more is done to encourage men to seek medical advice for a formal assessment.’

As part of the campaign to boost awareness and get men talking, awareness initiative Tackle TD has enlisted football pundit Chris Kamara to produce a special video highlighting the symptoms.

‘It’s great to be involved with a campaign that is encouraging men to stop putting their health on the sidelines and go and speak to a GP if they have health concerns, for example, symptoms of testosterone deficiency,’ said Chris.

‘In truth, before supporting the campaign I knew little about the condition or how it can seriously affect men.

‘I am now aware of the major impact it can have on a man’s quality of life, affecting relationships, mental health, work and hobbies, amongst other things, so it’s very important to recognise the symptoms and address it as soon as possible.’

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