Bride with terminal cancer had arm amputated to give her enough time to get married

Shannon Lynch on her wedding day to Ashley just months before her terminal cancer is expected to end her life. See SWNS story SWOCwedding. A brave bride with cancer bought herself more time to find and marry the man of her dreams - by having her arm amputated. Shannon Lynch, now 21, has battled a rare cancer in her elbow for the last six years and had her arm amputated in 2017 to stem the progress of the disease. But it returned earlier this year and was terminal - doctors gave her just a year to live. However the operation had bought her enough precious time to meet Ashley, 18, and walk down the aisle before the cancer claims her life.
Shannon was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer after noticing a lump in her elbow (Picture: Shannon Lynch / SWNS)

When Shannon Lynch, 21, was told that the rare cancer in her elbow was terminal, she knew she would do anything to buy herself more time.

In 2017 she had her arm amputated, giving her enough time to marry Ashley, 18.

Shannon said: ‘My wedding day meant everything to me, and it’s lovely to be able to show the world that I’m devoted to the one I love for the rest of my life.

‘It doesn’t matter how long I have with him, as long as I’m with him and we are happy.

‘Married life is better than I ever thought it could be, it’s better than people say it is, I’m always happy when I’m with him.

‘We are trying to make memories together but it’s hard at the same time because I can get ill and tired very quickly.’

Shannon’s battle with cancer began when she was just 15, when she visited a doctor to ask about a lump in her right elbow. Doctors initially dismissed the issue as tennis elbow, but after the lump grew bigger and more painful she was sent for an ultrasound, blood test, and biopsy.

Shannon Lynch on her wedding day to Ashley just months before her terminal cancer is expected to end her life. See SWNS story SWOCwedding. A brave bride with cancer bought herself more time to find and marry the man of her dreams - by having her arm amputated. Shannon Lynch, now 21, has battled a rare cancer in her elbow for the last six years and had her arm amputated in 2017 to stem the progress of the disease. But it returned earlier this year and was terminal - doctors gave her just a year to live. However the operation had bought her enough precious time to meet Ashley, 18, and walk down the aisle before the cancer claims her life.
Having her arm amputated extended Shannon’s life long enough for her to marry Ashley (Picture: Shannon Lynch / SWNS)

In July 2013, Shannon was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma – a rare type of cancer that affects soft tissues.

The teenager underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment before having an operation in March 2014 to remove the lump.

Shannon said: ‘I didn’t feel as scared as you’d expect when they said it was cancer – I just knew the most important thing was to fight and that I would conquer everything standing in my way.

‘It was just a case of whatever would happen, would happen.

‘I felt bad as my mum was forced to come with me because of my age and she missed out seeing the rest of my family.

‘I hated the chemotherapy but I had no choice. I just felt weak and ill all the time, it just drains the energy from you.’

Shannon Lynch on her wedding day to Ashley just months before her terminal cancer is expected to end her life. See SWNS story SWOCwedding. A brave bride with cancer bought herself more time to find and marry the man of her dreams - by having her arm amputated. Shannon Lynch, now 21, has battled a rare cancer in her elbow for the last six years and had her arm amputated in 2017 to stem the progress of the disease. But it returned earlier this year and was terminal - doctors gave her just a year to live. However the operation had bought her enough precious time to meet Ashley, 18, and walk down the aisle before the cancer claims her life.
They’re now making the most of the short time they have together (Picture: Shannon Lynch / SWNS)

Shannon had checkups every three months to make sure the cancer hadn’t returned, but in July 2017 another lump appeared – the cancer had returned in the form of a grade 3 sarcoma.

In order to stop the cancer from spreading further and allow Shannon to live as long as possible, she would need to have her right arm amputated.

In August 2017 Shannon went through surgery and began to adjust to having just one arm.

Then in December 2018, Shannon started talking to Ashley, a friend of her brother. They chatted every day after connecting online through Xbox Live, then instantly fell in love when they met in real life.

But after just a few months of dating, Shannon discovered her lungs were filling with blood due to three tumours. Doctors told her the cancer had returned – and this time it was terminal.

Shannon was told she had less than a year to live.

Shannon said: ‘My whole world turned upside down. I was terrified as I know how hard it is to treat lung cancers.

Shannon Lynch on her wedding day to Ashley just months before her terminal cancer is expected to end her life. See SWNS story SWOCwedding. A brave bride with cancer bought herself more time to find and marry the man of her dreams - by having her arm amputated. Shannon Lynch, now 21, has battled a rare cancer in her elbow for the last six years and had her arm amputated in 2017 to stem the progress of the disease. But it returned earlier this year and was terminal - doctors gave her just a year to live. However the operation had bought her enough precious time to meet Ashley, 18, and walk down the aisle before the cancer claims her life.
Shannon is undergoing chemotherapy in the hopes of extending her life (Picture: Shannon Lynch / SWNS)

‘When they told me I had less than a year to live, I was shocked as I thought I would have longer than that.

‘The doctors said that chemotherapy would give me extra time here, but it wouldn’t save me, which was heartbreaking to hear.’

A month later, Ashley proposed.

‘We were at home when Ashley came over to me with one hand hidden behind his back,’ said Shannon.

‘He said that he wanted to be with me for the rest of his life and then he got down on one knee and asked me if I wanted to marry him.

‘I said yes and was desperately trying not to cry – I couldn’t believe it, I was just so excited for our future together.’

Had Shannon not had her arm amputated, it’s thought the tumours would have appeared in her lungs too quickly for her even meet Ashley, let alone marry him.

Shannon Lynch on her wedding day to Ashley just months before her terminal cancer is expected to end her life. See SWNS story SWOCwedding. A brave bride with cancer bought herself more time to find and marry the man of her dreams - by having her arm amputated. Shannon Lynch, now 21, has battled a rare cancer in her elbow for the last six years and had her arm amputated in 2017 to stem the progress of the disease. But it returned earlier this year and was terminal - doctors gave her just a year to live. However the operation had bought her enough precious time to meet Ashley, 18, and walk down the aisle before the cancer claims her life.
‘I’ve come to terms with it’ (Picture: Shannon Lynch / SWNS)

The couple tied the knot on 26 October 2019 in front of 100 friends and family members. Since then they have settled into married life and are making the most of the short time they have together.

Shannon is currently going through chemotherapy to extend her time with her new husband.

Shannon said: ‘I am happy for all the time I get with my husband, my family and my friends.

‘Ashley and I haven’t really spoken about the future as we would rather forget that I’m going to die soon and think about it when I get to that stage.

‘It is difficult for Ashley but he understands and is grateful for all the time we do get together.

‘He told me that he is terrified that every morning he wakes up, I could have gone in the night.

‘I’ve come to terms with it now – whatever happens, happens. I can’t choose how long I can live for, I’m just grateful for the time I do get.’

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